Lay it on the line.

Crown Champion

Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
New here.

As a new poster here, I have to say that it was indeed the best place to sign up. I have to say that it honestly gives me hope.

Hope, because I have been searching for the right PUA forum for some time. I just spent some time with one the just seems to worship the Mystery Method and everything around it, although certain aspects of it CAN be bomb-ass, it doesn't teach you how to build your own character. This place has character, no filter, and pure honesty. What I love.

I'm an experienced PUA (you call it DJ here? That's odd for me, because I am actually a disc jockey) from Canada. I am 35, 6'3", and a slayer of Bethays. Ya'll have some sweet teckneek, I aint gonna lie friends.

When sarging, I like to take things to extremes. You know the saying "The bigger the lie, the easier to believe?" Well, **** lying. Lay what you are on the table for her. Remember, you're God. Who exactly do women spend two years of their life putting make-up on for? To impress Their girlfriends? I think not. If you're not being honest about your personality, when a womean gets comftorable with you she's going realize that you're running a front, and she'll accuse you her of decieving her. Even if you've signed a contract for sex, she will accuse you of slipping roofies into her appletini and putting a pen in her hand and wiggling her signature on the dotted line. Women. So typical.

Some women like the super well-kept man, while others go for the manly-man who never shaves. I fortunetly can do both, whatever it takes. She wants a guy with amanly smell< i'll go hop in the dumpster behind the Thai restaurant and roll around in the glorious debris for twenty mintues. Recognize, Sheila.

Now, I've been a DJ for ten years and when it comes to clubs, you have to pick our hunting grounds. Dancefloors are wonderful if you like crowds where you are forced to rub against man-boners and have sweaty people's shoulders hit you in the mouth. You need to get your target AWAY from the gabby loser and NNTSS NTTSS NNTSS of the sub woofers. You want to know you're interested, and need to hear whatever important bullsh*t she has to say. Full attention, full honesty. That's the real power, boys. NExt thing you know it's Handjob In The Alley Time, and your night isn't even beginning.

With honesty, comes finally sex. Sex with a woman is like booze: whether you sip in on occasion, chug it, are smitten to it or have destructive chemical addiction, when that icy tumbler of sex comes your way YOU are the one calling the shots. And those shots include doggystyle while eating pizza.

I look forward to all topics of slaying with you gentlemen.