Originally posted by itstough
AH I see that's a good point, so what if she lets you touch her then there IS some interest there? She was touching me to till lately, she would even tell her friend we was wrestling.
If you're doing all of the touching it not a given that there is a high interest level. If she touches YOU it's a little better. What really matters is HOW
(not where) she touches you.
Touching one another's arm is nice, a hand touching your knee is cute but the type of kino that really matters is the
extended touch. This usually precedes an all out hold.
An extended touch is when she rests her hand on one of your body parts (

) and leaves it there. This is usually when you are close to one another while talking. What's even better is when they eventually notice that they have had their hand there for a really
long time and pulls it away while giving you an embarrassed look.
If this happens, you have made it to at least the 85-90+% interest level. This is because she has caught herself letting go and going beyond her usual comfort level with a guy she has just met. She does not want to come off as easy, but she
just can not keep her hands off of you!!!
At this point, you're in the drivers seat and what you do next will completely establish you as a DJ or a RAFC. For me, I would look her right in the eye and ask her "What do you think you're doing?" I'd take her hand, put it firmly back where she had it and say "I like having your hand there." I say this while without breaking the initial eye contact
while holding her hand in that spot.
For the kill I give her a kiss
on the corner of her mouth only and for
four seconds!!! This sets a very good anchor for her (Read about NLP (neuro linguistic programming) for more info). So if you're lucky, the next time you take her hand, she's get the feelings that you are giving her now without any effort on your part!
Next, I pull back, while still holding eye contact. She will either give you the look of
"OMG, I want more" or she will....uhhhh... hmmmmm.... I've never experienced a woman doing anything else....
At that point it's up to you do go with the flow...