Master Don Juan
This might sound very ordinary and simple and you've probably heard it a thousand times. Just do it.
You guys know that feeling,
You see a girl you reaaaallyy want to talk to, your heart starts beating, your thinking to yourself "should I talk to her"
Part of you wants to talk to her, Part of you says NOOOO.
All of you guys probably know that feeling, when theres that perfect opportunity to talk to that girl and you start to make up an excuse not to talk to her.
Next time that happens, just black out......... JUST DO IT dont even think about it. Before you know it, it'll be done.
I remmember the first time I went on a rollercoaster, I was sooo scared and before i knew it, it was over and I wanted to go back on.
Yesterday I was in an internet cafe, around here theres lots of them and you pay to go online. I was sitting down and I noticed a really pretty girl sitting about half way accross the room and the best part about it was that the internet connection was cut off. I wanted to talk to her and I thought to myself "if you dont talk to her your going to spend another friday night with a bunch of GUYS with absolutely nothing to do. So I kept telling myself yes yes yes do it do it do it. The words I wanted to say got stuck in my throat, I started feeling weary and kinda light headed and out of no where (i think God must have forced the words outa my mouth) I justed blurted the words out, she turned around and we just started talking. I ended up gettin her number and I'm actually going to have something to do this weekend.
What I'm trying to say is, go against your fears. If any of you's have ever been afraid to do something but did it any way, you would know that you feel more powerful. You feel like you have control over yourself. If next time any of you guys want to talk to a girl but get too scared, just go ahead and DO IT. I want you to come back and tell me how you felt.
You guys know that feeling,
You see a girl you reaaaallyy want to talk to, your heart starts beating, your thinking to yourself "should I talk to her"
Part of you wants to talk to her, Part of you says NOOOO.
All of you guys probably know that feeling, when theres that perfect opportunity to talk to that girl and you start to make up an excuse not to talk to her.
Next time that happens, just black out......... JUST DO IT dont even think about it. Before you know it, it'll be done.
I remmember the first time I went on a rollercoaster, I was sooo scared and before i knew it, it was over and I wanted to go back on.
Yesterday I was in an internet cafe, around here theres lots of them and you pay to go online. I was sitting down and I noticed a really pretty girl sitting about half way accross the room and the best part about it was that the internet connection was cut off. I wanted to talk to her and I thought to myself "if you dont talk to her your going to spend another friday night with a bunch of GUYS with absolutely nothing to do. So I kept telling myself yes yes yes do it do it do it. The words I wanted to say got stuck in my throat, I started feeling weary and kinda light headed and out of no where (i think God must have forced the words outa my mouth) I justed blurted the words out, she turned around and we just started talking. I ended up gettin her number and I'm actually going to have something to do this weekend.
What I'm trying to say is, go against your fears. If any of you's have ever been afraid to do something but did it any way, you would know that you feel more powerful. You feel like you have control over yourself. If next time any of you guys want to talk to a girl but get too scared, just go ahead and DO IT. I want you to come back and tell me how you felt.