If you want to get a better handle on what LOA is about, I suggest reading one of the Abraham Hicks books.
It's not that you imagine hot girls and they will just magically appear knocking on your door, like that movie implies.
How it works, basically, is that you set the intention 'hot girls, nothing serious' and go on with your life...then you'll get thoughts/impulses of doing things that prepare you and lead to the fulfilling of that intention (for instance, getting on a forum like this and learning about dating/sex, going to the gym etc) and then you'll match on an app or meet somewhere girls that are looking for the same thing.
There are a couple of things that might slow down the process or be working against: you having deep feelings (it's how you feel, not the words you say that matter) that you're unworthy (not tall, jacked, rich whatever) of hot girls. Or you having a deep knowing that 'hot girls, nothing serious' is not what you really are about, not on your life's plan so to speak.