Keeping it light and fun.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so I am a junior in college. A girl, call her Lia, I have known since freshman year went out with me last night. Mind you months earlier we had started getting close and she told me that she had feelings for me, only to later tell me she had mixed it up with her feelings of me as a friend. Thus, I limited contact with her as much as I could, but remained receptive whenever she tried to talk to me or whatever.

Anyways, last night we walked downtown to the club and bar areas part of the city. Was about a mile of walking. We flirted, touched, laughed and all that good stuff. We were to meet up with some friends. Met up with one of her good friends and roomates, call her Tiffany at one of the bars. They immediately delved into sexual topics at the bar. I just remained chill and humorous the whole time. The three of us, Lia, Tiffany, and I walked to a couple other clubs. The whole time I remained touchy, flirty, and, humorous with both girls.

At one of the clubs, I became very close with Lia. I got her to dance after telling me she doesn't do it. There was even one point where I was touching her sexually and all she did was smile. She said at one point smilingly "your touching my tits." She also told me I was crazy multiple times throughout the night. This whole time Tiffany had decided to go a bar next to the club the girl and I was at.

Anyhow, we walked back to school after all that, and Tiffany and Lia presume to talk endlessly like girls do. Lia went off on a rant on how she doesn't like grinding, and other blah blah stuff. I remained quiet most of the way back. We got back to our apartments. We don't live too far apart. I hugged Tiffany bye, and hugged Lia bye.

So, I do not know what I want from Lia, I can't lie. I know there is attraction there. However, I do not think I see her as girlfriend material yet. What should I do to keep it light and fun?

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
Gonna use a very helpful quote:

Judge a woman by her actions and not by her words.
Women say they hate grinding and stuff just to not feel like a s1ut, but that's like a guy saying he hates getting his d1ck sucked. We're all humans here, we all generally like the same things.

Mr. Suave

Don Juan
Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Uhm, so remind me why you didn't just bang her? You'll soon figure out what you want.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
didn't text her at all today. saw her at dinner. we talked a little. then left. saw each other in the library. she sat with me for awhile then left. didn't really talk about last night. should i do so, or just go with the flow?



Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Invite her to drinks or get her to your apartment for drink. Escalate = ?????

Profit ?

You gotta push it and see what happends cuz at the moment she is somewhat receptive, so believe she is into you.