Lessons Learned from Morally Excellent HB10 Girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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1. Be yourself (if yourself is someone who has completely swallowed the red pill)
2. Once your dominance is firmly established, show appreciation for her or she will not like it. (DO NOT supplicate. That's not what I am talking about). I'm talking about complimenting her cooking, showing appreciation for physical affection, and so on. When I didn't do those things, I heard about it.
3. Don't be jealous. Be 0% jealous.
4. When she doesn't cross the line, say nothing. When she crosses the line (and disrespects you) make a HUGE deal about it until she apologizes. This requires knowing clearly in your head what is and isn't acceptable to you, as an adult man.
5. Women take a long time to warm up. They're not ready to kiss you right off the bat, oftentimes. They require a lot of patience. It pays off.

Remember this-the best women see through you like you're a plate of glass. You can't hide anything from them. That's why "game" doesn't work on them. If you're running game, they can see right through that and they immediately see you as a fake and cut off the relationship. Done.

However, you have to start somewhere, so rather than focusing on tricks that are not going to work on the best women, focus on values that, once internalized, WILL (see Pook).

That's my advice for those who want quality women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Darth said:
1. Be yourself (if yourself is someone who has completely swallowed the red pill)
2. Once your dominance is firmly established, show appreciation for her or she will not like it. (DO NOT supplicate. That's not what I am talking about). I'm talking about complimenting her cooking, showing appreciation for physical affection, and so on. When I didn't do those things, I heard about it.
3. Don't be jealous. Be 0% jealous.
4. When she doesn't cross the line, say nothing. When she crosses the line (and disrespects you) make a HUGE deal about it until she apologizes. This requires knowing clearly in your head what is and isn't acceptable to you, as an adult man.
5. Women take a long time to warm up. They're not ready to kiss you right off the bat, oftentimes. They require a lot of patience. It pays off.

Remember this-the best women see through you like you're a plate of glass. You can't hide anything from them. That's why "game" doesn't work on them. If you're running game, they can see right through that and they immediately see you as a fake and cut off the relationship. Done.

However, you have to start somewhere, so rather than focusing on tricks that are not going to work on the best women, focus on values that, once internalized, WILL (see Pook).

That's my advice for those who want quality women.
Good stuff.

Nice to see a positive posting that will actually help men.

#'s 4 and 5 will be the biggest challenges for men on these forums.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Darth said:
1. Be yourself (if yourself is someone who has completely swallowed the red pill)
2. Once your dominance is firmly established, show appreciation for her or she will not like it. (DO NOT supplicate. That's not what I am talking about). I'm talking about complimenting her cooking, showing appreciation for physical affection, and so on. When I didn't do those things, I heard about it.
3. Don't be jealous. Be 0% jealous.
4. When she doesn't cross the line, say nothing. When she crosses the line (and disrespects you) make a HUGE deal about it until she apologizes. This requires knowing clearly in your head what is and isn't acceptable to you, as an adult man.
5. Women take a long time to warm up. They're not ready to kiss you right off the bat, oftentimes. They require a lot of patience. It pays off.

Remember this-the best women see through you like you're a plate of glass. You can't hide anything from them. That's why "game" doesn't work on them. If you're running game, they can see right through that and they immediately see you as a fake and cut off the relationship. Done.

However, you have to start somewhere, so rather than focusing on tricks that are not going to work on the best women, focus on values that, once internalized, WILL (see Pook).

That's my advice for those who want quality women.
What you wrote above in red is wrong.

If that was true.. you would never hear about women who got "played" or see women crying on the sidewalk because the guy smashed her and never called again.

HOWEVER, I do agree that men should stop relying on tricks, gimmicks, games and manipulations to attract women. Such behavior lowers the man and elevates the woman. What you communicate is "My authentic self isn't good enough so I must create a facade to be worthy of you". This is called: Pathetic beta submission.

Good post overall. :up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Poon King said:
What you wrote above in red is wrong.

If that was true.. you would never hear about women who got "played" or see women crying on the sidewalk because the guy smashed her and never called again.
Certain women can get "played"-the less perceptive ones. I have a very perceptive and (in my opinion) high quality one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Game is not tricks and manipulation, when women get played they knew it all along but just play the victim afterwards to rationalize their desire for getting railed by alpha dik and so they wont be labelled a slut:

"Oh how could this happen to such an innocent princess like me! What an àsshole player!"

The only difference between the slut and the "good girl" is that the slut doesnt try and lie to herself about it, and the good girl will make you wait a bit longer before she puts out.

Game is just your natural charisma and charm, and some men have better than others. You can get better at it with experience and getting more comfortable with various social situations. When women can see that you are socially savvy and confident, they know you have value and will be attractive to other women, therefore they will be attracted to you as well.

Of course looks and money play a part in this as well, but I'll take pulling a girl because of who I am any day over how fat my wallet is or what I look like.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Fine, don't listen. See you in another 6 months.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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It took me a long long long time to actually understand #5 and ive had ALOT of dealings with women

Not understanding that rule forced me to play my hand far too early with so many beautifull women i dread to think how much sex its cost me

But you live and learn


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2015
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I dont understand the deal with #5. If they are not ready to kiss you off the bat (very rare in my experience) then why be "patient"? Id try again in less than an hour probably. And then again next date. And its always gonna work one of those first three times. If not, shes playing hard to get, but who cares? I still dont exercose a lot of patience, I just bust their balls for being weird or prudes or whatever laugh it off and try again in the next opportunity which shouldnt take long since youre keeping it light and fun.....

but maybe thats precisely what you mean by "patience"?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Not really sure what you mean by #5? Unless you mean don't go for the kiss on first meeting.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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Darth said:
once internalized
This is the whole key, IMO.

once internalized....

It's the difference between inner game and outer game. Once you internalize values - beliefs - concepts, they become a part of you. Therefore, during you dealings with women, you will not be using tricks or manipulations or games, you will just be being yourself. When she acts like a *****, and you walk the other way, it will not be a tactic, but instead be YOU walking away, because you really aren't going to put up with her ****. Whether she comes crawling back or not, is irrelevant (however you have a feeling she will ;)) but that does not matter to you, simply because you are not going to allow someone who behaves that way that into your life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: "morally excellent"

As a bud of mine says: "All women is hoes, apart from mine and yours" (it even rhymes when translated in English). But I get it, I could call a nice girl who dont go busting your balls all the time that. And yes they do exist. But cmon, everyone cheats :D

Lemme tell you a story so you can understand what to do and not to do with a universally gorgeous girl:

I lived 3 years with a girl whom every male called "perfect" (the people who understood I am not ready for such a thing warned but whatever :D). ANyway I agree with the 0% jealous thingy. I was stone cold even when I felt stang from her flirting with someone else. I am good at putting masks on. But I did it too. And I cheated. So who am I to judge people? I think this is the main reason she fell so hard for me and chased me for years like her life depended on it - the lack of jealousy, also the readiness to walk away, end it at any time. **** I lift her 2ce, ofc on the third attempt she gave up, mainly couse she had good options at arms lenghts and was standing more stadily on her feet. Its all interests, interests, interests, options, money, interests... This is life. In the end I helped her at a lowpoint although I still feel like tha bad guy. There is nothing you can do to harm a 20 y old pretty girl.

Her ex was obviously abusive and jealous and stalked her after she got tired of his **** (and me the kid got trapped in the white knight thingy ofc "She doesnt want you to call her anymore fgt 1v1 me" and all that :D). I think she became completely gorgeous at one point and fuked her whole town (she was from another city) + family problems. I didnt know about sosuave lessons back then but I acted correctly because I felt this way. I wish her well.

In the end she got tired couse I wasnt putting any effort anymore. Which brought me to the conclusion that the only basis for living together with a girl is to create offspring and love without offspring is like taking drugs. Like you get a chemical reward for achieving a pourpose but all you did was pull out 500 times and say goodbye.

I wish I didnt grow up so fast, but thats how it goes layer over layer of BS :D

Grats on your gorgeous GF, treat her right.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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Darth said:
4. When she doesn't cross the line, say nothing. When she crosses the line (and disrespects you) make a HUGE deal about it until she apologizes. This requires knowing clearly in your head what is and isn't acceptable to you, as an adult man.
So just like an emo teenager? How do you make a huge deal about it as an adult man?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
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Anyone who legitimately thinks their girl is a 10 is either a raging AFC or has pedastalised his gf to ridiculous levels.

OP can decide for himself which one it is.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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MidnightCity said:
girls on the other hand were learning everything about being social and all of its dynamics. something that has been refined with age. that is why it comes so natural for girls to seem to witty and sarcastic. their game is organic
I've noticed girls in general tend to not be witty or interesting, actually.

BeTheChange said:
Anyone who legitimately thinks their girl is a 10 is either a raging AFC or has pedastalised his gf to ridiculous levels.
Everyone has their own subjective system, but I agree with you about the 10. I've never given out a 10. Some girls have a "perfect" quality about them, but not one has the best of every quality... at least that I've seen in my lifetime. Giving out a 10 is probably less likely than winning the lottery several times back to back. There's probably no more than 5 women in the world I've seen anywhere that even get a 9+. So I'd probably rate the OP's "perfect" GF no higher than a 8.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Everyone thinks they're saying a 10...


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Op has Oneitis.

Shame his advice is reasonably sound.


New Member
May 13, 2011
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Thanks for the advice.

I agree with #1, 4 (to a certain extent) and 5.

Also being authentic and not running some stupid game bs on the higher quality chicks is totally true, from my experience anyways.