Let's keep hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity and paranoia alive for 2015!

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Jan 12, 2015
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Why should we DJ's even bother giving up hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity and paranoia in 2015? After all we've been learning how all chicks are like "X" here. It can't be that "X" could apply to any human in general even though we like to make general blanket statements of proof.

We as DJs need to protect our egos at all costs. Especially when it comes to the same chicks we don't rely on in the first place since we're playerdj's.

IMO we haven't even fully convinced ourselves of all the evil chicks do with all the massive amounts of daily evidence that's been posted for years just yet. We STILL need more doses of reality seeing as we continue to need more proof of this with daily articles/topics posted by various members while disagreeing on every bit of minutiae of every interaction we may or may not even have with chicks even if it's made up scenario in our mind at the times.

I propose more hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity, and paranoia for 2015 in hopes that we actually truly convince ourselves of everything we've talked about on here for years that doesn't work anyway with chicks since they all are branch swinging, hypergamous, AW's who will use us all and discard us like the hopeless real men we are.

After all why bother?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Not this sh!t again.

hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity and paranoia
Fvcks sake you're a drama queen NN.

I'm just going to throw a theory out there and I could be way off but here it is:

Could your obsession (and it is an obsession, you've literally been doing the same thing for years) be a way you build up your own ego and moral preen to make yourself feeeel better?

Hear me out. Vice makes his "You all don't lurrrrve the women as much me as me coz yall use the meany words when you talk about chicks" posts as a way to moral preen and boost his own ego. Could these endless posts and accounts you make lamenting the big bad manosphere be your way of doing what Vice does? The adrenaline rush from taking a position of faux moral authority and grandstanding.The "edginess" you perceive within your character from continual bannings which reinforces this crusade you've conjured up within your own mind?

How close am I ?


May 17, 2013
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America is best
TheProphet said:
Why should we DJ's even bother giving up hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity and paranoia in 2015? After all we've been learning how all chicks are like "X" here. It can't be that "X" could apply to any human in general even though we like to make general blanket statements of proof.

We as DJs need to protect our egos at all costs. Especially when it comes to the same chicks we don't rely on in the first place since we're playerdj's.

IMO we haven't even fully convinced ourselves of all the evil chicks do with all the massive amounts of daily evidence that's been posted for years just yet. We STILL need more doses of reality seeing as we continue to need more proof of this with daily articles/topics posted by various members while disagreeing on every bit of minutiae of every interaction we may or may not even have with chicks even if it's made up scenario in our mind at the times.

I propose more hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity, and paranoia for 2015 in hopes that we actually truly convince ourselves of everything we've talked about on here for years that doesn't work anyway with chicks since they all are branch swinging, hypergamous, AW's who will use us all and discard us like the hopeless real men we are.

After all why bother?
Implying that men shouldn't accept relationships are temporary. Why not just accept that the majority of women are all of the things you mentioned, and the best way to deal with that is by not caring, but knowing. The way you don't care i s by spinning plates. One of your plates was disrespectful? Lied? Slept with a another guy? Good drop her, and you still got one, two, three... more.

This information should bother you a little at first. Maybe it should shock you into change. Growing pains.

They should be feel hopeless that the blue pill is reality. They should be paranoid if they dont fix themselves they will stay afc. They should fear whats going to happen if they dont strive to be the man they want to be. They shouldnt be paranoid but they should not trust women in general but be ok with that. If you dont care about a person, they cant really hurt you in terms of a romantic relationship.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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TheProphet said:
we haven't even fully convinced ourselves of all the evil chicks do
Bahahaa so true, OP. So true.

As the manosphere says..

"Women are eeeeevil (why won't they f*ck me?)"

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
This is what happens to a beta white knight when reality hits him in the face like a brick. Reasoning seems to be a dying art these days. Few people seem willing to engage in it, as it is "hard" to do, and the answers it provides are often disappointing. When you reason, you realize there are no free ponies. When you believe like a small child, well, anything is possible (although not very likely).

So betas like you engage in belief instead, as belief gives you all sorts of fun answers, even if they are the wrong ones.

And why would anyone whine about constant "proof" of THE TRUTH? Unless they want to live in lala fantasy land where Santa exists and its considered "alpha" to suck your thumb and cry during chick flicks.


Jan 12, 2015
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Poon King said:
This is what happens to a beta white knight when reality hits him in the face like a brick. Reasoning seems to be a dying art these days. Few people seem willing to engage in it, as it is "hard" to do, and the answers it provides are often disappointing. When you reason, you realize there are no free ponies. When you believe like a small child, well, anything is possible (although not very likely).

So betas like you engage in belief instead, as belief gives you all sorts of fun answers, even if they are the wrong ones.

And why would anyone whine about constant "proof" of THE TRUTH? Unless they want to live in lala fantasy land where Santa exists and its considered "alpha" to suck your thumb and cry during chick flicks.
Awwww. My biggest fan has taken time out from spreading his truths to let his feeeeelz flow like a tween girl watching the Notebook. :flowers: :D

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
TheProphet said:
Awwww. My biggest fan has taken time out from spreading his truths to let his feeeeelz flow like a tween girl watching the Notebook. :flowers: :D
Yeah it doesn't really work when you do it NN. Considering you and our zarky are generally the only ones here continually using oddly out of place and over emotional words in an attempt to bring out said feeeeelz. It's called congruence my strange little friend.

TheProphet said:
hopelessness, fear, loathing, negativity and paranoia
Can you feeeel all those emotions? .......and if you don't NN will bash it in to you until you do :crazy:


Jan 12, 2015
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Yeah it doesn't really work when you do it NN. Considering you and our zarky are generally the only ones here continually using oddly out of place and over emotional words in an attempt to bring out said feeeeelz. It's called congruence my strange little friend.

Can you feeeel all those emotions? .......and if you don't NN will bash it in to you until you do :crazy:
Yet you couldn't restrain your own feeeelz from replying. :crackup:

Take your own advice and put me on ignore if you don't "feeeelz" what I'm posting. :kick:


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Bahahaa so true, OP. So true.

As the manosphere says..

"Women are eeeeevil (why won't they f*ck me?)"
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I made a thread on another forum recently, and I was surprised just how many men are not getting laid often or have a very low partner count. My own count I assumed was average but maybe its high. But after reading a few threads online and then going over studies of what men say is their average partner count (under 10), its clear sex is tough for some dude.

Hence a lot of dudes in the manosphere being sexually frustrated.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Jaylan said:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I made a thread on another forum recently, and I was surprised just how many men are not getting laid often or have a very low partner count. My own count I assumed was average but maybe its high. But after reading a few threads online and then going over studies of what men say is their average partner count (under 10), its clear sex is tough for some dude.

Hence a lot of dudes in the manosphere being sexually frustrated.
There are two schools of thought.

1. Getting sex is easy.

2. Getting sex is extremely difficult.

Both schools of thought are correct. It depends on the guy and his individual experiences.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Jaylan said:
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I made a thread on another forum recently, and I was surprised just how many men are not getting laid often or have a very low partner count. My own count I assumed was average but maybe its high. But after reading a few threads online and then going over studies of what men say is their average partner count (under 10), its clear sex is tough for some dude.

Hence a lot of dudes in the manosphere being sexually frustrated.
I doubt just because a guy can get laid easily means that he doesnt follow, support, or agree with the manosphere at all.

But its fagg0ts like you who try to preach equality between men and women, or shame men for being mean to the poor, innocent, women.

If you were a logical human being, you would not preach that nonsense. You should be preaching men to just not take women seriously, and to not trust them..

But you are a liberal jimmy fagg0t.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
^Still homeless and mooching off people's WiFi? Or are you still a flaming loser who's not getting laid? Since you love the word faggot so much, you might wanna consider an orientation change so you'll get laid for once. Clearly the women aren't beating your door down.

Stay angry bro.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Zarky said:
"Women are eeeeevil (why won't they f*ck me?)"
Because you are on your period.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
^Still homeless and mooching off people's WiFi? Or are you still a flaming loser who's not getting laid? Since you love the word faggot so much, you might wanna consider an orientation change so you'll get laid for once. Clearly the women aren't beating your door down.

Stay angry bro.
A lot of projection in this answer.

Lots of beta anger and defensiveness too. Its becoming increasingly clear that all this weight you carry around from being in the closet is starting to break you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Poon King said:
A lot of projection in this answer.

Lots of beta anger and defensiveness too. Its becoming increasingly clear that all this weight you carry around from being in the closet is starting to break you.
Projection? Lol not really. VK has made it known to the forum certain aspects of his life.

Beta anger and defensiveness? Lol, riiiiight. How dare I respond to hostile flaming with a less than amused tone :rolleyes:

Keep trolling buddy. Have you taken my advice yet on providing decent advice to men on this forum? Are you actually getting laid, because your posts never sound like a guy whos actually out there getting laid. Reality is that you spend your time going from thread to thread insulting people. Every thread you bounce to, its beta this or beta that. Go date a bit, live life, stop being a keyboard jockey dj guru wannabe, and quit the lame trolling.:up:

Its cute that you "kings" stand up for one another. Its odd for a king to be someone else's knight though.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Time to put a period on this useless and uncool party.

Thread closed. Clear the f**k out of here.
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