Kiss her you fool!


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2001
Reaction score
Please excuse me if this is too obvious, But
some guys seem to rush past kissing, and try to get into the heavystuff before a girl is ready. But what guys need to learn is that Skillfull, sensual, Passionate Kissing can often get you to your goal faster and more satifyingly than just trying to jump her bones too quickly. Girls usually need to be "warmed-up" before their ready. Whereas guys can be ready at a moments notice!
Passionate kissing can be as good if not better than sex! If you can kiss a woman REAL GOOD, you probably won't have much resistance from her sexually. She'll WANT to be your lover! I've been told by more than one woman that they often evaluate that a guy will be great in bed if he's a great kisser, and conversely, if he sux at kissing chances are he won't be very hot in bed either! So cultivate your kissing technique and enjoy it for all it's sensualness! On at least two occasions, I was told by women I've dated that at first they were reluctant to get into kissing with me, because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to stop. Of those two women, I ended-up kissing with her, AND as a consequence I got to screw her (she begged me to!) The other one dropped hints that she wanted to sleep with me, but I was too dense at the time! For many women, kissing opens the flood gates of sexual passion! So if she get's into a passionate make-out session with you, your chances of getting laid increase greatly! It is to your advantage to be a proficient kisser in my experience!
I read somewhere that "a woman's kiss, is an invitation to her bed". Although this may not always be the case, if you kiss her right (with sensual skill and passion) it will work-out for you more often than not that you will have aroused her passion for you! Trust me! (Been there, done that!)
~Andy (a.k.a. "maranathaman/AFC")

[This message has been edited by AbsoluteFreakinChump (edited 11-16-2001).]

Nine Breaker

Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Too right. You can get a very positive response with kissing. One tip I have learnt with kissing is that you "go along" with the girl when she kisses. See what she's comfortable with, and go along with that. A good kisser doesn't shove his mouth meat down her mouth as a first kiss. And a girl should NEVER have to wipe her mouth after a kiss.

Good post!!

The Human Body Is A Fragile Thing, But The Human Soul Can NEVER Be Truly Broken.