Like anything else, some guys in lairs are helpful and others are hurtful.
You have to remember guys are there for different reasons in the first place. Some are cool guys who are just coming out of a relationship that drained them of their social circle, some guys are there because they are new to the city, some guys are curious how XYZ principle is applied, and other guys are there because they have poor interpersonal skills. The guys with poor interpersonal skills (unfortunately) are seduction literalists. They hold things their favorite PUAs said to be relevant to every context and situation under the son. They think if they use poor interpersonal skills enough thousands of times the results will eventually change. Likely, what will happen instead is they will one day finally realize that they are screwing up and not do that anymore. So in a sense, they will "get better" eventually, but in the meantime they are extremely annoying to be around. Just try to steer clear of that kind, you won't change their minds with reason.