Originally posted by GaryNas
I just got a gym membership today along with a trainer to help me when I go. What I'm looking to do is add definition in my abs and pecks... I'm 6'2", 180lbs. I'm not fat, but don't have tight abs and my pecks are flabby.
Do you guys have any tips to help me achieve this as quick as possible? I've read some stuff here and there, but nothing really specific. Any recommended supliments?
Thanks for the help!
You need to gain some muscle then you need to cut. Simple as that.
You have to work your whole body to get any sort of a solid body. Thats what seperates the poseurs to the hardcore lifters. Be careful of trainers. Most dont know what theyre doing or are just poseurs who act like they know something. Try to get a true lifter to show you freeweight exercises that will work your whole body. Then you need to do high intensity cardio during the cutting phase, like sprints and jump rope.
Fix your diet b4 buying supplements because most supplements are garbage. If you are eating right you dont need too many supplements except maybe protein. Stay away from muscle mags until you konw what is garbage and what is not garbage. I read an article yesterday claiming that you can add an inch to your arms in one day. I immediately knew that is garbage, but you prolly would have fallen for it.
Diesels guide is clear cut and understandable. Its the no bull**** guide.