journey begins John boot camp journal


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
John's boot camp journal

After lurking in the background for too many years, it’s my time to act with decisiveness and convection. I must go through the boot camp.

About myself, I am BLK 38 years old, 6’1 and 299 lbs. Because I was a WBAFC, I hooked up with a gold digger three years ago. Had to move out of an apt. building I own. And back with my parents. Credit destroyed. I also have the luxury of child support with the D.A.’s office
So AFC’s if you have a good job some Gold digger or a Lazy may try for your gold and f*** with cool-aid. I know you DJ’s know this.

I have learned from my mistakes.

With the bible in one hand (not king James) and my plan in the other; I shale DRIVE ON to become a Master Don Juan. (Master of My Universe)

My Plan
• Loose weight (Gym every morning on way to work exp Saturday and Sunday) goal 245 lbs.
• Complete the Don Juan Boot camp
• Build Wardrobe ( http:// ) already started
• Move to Santa Barbara area (in 8 weeks)

Week 1 day 1

I am going for my I contacts and hello’s at the same time. I am a field service technician. Therefore I look people in the eye and say hello all day.
This morning I received 15 hellos’s working. 1 from a woman while driving after establishing eye contact. 2 more hi’s shopping, 2 more just walking around in Oxnard.
20 down 30 left.

I find if I combine eye contact with a relaxed smile. I am almost guaranteed a positive response i.e. (hi or hello)

Tomorrow I start at the gym.
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Don Juan
Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
Just what I was looking for someone starting the camp just like me!

It's good to know that you are on your way to becoming a DJ jsgii. I too am going to start bootcamp tomorrow,maybe this can also be a thread where I too can post my results (good and bad;) ) I too have been lurking here and there for a while now. Although I have learned much from the website I have never really given myself a chance at becoming the DJ that I know I can be. The 50 contacts should be no problem in a week,I ussually get maybe 5 each day already so it should be alright. The E-book Bootcamp really game me the extra push to go and give this journey a try,it is well written and easy to comprehend thanks to Nicholas Hill.

Good luck!


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
Week 1 day 2

Well today was a weak day. I am not pleased about my results or actions

Went to the gym this morning near my home the place was full of HB 7- HB 9. (J.-LO, is only a 7.8 in my book) The AFC in me took over. I could barely make I contact and no hi ho o no hellos. I even found an excuse not to work out and go back to my car. I forgot to bring a lock for the gym locker. Back at my vehicle; I heard the DJ in me say, Ok Mr. chump don’t grip that steering wheel to tight because we don’t want that rosy palm to get to tired. Or we can try this hi exercise again at a place less intimidating. Thinking of getting these hands on some HB in the near future instead of Ms. FistTina, I drove to Canoga Park for my workout. The HB ran from 5-7, a lot less intimidating. I had 5 hi’s at this gym. Had to drive to Lompoc to work.I got 3 more hi’s,

Tomorrow I plan to work out at the gym in Oxnard, and then to Santa Barbara and Lompoc for work. Plus some stops in the shopping centers along the way to practice IC and get more hi’s.

When I loss some weight or when I graduate form this program. I plan to go to the gym near my home and Manhattan Beach on a mission of adding HB9’s and HB10’s to my dating pool. I know and believe this DJ deserves the best. ( I might start sooner)

28 down and 22 to go.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Go for it man.

I'm just about finished the bootcamp , if you get stuck on anything PM me cos I probably got stuck on that exact same thing.

Will definitely follow with interest,

Good luck and good hunting.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
Week 1 day 3

a good day

Mission completed. Made 22 plus hi’s today. Since this is an exercise at the gym in Oxnard while making a purchase, 2 HB at the counter in during our conversation (3 minutes into it) I pause looking into her eyes and smile. She looks down and back into my eyes and I smile and say hi again. She and here colleague start giggling and smiling. This seams fun, I trid this several more times today. When I make sustained and eye contact and smile, The HB usually pause making an opportunity for me to start a conversation. White and Hispanic chicks usually pause giving me an opportunity to spit game at them black chicks keep walking. And Asian chicks avoid eye contact and only sub vocalize a hi or hello ( lips moving and maybe you hear a sound). Several times today to day at customer sites some HB’s engaged me in 2 to 10 minuet conversations. I went for my hi’s in groups and made sure to stand up strait and tall as if I was full of confidence. Every time the AFC in me started talking. I did listen but I asked my self what a Master DJ would do. I did miss some HB out of nervousness and fear.

Tomorrow I am going for some extra credit, when I make IC I am going to wink and smile.

I also lost a few pounds also I’m at 294.

Thanks for the support Walden, Brownsuger, and anyone else that has some useful advice.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Gville, Florida
glad to see more boot campers. keep on the owrkout, you will definitely lose weight. i lost like 30 poinds a few years ago, it just takes discipline


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
Week 1 day 4

ok i got week one complete

3 day weekend yea. after reading the bible I decided to go practice some kino and basic conversation. with lower levels of pressure. baby steps

Now check this out,

this does not count for MY next weeks 2's 2 to 10 minut conversations. IT is just practice. or extra credit

My Plan

Go to department stores the men's fragrances department walk up to the counter and your practice H
B will walk up to you. If you get a guy go to the next store.

Now use your eye contact, smiles, Hi's and hello's and maybe some kino. go for the accidental hand brushes when they try to spray samples and when they hand you samples on thoes little papers.

and now for Kino this is too easy.

When at the STRIP CLUB,
or as i call it the butt neaked booty club. When they walk by touch them on the arm leg that round firm onion. when they turn arround say somthing or they will figure you as an AFC immidedly. now nothing is free in life so bring some duckets / cash, but wait dont give her any cash except when she dances with you. another sign of a chump.

watch out they will try to seperate you from your money that is there job they will tell you almonst anything to get it from you.

so Read Your Bible and be A man.( week one boot camp)

off to the club i go.
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Don Juan
Feb 21, 2001
Reaction score
Week 1 day 4

The practice went fine

Instead of the Fragrance counter at the mall I went to get some gear to wear at the mall. In the mall tried to make eye contact but many of the woman avoided my gauze. I got some Hi’s . Many of the women were wearing those expensive new styles. They were out trying to DJ guys. I saw some check me out looking at the gear I was wearing especially my shoes. These women were qualifying me before giving me EC. I stopped and watched these girls from the upper level. They were checking out guys but giving there attention to the ones with the cleanest looks and latest fashions. After looking they would move within eyesight and start preening and giving mad body language. When someone would spit game at them that was not hooked up they would just blow them off. But when someone that met their qualifiers would start running game, they would act uninterested or start give eye contact and let the brother spit game. They were more girls is small groups doing the same thing. Wow


Went to the Strip Club

These girls were more open (more open to my wallet)

I got in some good EC, some Kino and Conversations.

I got one number form a HB8, She ask me to call her tomorrow. I told her no of course, said I’ll call her Monday maybe Tuesday. Then she had me repeat her number till I got it right ( could not write it down the manager was really watching ) I transposed some numbers to see if she was giving me a bunk number but she quickly corrected me both times and told me what hours she would be working her other job. I felt her up for a few more minutes. On my way out the HB 9 that was eyeing me was on stage called me from the stage and when I got there she wanted me to stay so she could get my number. (Did not have any business cards on me) I told her I will be back”She wanted me I think because the other girl wanted me. “I’ll be back in a few weeks (maybe?) at the strip club booty is a dime a dozen.

Mission complete, extra credit done,

Should I send flowers?
Should I call 2000 time tomorrow starting at 8am?
Should I tell her I love her?
Should I be super AFC AGAIN?

And if I do will I be able to tap that a$$

I think not, thank The Powers That Be for the Bible.

Any Ideas what I should do for tomorrow before I start week 2 on Monday?
Suggestions are welcome. Thanks
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