Keeping the LTR - ALIVE

Walk the Air

New Member
Mar 3, 2004
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First I just wanna say thanks for helping me with my last post. The things you said really made sense and things are actually much better between us...
But anyways, what I want to divulge from you guys now is how to keep the LTR alive. I dont just mean keep it going, I can do that no problem. But I want to know if you guys have any advice for keeping it truely alive. I dont want to become one of those guys who is a boyfriend out of convience or comfort. I want to make sure this is the best damn relationship anyone can offer, and make sure that she knows its cause of me. I know a big thing is to try to make it feel like it was when we first started, and I think I am doing that pretty well now. But any other advice you can share would be greatly appreciated :). Thanks alot.


b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
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If I was up your ass you'd know
you need to be able to satisfy her well in the sack, and you need to add variety to it. read sir chancelots advanced sexual techniques in the DJ bible. Second, never become predictable! As soon as your predictable, you become boring, and that means in everything - including sex. Never let her get control of you, because if she owns your ass youll never be happy and she'll never be happy, and once again she will become bored with you. Always remain a challange, and just keep DJing that ass.

Thats why I fvcked your mother you fat mother fvcker.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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B's nuts said some good ****.

What I would add to his advice

1. On remaining a challenge. I know that sounds weird because you are together and how do you be a challenge?
Well a different kind of "challenge" to what we normally talk about when attracting a new girl.

Some eg.

Don't always agree to do whatever she wants. Go out with your buddies often. Have your own life. Talk to other chicks right in front of her. Have other women as friends. Don't give her all your attention all the time. Don't call and let her know where you are and what you are doing all the time. Let her wonder sometimes.

2. Remain a sexual challenge. Don't be the guy who is always super horny and wants sex every chance he can get it. Turn her down sometimes. Get her off first (orgasm) and then roll over and try going to sleep. She'll ask you don't you want to get off? And you just say "No I'm okay. I don't always need to." Beware, if you do this the occasional time you are going to get jumped and have your a$$ fVcked off. :) Don't do all the work in bed. Some chicks just lay there and wait for their orgasm. Bullshyt. She's got to get you off too. Don't be afraid to act bored in bed if she's not doing it for you.

3. Never stop dating. Don't just get into the routine of being together. Always be creative with ideas of things to do. Call her up and tell her you are taking her out tonight. But don't tell her where. Suprise her often with new things, new ideas, new directions in life, etc.

4. Most important is communication. If you can keep the communication lines open and you can be open and honest about things then you are going to be okay.

5. If you sense the relationship is fading or she's drifting away you have to do something drastic (If you want to keep her :) ). Just talking about what's wrong it isn't going to work. If she tells you whats wrong and you just follow her advice and change then it doesn't mean anything to her. It doesn't make sense but she wants you to figure out what's wrong for yourself. What I suggest in these situations is to do something dangerous together. Skydiving, whitewater rafting, bungy jumping, camping in the middle of nowhere, a trip to a strange country, etc. All these things get your heart pumping and force the two of you together and you end up bonding/connecting. Sounds silly but it works.

Hope that helps.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
what slick said, especially #3. always go out. it keeps adventure and fun in your relationship, and is a turn on to see how you are together in public and out of that comfort zone. if sh!t is good...