Parrot, use this as a lesson.
A lesson to make you stronger. To make you a Victor. Not a victim or defeated.
This is what it's like to have weak boundaries and poor self esteem... want to endure this kind of a dynamic with a low class female who doesnt even want you.
Please learn how to love and accept yourself, improve your life skills, and strengthen your boundaries. Respect your resources, and respect that you have NEEDS as a Man.
Dont apologize for having needs, and dont apologize for being a Man.
Use this time for self reflection, not self flagellation.
It wont do you any good.
Let this lesson burn into your heart and mind, and vow never to be sucked into such a disempowering, unhappy dynamic again.
Understand that when you have very weak boundaries, and have low self esteem you are at such a disadvantage, and such a weak position to be in a relationship...of any kind will NOT KNOW what to DO.
You must know WHO you are. And WHAT you want.
And WHAT you will NOT tolerate.
Please listen to your Higher Self and respect that voice that wants to be treated with respect and kindness from a good, kind and deserving woman.
That is the ONLY woman you should be concerning yourself with.
Not with AWs.
Not anymore, dude.
Those days are over.
You are a grown man.
Youre not a little kid.
Its time to take responsibility for your life, and what you want.
Set a course to create, draw, and attract what YOU really REALLY WANT into your life.
And stop wasting precious TIME that you will NEVER EVER get back with low class females.
It's not that she's evil. Its that she is immature, misguided, and manipulative, with a sense of entitlement, and a deep need for attention, and validation.
She lives for her ego.
Woe to the poor bastard who ends up with her.
Now you see the clues and cues that set off your alarm, and let you know to get the Hell away from those types of females.
And never consider them for anything in your life.
Even sex with her will come with a hefty price.
And you will always be looking for her approval of you.
Mature, masculine men have outgrown the need for approval from women.
Please burn that into your head.
Let go of needing validation and approval from any woman.
That must go. All thought forms and programming about that must be eliminated from your psyche.
Be free.
Be free.
Love yourself. Respect yourself. Listen to your Higher Self.
And realize that your respect, dignity, happiness, wealth, health, and peace of mind MATTER.
And the honest to God truth is that NO WOMAN can ever come between you and those things.
It's your duty as a Man to preserve them and protect them
And any woman who DRAINS them from you must be ELIMINATED from your matter HOW HARD it is, and no matter how HARD it may hurt.
You need to learn how to be in control of your emotional investment Gauge Switch and TURN IT OFF when you find yourself in these situations.
Only emotionally invest in people who will support your cause, your mission, and accept you even your faults. Because they respect you, love you, and want to see you succeed and BE HAPPY.
They are not easy to find, but they ARE out there.
And any amount of unneccesary suffering you are experiencing and have experienced MUST motivate you 100% to FIND those people and ONLY involve yourself with THOSE PEOPLE.
No one is FORCING you to be with and share your resources with undeserving , and disrespectful people,brother.
Think about that.
Any pain you experience is coming from YOU Placing yourSELF in that line of fire.
Start thinking and acting with ACCURACY.
Wisdom. Gained from your experiences that do not bring you joy and happiness.
So from now on, make you DECISIONS based on ACCURATE THINKING.
Based on REALITY, not ego or fear based ILLUSIONS.
Not from DISEMPOWEING INDOCTRINATION and brain washing.
Align yourself with your HIGHER SELF from now on. And listen to that 'voice' that tells you what you REALLY REALLY want out of this short time we have here on Earth.
You've only got so much time in your life, dude.
It's simply SHREWD to get smart and get on the ball.
MAke your lifestyle and happiness your number one priority.
And the wisdom to discern from the AW/Golddiggers, and the good, kind, mature, humble yet with high self esteem women will come into your life.
This is how the world works.
When you resonate with those things, those types of scenarios and people start appearing in your life.
When you are focusing on the sh*tty aspects of life, then the more sh*tty stuff you seem to notice and happens to you.
Life is not Sh*tty itself.
It's how WE PERCEIVE it.
We're all here to GROW, and EXPERIENCE, and IMPROVE , and develop our TALENTS and SKILLS to our MAXIMUM Potential.
Thats what it's all about.
Good luck. and hang in there.
It's a bumpy ride. But the alternative is driving blind in a miserable exsitence.
Checked out, reacting with your ego, out of fear, not knowing what you want, being taken advantage of, getting more and more cynical and bitter, lonely, not able to relate to high character women, feeling undeserving, and isolated....
And you dont deserve that.
You deserve love, respect, warmth, comfort and good people, and a good life.
Think about that...