

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
I posted this up a while back but since the "help us redo the Hs bible" link is gone I'll just start a thread of it. It's not mine but I added the final (or mid way) twiist to it.

Ok, enough babeling, so we got 2^7593 bout when to make a move. Here's my two cents. Number, mood (ala gunwitch) that's a given, no technique in the world is going to help withou that and a sense(well there is one...):

Step1: Feel her hair
Just feel it make some comments on it,etc. Again if you dont have mindset it's just creepy.

Step2[my twsit]: Kiss her on the cheek
Sort of near the mouth like between a good-night kiss and making out. Mindset issue of step 1 aplies double here.

step3: Slide
Just like the title says. Slide from where you started to the mouth and there you go. Mindset/confidence/delibretness all play roles here obviosly. It's the make or brake part.

So there you have it. The technique I picked up from some french dude that was passed on to him by another french dude and some french guy before him, reforged to reduce embarsement (and minimum balls to be honest :D), lol allways wanted to say that.

For reall though. If you're completely insecure at any point it's not gonna happend with any technique (again there's one exception). Although this way there's ample opertunity for her to turn a cheek or reject you. That's why having a feel is highly important. When the vibes go sour pull out, the magic is gone (try later or move on).

I'd love to hear any other 'trick' and your thoughts on this.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
C'mmon somebody say something. You replyto worse posts :p