Leadership 101: Why is Phil Jackson's coaching style so effective?


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
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I've been thinking about this. Phil Jackson who happens to have won 11 Nba championships is not your typical coach.

He's the Zen Master. He's very laid back, he's not an autocratic my way or the highway Bobby Knight Personality. He gives his players meditation sessions, he introduces them to Buddhist concepts like learning how to be in the moment and seizing it.

His coaching style is VERY unconventional, he's been known not to call timeouts during games when they're down by 10 or 15 or when his team is getting blown the freak out. His view - " the players got to figure it out themselves and they got to play through it."

He also allows his players to be themselves, not being in their faces all the time and gives them PLENTY of space to grow as individuals.

I've been thinking about this cause his coaching style is a far cry from my high school basketball and football coaches who was always in our faces, would yell and scream at us when we screw up and make us run laps and do suicides when weren't giving our best effort. Yet these coaches were very successful with this type of hard method.

But then again, we were just high school kids after all and high school kids need plenty of guidance so I can see why this type of autocratic method would work. Phil Jackson's coaching style is the VERY OPPOSITE of this.

Some would say that the reason for Phil Jackson's success is because he had hall of fame players like Shaq, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant all throughout his coaching career. But I disagree, Michael Jordan didn't start winning rings until Phil jackson came along and Shaq and Kobe despite their combined talents didnt win scrap and was getting their butts kicked in the playoffs year after year til the Zen Master came to the picture. When Michael Jordan first retired, Phil Jackson led a Michael Jordanless 94 Bulls to a 55 plus win season and to the second round of the playoffs.

So this guy and his coaching style is definitely not a fluke. In your opinion why is this guy's leadership/ coaching style so effective with grown ass Men? I could never see a guy like Bobby Knight or any of my high school coaches leading Michael's Bulls or Kobe's lakers to 2 to 3 championships in a row.

To me his coaching style is somewhat a breath of fresh air. Instead of being a demanding prick, hes laid back, he's calm and encouraging. He's more of your guiding mentor instead of a hard ass drill instructor always in your face, which I think contributes to his brilliance.



Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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I am not a basketball fan but I know this>

In a few cases I encountered a really good boss/couch figure, they always had sort of natural respect floating around them. You just respected them. You liked them and you wanted to do the best so they would be pleased with you. They never had the need to shout or criticize or belittle someone. They had genuine interest in your well being without pushing it down your throat.
Sure there were guys who took advantage of no whip above their heads and did the absolute minimum. The perfect coach would also address these guys and put them in line just by focusing on them - "You don't have to be here."

So I think it really works with self motivated people. Does the shouting pr1ck method work with less motivated people? Not so much. Unless the shouting is only a game and you can see that he really cares and the bad names are just for entertainment and to blunt your sensitivity....as in the army.

Overall....Shouting, controlling pr1ck method is not a method....just a huge ego of a couch/boss speaking. It ruins the act of self motivated people and brings resentment in the rest. Slavery is the least efficient style of work organization.