just a friendly text?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
There is this guy that I work with who I like, and I think he might like me too. (there are signs, like loads of eye contact, asking me about myself, what my plans are for the weekend, favors, compliments although sparingly, lol, blushing around me, lots of conversation between us, that kinda stuff). I think he is kinda shy, just because of how his personality is, and we also have a lot in common.
The other day I got a text from him. Usually, since we work together, and aren't friends outside of work, the texts are all mostly work related. But the other day I got a text from him about how he was in Atlantic City gambling and how he was about to win money. I figured he sent it to the wrong person, cuz I know nothing about gambling, lol, and I didn't think he would send me a text like that. So I replied "wrong person, lol" thinking he meant to send the text to someone else.

Then today at work, he says that he meant to send it to me. He was like "I meant to send that text to you. It wasnt the wrong person. I was excited."

So I guess if he's texting me about stuff other than work, that a good thing right? It means he was thinking of me, lol. He could have texted anyone, like one of his guy friends maybe, but he told me.

He has also made references to hanging out, like one time we both had the same day off and he was like, "we should go do something..." and with this thing, I was saying how I could never gamble, I have bad luck, I'd lose all my money, etc, and he was like "we'll go to AC, you'll see how much fun it is..." hypothetically speaking, of course, I mean he wasnt making plans or anything, just talking...but he was still making references to it...so...yea...I guess that means something??

I want to ask him out, and I'm trying to gather as many hints as I can, because I don't wanna be rejected. I think we are both shy, and I think there is less of chance of him asking me out cuz I'm bad at flirting and giving hints so he has nothing to go on, lol.
So would you consider this stuff to be signs of interest? Keep in mind we work together...so that makes the asking out a little more difficult...


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by udontknowme
I want to ask him out, and I'm trying to gather as many hints as I can, because I don't wanna be rejected.
I don't know if you're a guy or a girl?? But, ask him out!! What the f*ck are you waiting for. Understand that 98% of all people are gut-less wonders who will be shy til the day they die. Just because this guy doesn't make a move on you doesn't mean he's not interested. He's obviously just your typical shy dude who's into you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
I think this person is a troll, or some other guy posting under the guise of a female to to get opinions of how he interacts with a particular girl.