Just dumped my gf for flirting. Was I too harsh?


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
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Last weekend we were at a party and She asked her bisexual friend to smack her ass while she leaned over. We had an arguement. She balled her eyes out. Now tonight she is taking pics and caressing another guys face and his facial hair. I pretty much dumped her as soon as we left the party. Am I overreacting?


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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In my mind, NO! Screw her, women come and go. Its about YOU and your needs, if she wants to play games like that and be an immature Ho, I'd dump her a$$ too!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Kinda harsh in my opinion, but if you felt disrespected by her then I would say it was the right move.
May 19, 2007
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She "bawled her eyes out", but goes back and does the exact same thing again. Sounds like you're saving yourself a lot of headaches by dumping her if this is how much she respects your wishes.
May 5, 2012
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No forking way bro that sht is just disrespectful. I hate *****es like this and i've had them before she'll just do your head in. Some girls just cant help themselves.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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Sorry to hear about it. It's really a slippery slope when it comes to these things.

I think we've all been in that situation where something happens and you already know before the outcome that things won't be the same in a relationship.

Not to jack the thread but this topic raises a broader question; what do you when faced with a similar situation? How do you win?

The way I see it, when you tell a girl not to do something, there are but a few options, none of which seem pleasing:

-she listens to you, but resents you for being controlling. she may take this out on you in another way

-she doesn't listen to you, and does what you told her not to do (in which case you either leave her, or give in to her power move and revert back to afc status)

I know when stuff like this comes up, you should be ready and willing to walk, but if you have a history, especially if you're in an exclusive relationship, it's not that cut and dry.


Senior Don Juan
May 28, 2006
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Columbus, OH
gimmeyofonenumba said:
Last weekend we were at a party and She asked her bisexual friend to smack her ass while she leaned over. We had an arguement. She balled her eyes out. Now tonight she is taking pics and caressing another guys face and his facial hair. I pretty much dumped her as soon as we left the party. Am I overreacting?

bish, deserves it


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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CasanovaFrankenstein said:
She "bawled her eyes out", but goes back and does the exact same thing again. Sounds like you're saving yourself a lot of headaches by dumping her if this is how much she respects your wishes.
I agree. Most of the time the signs of a doomed relationships are blatantly obvious, but most people choose to ignore them. These were early red flags and you did well to act on them and stand up for yourself.

Let her know exactly why you dumped her and if she promises to change and stop being disrespectful maybe it wouldn't hurt to give her a second chance and see if she backs it up. But otherwise you're better off moving on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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How would your ex feel if you rubbed some woman's a$$??? I have some lovers in my lifetime that did not even caress my face. Seems a little intimate if you ask me. You ABSOLUTELY DID THE RIGHT THING!! People must learn by example that respect must be there.

My question to you: Will you stand your ground or capitulate and get back with her? You seem tough now, but what if she comes back, "baby I am sorry..."?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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If u wanna break up over something so insignificant like her bi friend spanking her ass then u gotta be crazy bro! Just IMO, u are making a mistake and now she's teasing u. I would try to talk to her, u know dude? It aint cool to be so stuck up. :)

DJ Bax

Don Juan
Feb 3, 2012
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I wouldn't have had a problem with the girl spanking her ass as much, but the caressing the face is way over the line imo

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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You did right for many reasons:

1)what she was doing was pissing you off and decreasing the quality of your life giving you negative emotions

2)its not only the action itself (that is already annoying enough) but whats behind it, as Jariel said those were signs or a ship sinking where the ship is your relationship, so you at least got the upper end by dumping her before her dumping you through cheating

3)What you did is probably the only move that grant some benefit both in that bad relationship than in your dignity, tolerance in that case would have moved you back to the afc nightmare plus you would have lost the girl anyway.

So dont think about it anymore, you did the best thing with no doubt.

I dont usually get girls back so not sure if I can suggest you what to do, but if I were you I would probably treat her as a defeated nation asking for surredender, I would impose very strict conditions and a zero tolerance policy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
gimmeyofonenumba said:
Last weekend we were at a party and She asked her bisexual friend to smack her ass while she leaned over. We had an arguement. She balled her eyes out. Now tonight she is taking pics and caressing another guys face and his facial hair. I pretty much dumped her as soon as we left the party. Am I overreacting?
I believe only you can decide if you're overreacting. What is your motivation for breaking up with her? Does it feel right to you?

I will say this sounds controlling on your part. I believe that what she does at a party with her friends is none of your business. And caressing a guy's face and facial hair is a beautiful thing. I don't see anything wrong with that - if she is happy doing something, why not celebrate? They're enjoying spanking, face-rubbing, I don't see why you're not celebrating with her if she's happy. Don't you want her to be happy?

The question I would suggest for you to ask yourself is: so what? So what. Why does this matter? I would say ask yourself a few simple questions:

Do I believe this woman likes me.
Do I like this woman.
Why is this a problem for me.
Is there some way she can continue doing these things AND I can resolve this problem for me.

I believe we are built to love more than one person at once. If a woman has a second child she doesn't stop loving the first. You're acting like an older sibling who believes that because your mommy is caressing your younger brother she doesn't love you at all anymore. Maybe she hates you. Sure, that's a possibility: maybe this girl doesn't like you. What does your heart say?

Or maybe, she's into you and she wants to caress a guy's face. I just don't see a problem with that. If that makes her happy, and she's truly into me, I would say go for it.

I suggest against trying to control other people's behavior. And I suggest against flying off the handle into drama land every time someone you're with touches someone else.

Most of all, I recommend against jumping to crazy conclusions about people's motivations based on things like this. I see people, who just by reading a few words on an internet page, are convinced this lady feels zero attraction to you. WTF?

I want the women I see to have profound connections with other people because I believe no one can make another human being happy alone. Her having friends she feels close to and comfortable touching is a PRECONDITION, in my opinion, to a healthy relationship with YOU. We all need a network of people to be happy. I feel profoundly concerned that instead of celebrating her sharing her life with people she cares about, you are attempting to break her connections. I don't think you are EVER going to have a healthy relationship with someone if they're not allowed to have fun on their own, in their own way with people.

I think if you were 100% sure she was into you, you wouldn't care what she does at parties or whose face she's caressing.

I do open relationships. My girlfriends sleep with other guys regularly. And they love me profoundly, regularly. They love me even more because of receiving love from other people. It makes my life better. If one of my girlfriends told me that I would say "great, glad you're having fun" and I would mean it. Because all that love she received, she's going to share with me in turn. I think your worrying is destroying your own happiness.

My first intuition is that you are projecting your fears onto her - trying to blame her for you being scared. But it's not her fault that you're scared. Your feelings are your responsibility.

We have so many taboos and boundaries around physical touch but it's one of the most important and beautiful things we can share as humans. I'll tell you: if I was with someone who created a ton of drama every time I touched someone else, I would break up with you in a heartbeat. I hate drama and I hate it when people feel threatened easily and try to blame me for it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
^^ lol! He made a choice, she didn't force him to do anything. As evidence, my girlfriends sleep with other guys and I am with them and love them deeply. Be that a choice you agree or disagree with, it's a choice and you can't blame anybody but yourself for making it.

Dignity? I don't see a lot of dignity in having your ego be so easily upset, but every person is different and I think that's worth celebrating.


izza said:
^^ lol! He made a choice, she didn't force him to do anything. As evidence, my girlfriends sleep with other guys and I am with them and love them deeply. Be that a choice you agree or disagree with, it's a choice and you can't blame anybody but yourself for making it.

Dignity? I don't see a lot of dignity in having your ego be so easily upset, but every person is different and I think that's worth celebrating.
Are you a swinger?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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The fact she was with that other guy carassing his face, with pictures of it seen.by you, so quickly after you two were broken up, shows how little she cared about the relationship and possibly that she was straying while you two were together.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
perseverence said:
Are you a swinger?
No. I like open relationships (no Ketamine). When I talk about my girlfriends, right now, I am (mostly) single, I'm referring to over the past four years as I've been doing a life experiment with open relationships that I've very much enjoyed.

Zodiac said:
The fact she was with that other guy carassing his face, with pictures of it seen.by you, so quickly after you two were broken up, shows how little she cared about the relationship and possibly that she was straying while you two were together.
That is one hypothesis. And also, there are many potential hypotheses. That said, I believe jumping to conclusions is a drama-king thing to do. True, this could mean that she doesn't care about you. Another hypothesis is that she could care about you a lot AND nonetheless, somehow, have a desire to touch someone's face. I believe these feelings can co-exist.

Like I said, my girlfriends over the past four years have all slept with someone else and nonetheless been in love with me. In my more insecure moments, of course I've occasionally felt jealous. And in other moments I've also often felt delighted that she has connected in such a fun way with someone she likes. I think it can be a wonderful thing and bring many great things to our relationship. There is no need to view it as threatening.

In fact, I believe one of the most awful lies of our society is that unless someone wants to be with you and only with you 24/7 there MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG. This belief that unless she feels a single-minded, obsessive monogamy, there MUST be something wrong causes an outrageous amount of suffering.

Like I said, that is the kind of thinking of big brothers who believes that because your mother is caressing your younger brother that she doesn't love you anymore. That is one hypothesis - maybe your mother doesn't love you anymore. Or maybe she cares about both of you and all this fear is all in your head. I can't tell you what is true, but I can present different possibilities.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
You Did The Right Thing.

There's harmless flirting,like a chick sharing at another dude while you're out on the town and then there's blatantly disrespectful flirtly that crosses the line. You had to cut her loose. If you let that slid,what else would see do?


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
It's all about what bothers you. It also depends on the situation. If the girl is buddy buddy with the guys then I'm sure it was just harmless meaningless fun for the hell of it. But if they're random guys that she isn't good friends with, it would raise concern that maybe she's up to something she shouldn't be if she's not as close with the men as she lets on.

Stuff like that happened with my ex-girlfriend a lot, but all of the men are gay so it doesn't bother me. If any of them were bi or straight, it would upset a little bit but I've known them all for many years so I know they wouldn't play me like that.