lazy, depressed or something else?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
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its not even 8:30 on a saturday and all I wanna do is lay around and watch a movie. I slept till god d*mned noon.

I feel like this often. Im only 22

My bro and his roomate are like walking balls of energy. Do I have to force myself to be energetic or what? I know a lot has to do with state of mind....

I cant really tell if im physically tired (I dont see how I could be I'm pretty much on the computer all day, I work out but that doesnt give me any significant boost of energy) or if Im mentally tired.


Senior Don Juan
May 21, 2009
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I feel you on this one man. I don't know if you're in school like me, but at essentially the same age I have a lot of days where even just going out to class seems like an exhausting thought. I do workout about 4-5 times per week. Sometimes it feels like a major chore, other times it gets me pretty energized.

Not sure exactly what to say - just know that it's not just you.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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man wow exacly what happened to me

came late on friday and tired
didnt have anough sleep had to wake up early on sat
whole day i was drowsy and i went to sleep at 6pm woke up 10-1am
and today im feelling **** :(
i tried exercising worked for a while and im tired again


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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Why do you want to be energetic like your friends? As long as you like yourself you are fine am I not right? You got to like yourself anyways, do you mean if they were more sleepy like you you wouldn't feel as bad? If so think about it, how can others affect your mental state, or your self esteem... unless you let it? So it could be a self esteem problem.

I sleep until 15:00 and go to sleep at about 6:00 in the morning, even more. :D I feel pretty okay most of the day...

Do you have any hobbies or something btw? And I recommend you to do Tai Chi because I think it will really help you boost up your energy if that's what you want, it makes you feel more fresh and awake, more focused... I have a book about it, i can recommend it to you if you want to. It's called Step by Step Tai Chi by Master Lam Kam Chuen, maybe you want to go and check that out. Perhaps if you had some hobbies you would be more alive. Or it could be just a psysical problem, I can't tell, but I think it's possible to figure it out... Maybe you have to drink more water or something in your diet, take vitamins or something, I dunno how to help you in that aspect tho. I don't know how much of this could be mental or psysical, I know if you put your mind to it you can change your state, but you have to have a good diet too.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
I dont want to be energetic like my friends, I want to be energetic because I dont like feeling tired all the time.

I feel old. Even when I go out sometimes, I will not be very engaging with people because my brain is fried and I feel fatigued.

There are some days I do get over this and I can talk peoples heads off. I would just like that to be more often, but I dont feel it.

I do have a buldging disc in my back and im wondering if that has had some sort of effect. I know chronic pain can lead to chronic fatigue and depression. It has been feeling better over the last several months but im not so sure I just havent gotten used to it...

Im not where I want to be financially or with my living situation right now so that could be the problem too. I usually dont feel good about doing things not work related when im not where I want to be with work, means im not working hard enough. I guess I will have to fix the problems I can and see what helps.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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I do have a buldging disc in my back and im wondering if that has had some sort of effect. I know chronic pain can lead to chronic fatigue and depression. It has been feeling better over the last several months but im not so sure I just havent gotten used to it...
If you think it might be health related you should ask your physician. If it's not the disc it could be something as simple as diet or exercise.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Chromeo said:
its not even 8:30 on a saturday and all I wanna do is lay around and watch a movie. I slept till god d*mned noon.

I feel like this often. Im only 22

My bro and his roomate are like walking balls of energy. Do I have to force myself to be energetic or what? I know a lot has to do with state of mind....

I cant really tell if im physically tired (I dont see how I could be I'm pretty much on the computer all day, I work out but that doesnt give me any significant boost of energy) or if Im mentally tired.
I feel you too, thats the problem, in order for us guys to get a girl, we have to be an extremely productive person, have a life, always have things to do. In order for a girl to get a guy, she just has to look good, born cute, be hot, she can be boring, have no life, have little or nothing to do but us guys will still accept her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Northern California
Life is work. Bouncing off the walls to having energy to talk to some, it takes effort. Life isn't easy, don't expect it to be.

You may want to see a doctor about your bulge. Like you stated earlier, you may have a link between that and your fatigue.

Push hard man. Some days are easier than others. I know what you mean. I go through it everyday. But I man the fvck up and find the energy, time, and work to keep me moving and living an eventful life. Do the same.

Good luck mate.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
I know how you feel. It seems like a fght everyday.

Diaforetikos said:
Life is work. Bouncing off the walls to having energy to talk to some, it takes effort. Life isn't easy, don't expect it to be.

You may want to see a doctor about your bulge. Like you stated earlier, you may have a link between that and your fatigue.

Push hard man. Some days are easier than others. I know what you mean. I go through it everyday. But I man the fvck up and find the energy, time, and work to keep me moving and living an eventful life. Do the same.

Good luck mate.
Is it :confused:

I always thought that life is supposed to be fun. That working and cleaning and cooking and making social connections is something adults learn to enjoy. Nobody seems to complain about it or have a hard time with it. But to me it deels like everything is a difficult chore. Is it a negative view, a depression, or is it that behind the smiles everyone is fighting every day.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
I feel you too, thats the problem, in order for us guys to get a girl, we have to be an extremely productive person, have a life, always have things to do. In order for a girl to get a guy, she just has to look good, born cute, be hot, she can be boring, have no life, have little or nothing to do but us guys will still accept her.
Life is more work for men, women are allowed to be passive, men are not


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
thats nothing. i dont work or have a car or go out ever. unless its to meet a girl off the internet or some friends or family, lol. or when i wake up at normal hours i take the dog for a walk. i woke up at 7pm today. i go to bed like 8am or sometimes hardly sleep. im pretty much a loser but i dont care... im too lazy to be alive. oh and im 28. so think about my life when ur feeling sh!tty :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
My bro and his roomate are like walking balls of energy. Do I have to force myself to be energetic or what? I know a lot has to do with state of mind....
I know exactly what you mean, I've struggled with low energy most of my life, even though I take vitamins and exercise regularly.
Have you tried drinking coffee or energy drinks? That might pick you up a bit.

The other thing I would say is I find that when I force myself to actually get up and do something it makes me feel more energetic. So I'll sit down and have a Red Bull then go do what I have to do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I've been feeling like that the last few days and I know exactly why. For me it consist of the following.

1. Pulled a 72 hour shift to meet a deadline for a client
2. Lack of exercise
3. Poor nutrition
4. Partied hard for my birthday
5. Started back smoking
6. Lack of drinking water

All of this led to a massive decrease in energy. I basically just ran dry. I did too much. It also led to a very negative mind set which is easy to get when you're tired. I spent the weekend drinking water, eating fruits and veg, taking vitamin B,b12, D and mulite vitamins and sleeping as much as possible. Today I feel a whole lot better. I'm going to the gym this afternoon and going to bed early.

Exercise, plenty of water, plenty of sleep, healthly food, no alochol or cigs, some positive meditation and give it a few days and if you still feel lethargic, consult a physician.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
it can be caused by many things.

a few tips:
*Eat enough fruits and vegetables.
*Get your blood pressure and you blood sugar level measured.
*I dont recommend to drink coffee and caffeine stuff regularly. You`ll be addicted to it ....then you will feel even more tired all the time.
*Dont sleep till noon, dont even sleep till 10.
*Head-work, stress, thinking, worrying "need" almost as much energy as working out(!). While you are surfing on the net you see a lot of advertisements and unwanted information ...not good.
*If your room is too dark that can be also a problem.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Im not really lazy throughout the day. I usually do get up before 10, usually between 8-9.

My diet is not the best and I could use to drink more water and exercise more. Joining the gym is not in the budget right now. I work out at home but I feel like I have to work harder than I should because I dont have any heavy weights. But I guess thats just an excuse, more push ups and sit ups tomorrow...

I enjoy meeting people, making business connections, job interviews ect. But I just have somewhat of a constant fatigued. Maybe its not even fatigue just lack of a spark of energy I would like to have. I'll take some aderol and feel pretty damn juiced.

could all be in my head.