Lay Report: Chin the Devirginator

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
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Holy Jesus

I've pulled off something incredible here. I ran into a girl who I had only met once before, many months ago, and for only five minutes; and by the end of the night I had taken her virginity. Here's how it went down.

Just the Usual

Another dull Saturday at the mall proved fruitless in even more ways that results could possibly expected in the first place. I got my coffee, swilled it down, and declared with unquestionable authority, "THIS SUCKS!" After cracking wise to an elderly black man about the misspelling of 'sugar' on a glass container that contained the same, I high-tailed it out of there and went to the nearby bookstore.

Testosterone Boost

Well, at this point I was still feeling down and somewhat withdrawn. What, I wondered, did I have to be excited about? Nothing at all, it certainly seemed. While I was standing in front of the bookstore smoking a loathsome cigarette to the bitter end, a gang of guidos in a daddy-funded SUV threw eggs at me, but of course, because I am so brilliant and irreplaceable, no harm befell me. The eggs splattered all around me but failed to find their target.

Royally pissed, I ran inside to buy an iced tea in a glass bottle so that if they returned I could hurl it through their windshield and teach them a ****ing lesson. Naturally, they were long gone and had no intention of returning. Satisfying my bloodlust at their own expense didn't seem to be too high on their list of priorities. Eventually I went back inside to join my friends, who as per usual were congregating in the back corner of the store. At this point my rage and wrath had been fearsomely aroused, which of course was the crucial, deciding factor in the night's success. With anger comes dominance and confidence.


Easily an 8. Very cute, quite intelligent (though obviously my inferior), and down to earth. Petite frame with huge tits and doe eyes. Also, HSE, which makes my job a ****load easier. Oh baby. For once I was in control and knew just what to do.

She and I went to the diner with Alan, who was my wing from an earlier outing, as well as some pimply AFC l337 master. w00t for him. I busted on him in a very friendly fashion until he displayed submission, the went off on various tirades which helped me display high value (e.g., my eloquence, broad range of knowledge on myriad topics, sense of humor, etc.), and of course interacted with the Mexican busboy in Spanish. Eventually, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that HBVirgin was staring at me. I allowed her to do so for a few seconds before turning to face her so I could see her look down and blush.

I introduced minor kino such as tapping her arm when making a point. This still sometimes feels unnatural but I faked it convincingly enough so that she didn't realize it was a deliberate tactic.


The cyberdork left on his own, leaving me, Alan, and HBVirgin. Alan needed a ride home but after he was dropped off it was my time to shine. I brought her off on assorted semi-criminal escapades while qualifying her and escalating kino. I also paraphrased much of what she said to me in order to build comfort and rapport.

I remembered an old post by Tyler Durden on mASF about self-qualifying body language and refused to lean in when she couldn't hear me, as well as facing away from her when she was babbling about stupid bull**** and facing just a bit towards her when her words were of consequence.

Escalation of kino was as follows, from beginning to end:

-Arm taps

-"Accidental" hand contact

-Gently pushing her in order to guide her

-"Something in your hair"

-Quick shoulder massage to relieve her nervousness about being accosted by security guards

-Picking her up and carrying her through the snow

-Arm around her while I discussed some sort of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo I pulled out of my anus hole

-"Accidental" butt touch

-Brushing against her breasts

-Full hug after catching her when she jumped down from a ledge, followed by two pecks on the cheek

-Heavy makeout session as she was about to bring me home. I kept tease-kissing her, which drove her mad. After one really intense kiss I suggested, "Why don't we pick this up someplace warm?" Off to my squallid lair we went.


It was quite a simple process. I brought her into my room and kissed her continually while fondling and gradually undressing her. I had her entirely naked and while sucking upon her GORGEOUS nipples, I headed south. Hers was the tightest vagina I had ever seen.

"Are you a virgin?" I whispered in her ear with a hint of tongue.

"Yeah," she moaned.

"All right," I told her, "I don't usually do this for anyone but I'll do it for you." I ate her ***** and fingerbanged her until she was wet and wide enough for penetration. The rest is history. She was the most incredible **** of my life, and God, what a body. Dee-lish. The fact that she was a virgin at long last gave play to my corruption fetish. ****ing amazing.

I was sure to be very kind and thank her for giving me the privilege of being her first. I also told her to tell me if I was hurting her, but she took my **** like a pro. As the sun dawned she told me she had to go home so I number closed her and saw her off, thanking her again for the honor of violating her and assuring her I would see her later in the week.


Oh, baby, what a night. I haven't felt this good since my first bag of smack some six years ago. Shower me with praise and admiration for a job well done.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
let me add some constructive criticism.
I was sure to be very kind and thank her for giving me the privilege of being her first. I also told her to tell me if I was hurting her, but she took my **** like a pro.
and she probably was, personally i wouldnt have asked her if she was (nor cared) for the simple fact, chicks lie about their past sexual relations ALWAYS, and the tightness of her cvnt isnt an indicator either.

and the other thing was , NEVER thank a chick for fvcking you(very important) your a man who knows his sh!t and his self worth, thanking is supplicating.

other than those 2 things, nice work mate.

Satan Psycho

Don Juan
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Perfect job! But I doubt that she was telling the truth about her virginity. You kinda put her on the spot with that question and she was qualifying herself. Besides isn't that kind of a dumb question since girls lose their virgity at 12 these days?
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Nice work bro! I like your writing style.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Nice work =) =)

And people stop being so pessimistic.. There are alot of virgins around.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm

And people stop being so pessimistic.. There are alot of virgins around.
its called realistic NOT pessimistic, and there aren't in todays times, unless shes under 12 or 13.

but its a moot point for the simple fact, NONE of us will ever know her true sexual history.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
You number closed her AFTER fukking her.??? that is the way to close!!! Major props to you! well done!
And I don't think she was lying about being a virgin.Why whould any girl do that anyway?

I've never heard of girl pretending to be a virgin (unless she is confronted by her parents). And can't you always tell? they all become stiff when you start going down on them..
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Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Others who know the girl are corroborating her testimony that she was a virgin.

Someone had to get it first, and it just happened to be me. Near as I can tell she's a Nice Girl who had never been the target of a PUA. Her past boyfriends were AFC's by her own description, though of course she doesn't know the term, and none of them ever got to hit it.

Besides, I have known female virgins older than her despite their being comparably attractive or in some cases even moreso. There aren't as many virgins in that demographic as there were fifty years ago, but I can tell you one thing:

Now there is one less. :D

Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Call me weird... but ****in virgins isnt much of a turn on for me

to each their own i guess

it just kinda makes me feel like an ass to inflict that kinda pain for my pleasure


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score

First off, congrats on a job well done.

Quick question, I noticed you said that you knew her from before. How did you approach her? Was she standing by herself in the bookstore or was she with her friends at the bookstore and you approached the group? Was your opener asking her a question or was it more of an observation? Just curious, your post seemed to jumped from giving a description of her to going out to dinner with her and your friend. It would be very helpful to see your tactics go from begining to end.

Thanks for reading my post!


Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Basically, everyone is friends with one another at the bookstore, and everyone typically congregates in one corner. I don't go there as often as most of them so even though most of them know me, and some are good friends of mine, HBVirgin (or should I say ex-virgin) barely knew me at all since we had only spoken once last summer. She happened to be among my friends so I didn't bother to open her specifically; I just approached the group and joined an existing conversation.

I didn't invite anyone to the diner; I merely decided to join the three others since there was nothing else to do. Basically I was just along for the ride up until the time that Alan got dropped off, after which point I decided to make it a sarge. I did, in retrospect, use some good tactics before then, but these were subconscious and not at all deliberate.

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score

Read and learn, the rest of you tools.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
i like this post.
its not just exciting, but it lays out what you did. good recap of posts that i may have forgot or big tips that i may have forgot that could be in the bible.
again, i like this post ;).
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
You are on crack!! This is a hor and not a virgin, your actions make you who you are and not your didn't know this chick and she gives you her all and she is a hb8?? What makes you so special, you don't even have a chin for crying out loud!!!

Never ask a girl if she is a virgin - if you don't want her to lie!

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
My kindest thanks to those of you who replied constructively.


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2003
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So has penthouse sued you for ripping off their letters to the editor page....:D :D :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Did she bleed by chance? I would believe the ho story who gets aroused by being ****ed by guys thinking she's a virgin.