my imput:
the reason I asked is because even though I am at a point where I don't have to work if I don't want to... my mom is STILL trying to get me to go to college for 'security'... yeah... Now, I know when to keep my mouth shut, and I'm not going to argue with my mother, espcailly when I know she means well,a nd for what? I'm well off.. a hell of alot better than she is, she shouldn't be giving me financial advice, it should be the other way around, but that's neither here nor there.
it got me thinking however... how many people are actually HAPPY and moreso, what is happiness worth these days?
I can read alot of posts here, not in this post but on this board in general, and you can tell how bad some people look forward to "meeting women" or "geting out at night".. like they are trying to get away from life. I know people who stay up as late as they cn on sundays becuase they don't want monday to come. Why? So you can have a guaranteed paycheck? Why?
about 4-5 years ago, I hit a low point financially that was so low i was literarly lving out my car. it couldn't get any worse. my mom kicked me out, my grandmom's BF tried to stab me with a knife becuase he though I locked him out the house (and my grandmom kicks me out the house).. i got to a point where I had NOTHING. however, in hindsight, it was the best thing that could have ever happen to me. my parents basically casted me off, simply because I choose NOT to go to collge and be what they thought I SHOULD HAVE been. I wasn't dumb (ovbiously), I just choose a different path, and had resinement and no help anywhere along the way.
What I am getting at is, i was able to, becuase nothing was expected of me, to do (at the time) what i wanted to do.. my PC company. If I would have ahd a LTR or a kid, I probably would have still, but it would have been WAY harder. But I got to the point where it couldn't get any worse.. I had the title to my car.
Then when I sold it, again nothing was expected of me, execpt sit at home and watch TV, maybe invest here or there and live off the interest.. maybe buy some real estate... whatever. But again I choose the path less taken, and laid the groundwork for doing exactly what i want to do.
I honestly, and I'm not saying this to be funny.. but I don't know how some of you do it. I'd probably kill myself if I had to work at a job I HATED for money.. that's like whoring yourself out, unless the job had a long term purpose, like to help me pave the way to do something I DO want to do.
I was driving home yesterday and i saw this woman walking and asked did she need a ride. I have seen her before. not my cup of tea.. not ugly, just not my cup of tea. So she is trying to make small talk and I'm talkig back. She says "let me ask you a question.. Are you gay?", and when i asked why, she said 'becuase you don't act like most guys, I don't know.. Are you?".. of course I'm not.. I'm just not interested in you, and I have more interesting things to do in life. My work is my passion. I LOVE getting up in the morning.
I can honestly say that if another woman neve rlooked at me agqain, I could care less. Ovbiously i dont' have that problem, but I won't date, and if I do, whoever it is will know she is not my first love, horse racing is.
Back to the point about being broke. Even then, I could have cleaned myself up, and go work at say, alltel fixing PC's or doing networking... but to me that was taking the easy AFC way out. I'd rather die free than be a fat slave. i'd rather DIE trying to do what I feel in my heart i should be accomlishing, than to be making 300k a year being miserable, or not 100% happy. The moment I realized I didn't want to run my company anymore, I sold it.. and not a moment later. not so much that I didn't want to, but I wanted to do something else MORE.
I guess that is what makes me, or alot of makes me who I am.. I'm as stubborn as they come. If i set out to do so mething.. it will get done. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.. but I will kill myself trying. That was part of what got me with my old oneitis.. not so much HER.. but chaisng her.. I don't loose. once I stepped away I realzied this was one worth loosing.
I guess I can speak I have no kids or no wife or anything (thank god), so it was easy for me to make thoose sacrifices.