leaving a girl wanting more at a party


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
I think a lot of guys at parties are guilty of seeing a girl they like and zoning in on her and just talking to her endlessly. Therefore giving the girl way too much power and even if you have good chat, appearing desperate.

Its just occurred to me how much better it would be to talk for say 10 minutes and then make your excuses and go talk to someone else. "hey, I just saw an old friend come in the door, good talking to you." That way leaving the girl wanting more and showing that you arent fixated just on her. Which will also hopefully mean a bit of mystery.

I remembered a few years ago in college I was hitting on a girl at a party and despite things looking good at first I was just showing her way too much attention so I went to another room and did my own thing and a few hours she came through and I got her number.

I´m recently single so think will try this technique next time I´m out.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
well of course! there's really no need to try and smother a girl, no one really likes that - and she's gone to the party presumably to do more than just speak to you the whole time

all conversations have a natural arc and timeframe - its good to pay attention to this and leave at the right moment (that way it doesnt become dull, and there's always something not quite finished)


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Back in my HS party days I always did my rounds. I made it a point to talk to every girl I knew, and be introduced to some new ones. I would circle the place a couple times drinking and having a good time, focusing on body language and interest levels. I'd scope out the one with the highest IL and pay more attention to her, then seclude and fvck. Sometimes I'd get lucky and come back, circle around a bit and hit up another girl also had high interest and I'd get 2 lays in one night. On my 19th birthday I got 3, I wrote a LR about it a long time ago. But yes, make rounds my man. But also keep in mind that if you leave them unattended another guy is going to try and swoop in, keep your sh!t on lock at the same time.



Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Scars said:
Back in my HS party days I always did my rounds. I made it a point to talk to every girl I knew, and be introduced to some new ones. I would circle the place a couple times drinking and having a good time, focusing on body language and interest levels. I'd scope out the one with the highest IL and pay more attention to her, then seclude and fvck. Sometimes I'd get lucky and come back, circle around a bit and hit up another girl also had high interest and I'd get 2 lays in one night. On my 19th birthday I got 3, I wrote a LR about it a long time ago. But yes, make rounds my man. But also keep in mind that if you leave them unattended another guy is going to try and swoop in, keep your sh!t on lock at the same time.


Respect. :yes:

That's really living it up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
well i met her a girl the other day on the beach. kiss closed her. then i told her to go hang with her friends. im not trying to be mean. it was just time for her to hang with her friends and i would hang out with mine.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
another_nice_guy said:
I think a lot of guys at parties are guilty of seeing a girl they like and zoning in on her and just talking to her endlessly. Therefore giving the girl way too much power and even if you have good chat, appearing desperate.

Its just occurred to me how much better it would be to talk for say 10 minutes and then make your excuses and go talk to someone else. "hey, I just saw an old friend come in the door, good talking to you." That way leaving the girl wanting more and showing that you arent fixated just on her. Which will also hopefully mean a bit of mystery.

I remembered a few years ago in college I was hitting on a girl at a party and despite things looking good at first I was just showing her way too much attention so I went to another room and did my own thing and a few hours she came through and I got her number.

I´m recently single so think will try this technique next time I´m out.
I got a different perspective from yours bro.

I think u gotta hit the iron while it is still hot.

If you go somewhereelse to talk to other people, her attention towards

you can fade away and other guys might kick in.

So, if you are quite certain that she is interested in you then stay with her

and finally bang her man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late

keemojung said:
I got a different perspective from yours bro.

I think u gotta hit the iron while it is still hot.

If you go somewhereelse to talk to other people, her attention towards

you can fade away and other guys might kick in.

So, if you are quite certain that she is interested in you then stay with her

and finally bang her man.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
i think you do have the right idea. always leave the conversation on a high note. this will keep her wanting more. if you show a willingness to walk away, it shows confidence, and that your not just looking to get laid. talk to as many people at the party as you can. when she sees this, you are a fun, social guy, life of the party, the leader of your social circle, all attractive qualities. when you go back and re-initiate the conversation with her, her attraction levels should be higher. she should also fight for more of your attention now, and not want you to leave again. thats when you close.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
thevilittletroll said:
i think you do have the right idea. always leave the conversation on a high note. this will keep her wanting more. if you show a willingness to walk away, it shows confidence, and that your not just looking to get laid. talk to as many people at the party as you can. when she sees this, you are a fun, social guy, life of the party, the leader of your social circle, all attractive qualities. when you go back and re-initiate the conversation with her, her attraction levels should be higher. she should also fight for more of your attention now, and not want you to leave again. thats when you close.
I used to do this and u know what I fu(ked up big that night.

Her attraction towards me faded away and then some guys come in.

There is also a chance that you might not find her bcuz if her friend

wanna leave, she might leave with her like the sheep walk out the door.