lack of motivation and drive


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
lately I just feel like I wanna do something. two years ago i used to be dedicated to video games, id go through the day laughing with my friends and talking about video games while day dreaming about the best equipment or how to buy my way up through the next skill. Yes it was chodey, but it kept me going, I'd get home and me motivated to play, talk to my online friends, laugh, and learn. Now most of my old video game friends are either extremely lazy, plain weird, or anti social, im only good friends with two of them. I stopped playing games, but i haven't been able to fill in that void. my Girl life isn't terrible, but i would say i barely talk to girls in my school maybe 2-4 girls, I've never kissed a girl ethier, i just mention this cause this is a pick up forum, but honestly i really don't give a ****.

I just want to find something that motivates, shortly after i stopped playing games i started learning Japanese, i was very motivated and would study everyday, but it died out and now my days are kind of go like this: Wake up , go to school, say random jokes, talk to friends, daydream about travelling the world or mentally masturbate about how i should approach, how my body language should be, why it should be that way, how i should handle people's opinion etc. i get home, usually do my homework, maybe try to do some language, surf random sites out of boredom, sleep, read some forums. on weekeneds i go to parties when they are there, during the day i ethier play games or bike, I dont drink or smoke, but i still go to parties even tho EVERYONE but me and my friends who dodnt go to parties drink or/and smoke.

anyways: i just feel undriven, like im just walking through life waiting for something to happen, and honestly, unlike most people, ive rarely felt this way before and i really dont like it. I know what i want, I want something that wakes me up , something that propels, something that i take time out of my life to do and don't let anything else interrupt, something that DRIVES me, something to dream about, something to talk about.

Lately I've noticed my conversations are pretty shallow, and i think this is why, i just feel kind of lifeless, things have lost there depth, but i know what it feels like to be driven, to make connections, and just feel good about being alive just cause you do what you love.

So does anyone have any ideas how to reestablish this type of sensation?, lately I've been doing my best to try to ignite those feelings in my brain, i get a couple of flashes in my head, but after a while since there is no real drive for the feeling to keep growing on it dies off.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
everyone has their own "match"
but the "fire" is usually the same


everyone has something that gets them to realize a truth
and the truth/fire is that life is good

one guy might have a passion for a sport...and he loves everyday because it's a chance to play/improve in that sport
for some it's an occupation, learning, etc.

often it's a life dream/goal

I started with philosophy...everything began to connect...
at the same time, i started to get an idea of what i wanted to do after high school, college, and so on...

and everyday is an opportunity to improve myself..and a step closer to that dream
if you want motivation with the ladies, get your first kiss..and you'll be motivated PROBABLY...girls are pretty fun.. just gotta get things started

You probably have a girl in mind you would like to take out for the weekend...On monday, go up to her..and number close
There are already a lot of articles on how...
there's no bad that can come of a rejection..
so just do it :up:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
The answer is adrenaline. You know that feeling you get right before giving an oral presentation? (haha keep your mind out of the gutter ;)) Have you ever been cliff jumping? If no, do it. It's the single most adrealine driven sport you will ever experience. If you have, think about the feeling while standing there before jumping. That feeling is what drives me. I try to do things in my life that produces those chemicals. I am so passionate about this subject that I feel invincible sometimes. Life is about emotion, feeling, experiencing, and LIVING in the moment. The answer to your question about reestablishing whatever you're going for: Do what you're passionate about. When you enjoy what you're doing, you are subconsciously not going to give a f*ck what anyone else thinks AND you will be LOVING every second of whatever it is you decide to do.


Don Juan
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Xetsu said:
So does anyone have any ideas how to reestablish this type of sensation?, lately I've been doing my best to try to ignite those feelings in my brain, i get a couple of flashes in my head, but after a while since there is no real drive for the feeling to keep growing on it dies off.
I felt pretty alive yesterday. Right after school I went to the weight room. I did 30 minutes on an elliptical (my feet hurt, lol), and since my friend was there in the weight room too I asked him what he was doing after he worked out. He said there was a basketball game and he asked if I wanted to go with him and a few friends. I said yes. I had a great time at the basketball game cracking jokes about the basketball players.

I think I could start my own variety show with these jokes, here's a few examples:

First off, there was this freakishly tall basketball player (it was a girl's highschool basketball game), we called her Kenyan girl, and throughout the game we talked about how worried we were that she was going to break at any moment. Also, we laughed at the idea of her getting blown into the rafters by a gust of wind, luckily her teammates had already tied string to her ankles so they could fly her like a kite. That would make a pretty good half-time show.

ok this **** is really weird, you might want to close your eyes and skip this paragraph.
Me and a friend were rifting about how ****ed-up it would be for a murderer to kill some highschool chick, stuff her behind the bleachers and cover her with so much jizz that she looked like she was inside a sarcophagus. And how much more weird and sick it would be for the investigators who pulled out the bleachers to find a "spider cavern" type area with long strings of jizz from wall to bleacher. Also how disturbing it would be for the investigators to realize that the murderer would have had to come back for months to build up that much jizz everywhere behind the bleachers.

Ok... so now that I've said that,
We went to a movie afterwards (avatar 3-mother****ing-D, btw everyone in my group had already seen it but me LOL), but before that my friend and I were laughing at the basketball game about the movie we were going to see while some girls watched us laughing our asses off for a good 10 minutes. We weren't talking about jizz and stuff like that, but we toned it down (but still was funny). We were talking about how with our luck when we arrived at the theater one of those old guys who sits right next to you in the theater wearing booty-shorts and high-top socks would be there.

And on the way to the movies (us guys rode in one car, the girls in the other), my friends and I went to a Taco Bell. One of my friends yelled "give me a ****in mc fish *****" out the window in the drive thru (luckily before we got the order screen thingy), and we rifted on that for a while. We cracked jokes about how the Taco Bell lady was now going to **** in our burritos, and how she's going to pull out her 9-inch **** and **** our tortillas with it... stuff like that. We also talked about how funny it would be for a fat guy to die by injecting ground beef directly into his arteries. :crazy:

It was ****in' nuts but it was funny as hell, and it felt great.