Don Juan
Maybe this should be under 'Anything Else', but...
<%soapox on
I am really tired of trying to read posts that use too many abbreviations, instant messaging shorthand, pisss poor grammar and lack of punctuation.
What I'm not talking about:
1) Posts whose poster does not have English as a first language. It is completely understandable if you are not from the US/UK/Australia etc. Misspellings and grammatical errors are to be expected (just learn when someone tells you how to properly spell "definately"!)
2) Verbose posts - we can all get on a roll sometimes
3) DJ accronyms like HB, LTR, FB etc. We all know what they mean - if not, there is a link somewhere to a definition site (maybe someone could post it)
4) Probably some other noteable exceptions
What I AM talking about...
1) "posts that are all lower case with no punctuation they have random thoughts ideas flow from one topic to the next without a period comma or paragraph break in sight they are really a struggle i will more often than not skip them they usually have no merit anyway she said call me when tuesday at my work well i'm a dj an no that i should wait how long tho maybe ill call her friday what do you think peace"
(Sorry about that)
2) Lack of punctuation (pulled from #1 above)
3) IM shorthand. You are involved in a thought process that requires you and others to engage their brain in order to ask a question or make a point. Many times it is hard enough to follow what is going on, but trying to decipher childish IMspeak is just plain aggravating. "It all depends whether U 2 R whatever..."
4) Gansta and leet speak. Sheesh! It's fine to toss in a word or two, but try reading an entire recounting of last night's dialog posted by some wannabe gansta. Isn't it a chore to write like that???
soapbox off%>
It's not really that bad here, but I just read a thread that was full of all the above and it really got me going....
<%soapox on
I am really tired of trying to read posts that use too many abbreviations, instant messaging shorthand, pisss poor grammar and lack of punctuation.
What I'm not talking about:
1) Posts whose poster does not have English as a first language. It is completely understandable if you are not from the US/UK/Australia etc. Misspellings and grammatical errors are to be expected (just learn when someone tells you how to properly spell "definately"!)
2) Verbose posts - we can all get on a roll sometimes
3) DJ accronyms like HB, LTR, FB etc. We all know what they mean - if not, there is a link somewhere to a definition site (maybe someone could post it)
4) Probably some other noteable exceptions
What I AM talking about...
1) "posts that are all lower case with no punctuation they have random thoughts ideas flow from one topic to the next without a period comma or paragraph break in sight they are really a struggle i will more often than not skip them they usually have no merit anyway she said call me when tuesday at my work well i'm a dj an no that i should wait how long tho maybe ill call her friday what do you think peace"
(Sorry about that)
2) Lack of punctuation (pulled from #1 above)
3) IM shorthand. You are involved in a thought process that requires you and others to engage their brain in order to ask a question or make a point. Many times it is hard enough to follow what is going on, but trying to decipher childish IMspeak is just plain aggravating. "It all depends whether U 2 R whatever..."
4) Gansta and leet speak. Sheesh! It's fine to toss in a word or two, but try reading an entire recounting of last night's dialog posted by some wannabe gansta. Isn't it a chore to write like that???
soapbox off%>
It's not really that bad here, but I just read a thread that was full of all the above and it really got me going....