Just met a Girl at 7-11 and went immediateley to her place


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
My approach was nothing special at all..It wasn't even really an approach but I just spoke up and was being considerate. She smiled at me as she walked by me when I entered the store. I'm inexperienced at the cold approach and didn't say anything initially, only quick grin back. When I came out after I bought my snacks, I saw her fiddling on the payphone (who uses payphones these days?). She made some eye contact and was obviously not talking to anyone, so I said "Do you need to borrow a cell phone?". She said "Thank you, I was just going to ask you that". I let her make a call but later found out she just called her own cell phone that was at her house and pretended that no one picked up. We just fluffed really briefly (She said "So what's your deal?" I said "What's your deal?" and we explained our deals and I got the invite to her place.

She later told me that she was waiting on the payphone just so I would have come out and said something to her. She said she didn't really need my cell phone and would not have asked me for it if I didn't offer. This really showed me that girls really do want guys to approach and spark up a convo..they are just dieing for it and do put on acts to try to get your attention (i.e pretending to fiddle with a payphone).

I get in my car and follow her back to her place with the thought of "Oh thank heaven for 7-11". I was quickly brought back to earth which really sucked because she did not look nearly as cute as she did in the darkly lit parking lot when the bright lights of her room shone on her. She was a chain smoker and smoked about 6 cigarettes in a span of 40 minutes and swigged some vodka straight from a popov bottle. Her feet really grossed me out as they were just narly feet and one of her toes was really weird. She explained to me that it was a birth defect. Damn, I picked a winner.

This ***** was kind of crazy. She changed 4 times in less than 40 minutes. I told her to chill out and that she need not be so self conscious. She said I could sleep over and essentially fvck the **** out of her, but I passed. I couldn't get her narly feet out of my mind I know that is superficial as fvck but man they were some ugly as$ feet. She also could have used a cert or three and she strategically wore her clothes in public to make her look thick/not fat but in reality she was more fat/not thick. Her tits were huge though and I played with them briefly. I'm going to keep her as a friend for networking purposes because she could hold a conversation and is a genuinely nice chick. I just don't feel the need to hit it due to wanting to hold my self to a higher standard and not fvck with her head. She seemed way to into me and was talking about taking a trip and hanging out in the future. The night was not all lost though as it boosted some confidence and opened my eyes to how *****es really do desire us to talk to them.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
She said I could sleep over and essentially fvck the **** out of her, but I passed. I couldn't get her narly feet out of my mind I know that is superficial as fvck but man they were some ugly as$ feet.
dude,seriously?? because of her FEET? for the love of......everything


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Initiate her into your "Magic Box" customer stock harem


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
2_intense2 said:
dude,seriously?? because of her FEET? for the love of......everything

it was a combination of a lot of things. The chain smoking, the popov swigging, and the being more fat than thick. It was tough cause she smoked the cigarettes in her room so it was like being in a casino. She was a mess and I lost attraction. Her feet were awful man. I don't know, I believe you can really tell a girl by her feet and her toe was outrageous. I'll try to explain it better. Imagine a foot. A normal foot has 5 toes that are in a line with equal spacing. Her 4th toe, the one next to the pinkie, was elevated higher than the rest of her toes...It was like her pinky toe and her third toe were smooshing against the 4th toe and elevated it to the point where it was just chillen on top of all the other toes. :eek:


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
There is a thing about holding yourself with a little standard. I have noticed as I improve my skills and whatnot the women that you attract slowly get better. Sadly im still in the sub 5's but im working on a 9.8 still. we shall see.

I seriously dont want to even try with much below a 7.5 due to the fact that I know im a good looking guy and would like someone that keeps a similar standard for themselves.