Lets keep it simple!


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I have noticed that alot of the posts around here are getting really complicated and in depth, as teenagers it is natural for us to feel easily distracted, so dont worry if you do. For the conveniance of some new guys who are having trouble getting started and if you dont want to read the bible, you just want to get the basics down first, then my friend i think i can help you with these sources.

Smooth as anything - From the beginning to the very end.
This is a good first post to read because it makes you realise some major things in their simplest form. Good work smooth.

BBB - The man - Part I
This post helps give you a little push in the general direction, kept simple also. :) Part 2 is a good read also but its a little more complicated.

Nocturnal's Guide to Improvement
This is my facourite self improvement guide, there are others, they are all pretty good.

BBB - Im winning
Another inspirational piece by BBB.

Melder - Scottish Charm
My favourite one on charisma, i wish there was more about charisma on these forums.

Dbot on HS success
This has complicated things kept simple, i believe this is just the right attitude and way of looking at things to have while at school, remember dont base your life on this kinda stuff because once you leave school it wont work as well, you have to improve yourself as well.

A post by Kaizen
This ones a good one.

There will be more added in a following post but that should be enough to get you started.

Try get the things in these posts down pat before you go onto more difficult things.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score

This needs to be made a "sticky" thread.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I am honored :D