Wow what a weird encounter. I was driving to get some food and I saw her in the lane next to me turning left. Her mom lives over there so I figured that's where she was going. Well she followed me into the parking lot and parked next to me and ran out to say Hi. I being an ass sat in my car and just talked to her through my window, going through the usual motions of seeing an ex. I made fun of her for going to a pat Benetar concert, and just didn't really care. I told her everything was fine, I'm going to school and I've got a vegas trip planned this weekend. I then jumped out and gave her a hug and told her I had to get on my way, get some food and get to school. I didn't really have school (I just came from there) but I wanted to get out of there first. I then walked into the grocery store w/o looking back. I could feel her staring at me from behind... it was awesome. We went out for 3 years and that's the first I had talked to her in 6 weeks. And to tell you the truth I'm really over it.