Journal Of Approaches While Working in a Club


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score

I've been on this board around a year now and seen a hell of a lot of approach journals come and go, most of which have been pretty inspirational.

This is another, although with a slight difference - its gonna show the approaches and chat up attempts i make while working in my current job - glass collecting in a nightclub.

This may sound like a piece of piss and a bit of a cheat with regards to meeting women, but i can guarantee its not as easy as it sounds.

Writing this journal has 3 main purposes for me:
1. it'll really motivate me to make an effort with the women who come into my work, as opposed to just doing my job
2. it'll allow me to get some feedback on my efforts, what i'm doing right/wrong etc
3. provide an entertaining read and also hopefully inspire other guys on this board

With regard to my goals from doing this, i'm looking for a LTR when i meet the right girl, in the meantime, get laid as much as poss. ;)

I'm not setting specific targets with regard to no. of girls approached etc. simply cos i don't want to force things unnaturally, which is what happened in my bootcamp a bit when i had specific targets to meet. Having this thread on the board will be enough to motivate me.

So keep reading this and give feedback if got any. I'm working next tomorrow night and then every night up till Sunday, so the field reports will start day after tomorrow!

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
nice one mate, used to find your old journal interesting.

just don't crack onto every girl you see though;otherwise you may start getting a reputation of the lad that tries it on with all the girls!;)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeh I know what you mean, thats why I'm saying I'm not setting myself targets such as number close x number of girls a night, cos thats when i'd start forcing it and get a reputation.
The idea of having the journal is that it'll motivate me to make the effort to chat to every girl i come across, but i'll be selective in terms of closing.


Don Juan
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
good luck man....i was where you were about a year ago. collecting glass and getting ice all night long (we call this position the 'float'. now im behind the bar and i'd never have the success i'm having now without the 4 months of 'floating'


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Gville, Florida
this is a great thread, thanks OP

you are in a good position to hone your skills. Certain jobs are social and they are useful practice.

fro example i used to be quiet, and then i got a job at 7-11 as a cashier in high school

since i had to say hi and be friendly to the customers, it really helped me be more comfortable talking to people


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Wed Night

Alright, last night was pretty quiet as most Wednesday nights are. Opportunities were pretty limited as I was restricted to the lounge area of the club, which after like half 11 is just full of couples getting it on and people who are having a crappy night slumped on the sofas - i fvcking hate working that area!

So I chatted with a fair few people especially early on but didn't feel enough rapport or interest with any girls to go for the close.

Couple of possibilities though - I was chatting with a mate who works on the bar with these 2 girls and 1 of them was like 'Do you know my mate Sarah?', I'm like 'nah nah whos that?', shes like 'she's really into you, she was in here with me on Sunday etc'. So I just took the piss out of her saying 'we back in primary school are we? - you go up to blokes for your mates and say "my friend likes you" etc etc'. But my mate knows this girl shes on about (she wasn't in last night) and says shes pretty fit, a solid 7 (and hes got high standards) so i'll have to check her out when i see her.

Another mate tells me that his ex's best mate is after me too - according to him, he was out with both of them on Sunday when i was working, and this girl (Chloe) said to him 'Who's your mate? I wouldn't mind a bit of his c0ck' lol :D
So I'll have to check her out too, shes very fvckable as well apparently.

Highlight of the night though had to be about 1 o clock, this bird rushed up to me all flustered
Her: 'You know that top you're wearing?'
Me: 'Aye, go on'
Her: 'Do you have any spares? My friends just been sick over my other friend'

:D :D :D

But anyway, no actual closes last night, tonight should be much livelier so hope to have some proper field reports to post tomorrow.

# Closes: 0
Successful # Closes: 0
Kisses: 0
Dates: 0
Fvcks: 0


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
good luck man....i was where you were about a year ago. collecting glass and getting ice all night long (we call this position the 'float'. now im behind the bar and i'd never have the success i'm having now without the 4 months of 'floating'
Hey, good to hear from someone else who's done the same job. Out of interest mate, did you have any specific openers/techniques for getting the birds that worked well for you when you were glass collecting/floating?

One technique that works very well for this one guy at my work is just to be really crude: he works behind the bar and if some girls come up to his bar and go 'whats on offer tonight?', he'll be like 'get your tits out and i'll tell you'.

:D :D


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Thu Night

Alright, this was a better night in terms of women, met 2 quality ones.

First one i got chatting to when she was with her 2 mates, they were putting some sort of make-up on each other. I started taking out them about it and she was like 'Oh do you want some?!', i'm like 'fvck off', but they kept persuading so i let them put a bit on me. Kept taking the piss out them, especially the one i was interested in, then she was like 'whats ur name?' and she got her phone out at the same time. I was like 'oh i see, you're after my number?', she was like 'oh i was just getting my phone out but yeh ok!' (I reckon thats b0llocks, i reckon she was after it all along) so i gave her my number.
With hindsight, I should have took hers but it'll be interesting see if she calls. She was hot as well, and into kama sutra (she had pics on her phone of her and her mate doing the positions
:D )

Second one just caught my eye as i was doing my rounds glass collecting. She was very attractive, pink dress and crop top showing nice tanned pierced belly and very nice face, definately HB8 at least. So i gave her a half smile, she returned it and i could tell she was interested but i didn't go up and talk to her at the time.
Then later i saw her again as she was leaving with her mate, i only saw her last minute but she gave me a smile as she passed me. I called her back and was like 'Hey where you off to? - I wanted to meet you!' We chatted for a minute or 2, couldn't be any longer cos her mate had just left but i sensed high IL (kept smiling and laughing, and wanted to know what other nights i'd be working there) so i got her number.

So had a decent night, couple more prospects, its definately helping having this journal to write - i was making more of a conscious effort to meet women cos i wanted to have stuff to write about on here.
Tho I'd say I'm still not 100% confident approaching women en mass - i need some sort of opener every time and if i can't think of one, i tend to let opportunities slip by. So thats definately summat to work on.
Any suggestions / advice appreciated btw!

# Closes: 1 (not counting one where girl took my number)
Successful # Closes: 1
Kisses: 0
Dates: 0
Fvcks: 0


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Fri Night & Sat Night

Alright, I didn't have time to post yesterday so I'm reporting 2 days at once
I'm struggling to recall that much of Friday night, i do remember chatting to these 2 girls, one of whom seemed much more interested than the other, i used my normal line on her 'so, you out on the pull tonight?' to guage if she was single or not, she was like 'no, no i've got a boyfriend'. So I left that one. Its weird, some of the girls who try and flirt the most with me at work are the ones who've got blokes, i reckon its cos they see it as harmless fun because they're not gonna let it go anywhere.

Later on in the night, this bird actually opened me with the 'are you single?' line (must have been secretly visiting this site!), when i told them i was, she was like 'me and my mate both reckon you're really fit.' I was like 'hey hey, threesome', chatted for a while, then pulled them both briefly and gave them my number, told them to call me if they wanted some later.
Didn't get a call of them, tho i probably wouldn't have gone anyway, one was fvckable but the other wasn't, it would have been a case of 'actually, is it ok if you just watch?' :D

So that was Friday night. Last night was pretty good, i was taking most the available opportunities to strike u convos with customers, and as i've said on another thread already today, ended up meeting these 2 birds and getting one of them to send me a pic of her tits, and since set up a date for tomorrow night.
It was a bit weird cos she wasn't the one i was originally after, she's a good HB7 but her mate was around HB8.5 and her mate was giving me all the buying signals when i was talking to her. But she hooked up with this other guy a bit later (and in fact, i've found out, has a BF anyway!) so i switched my attentions.

# Closes: 2
Successful # Closes: 2
Kisses: 3
Dates: 0
Fvcks: 0

I'm working again tonight so should have some more to post tomorrow.
Oh yeh, and a bit of a feedback would be nice! Feel like i'm just writing this for my own benefit a bit at the mo.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Gville, Florida
well i'm reading and i know alot of other lurkers are following your journal

i'm a bit of a dork myself so i cant offer too much advice.

only thought i have is this: consider that you are in a CLUB. That means that you are going to be hitting on and flirting with a certain type of girls. They will be the social, kok-tease, AW type of girl.

so you should probably tailor your approach for that type of girl. SOmething very Alpha, I imagine. Very ****y, funny, etc. And try to get a little more convo in.

In my experience, you get numbers easier when you've been talking for 5 minutes than when you've been talking for 2 minutes.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
The stuff that your posting isn't very detailed so it's hard to give specific advise but I was just wondering if you were useing any Kino or Mental Kino on these girls? I find that since I've started useing Kino it has really upped my personal success rate.

Also you might want to try useing a neg hit on the really hot girls (HB 8 and up). Just something that knocks them down a peg, something like "HER: Hey do you like my new purse? YOU: Yeah that's a really popular one it seems like all the girls have one like that." Nothing negative or insulting but just something to make them a little less unique is all.

I'm sure you look them in the eye and give good confident smiles, I'm sure you look as good as you can (while on the job), aparently your fit, which helps, and your a good conversationalist it seems (all basic Don Juan skills). So if you don't use neg hits, kino, or mental kino you might want to try some of that.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeh thanks for the advice - I'd have to agree that there is a lot of c0ck-tease / AW type girls, and that they require a certain type of gaming.
And yeh, neg hits, kino, c+f, i use all them as much as poss, one of my faves is when girls are grinding together or dancing provocatively, i'll look them critically up and down for a few seconds, then take the piss out them for being rubbish at it - be like 'jeez, that the best you can do?', or 'if you wanna get into my good books, you'll have to do better than that', then start telling them how to dance better, this can lead to some banter and flirting, they can be like 'come on, you do it better then!'

The one area i could really do to improve when i'm working is opening girls when no obvious opener presents itself, if you know what i mean. For instance, the example i gave above, where girls are dancing / grinding provacatively - that presents an obvious opener. But far too often, when there's no such easy opener, i let opportunities pass me by. I'm sure I could increase my success tenfold if i was able to start a convo with every attractive girl i come across.

If anyones got any advice on this i'd appreciate it.

Cos when working, its a bit different to going out and cracking onto birds - you'd soon build such a reputation if you were like 'oh lets just crack onto every bird, i don't care how many times i get rejected' - its much more a case of getting chatting to women rather than cracking onto them straightaway.

I often think that its all very well ignoring the AW's and not giving the women the attention they're looking for, but then if you don't pay them any attention, how are you going to get talking to them? Its pretty rare for women to come to you just cos you haven't paid them any attention.