Jokes and Bar Tricks


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
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I thought I'd start a thread for the little jokes/tricks/etc...

You know those little tricks you can use on girls. I love having little tricks you can usually grab a girl and call her over (great in a bar or something) and try one of those on her to get her talking.

Personally I like ones where you are trying to prove to your friends you can read minds or something and tell her she's your subject... it always works...

Or like getting her to end up with her palms face down on the table with a drink on each so she can't move without spilling them... Thinks like that...

Really fun when you can get them talking and laughing at what your doing. If your good you can use some good kino too.

How about you guys... have you any good jokes or "bar tricks" you can use to get their attention?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 7, 2004
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mmmmm no real 'tricks' I can think of, but if ur good at pool chics will notice

The TallOne

Don Juan
Jul 17, 2004
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I got two tricks.

" Penny For Your Thoughts
This is a great "mind-reading" trick. Give your "victim" a penny and a nickel, and ask them to put one in each hand without letting you see which coin is where. The trick is that you'll be able to tell which coin is in each hand by using the power of your mind.

Explain that they need to think about each coin so that you can read their mind. Ask your helper to multiply the value of the coin in their left hand by two without telling you the answer.

After a second's pause, ask them if they have the answer.

Then ask them to multiply the value of the coin in their right hand by 13, wait one second and ask if they have the answer.

The length of time it took them to come up with the answers to your questions will tell you which coin is in which hand. If your helper came up with both answers pretty quickly, the penny is in the left hand, (because 5 x 2 and 1 x 13 are easy to calculate). If it took a little longer to multiply by 13, then the nickel is in their right hand. "


"3-D Thinking
Start with 6 bottle caps or coasters and arrange them in a 'T' shape. Place 4 bottle caps in a straight line, and then place the other two caps on either side of the top cap.
The challenge is to make 2 rows of 4 caps each. However, you can only move one bottle cap.

When everyone's finished fumbling around, you can provide the very simple solution. Take the bottle cap from the bottom of your T-shape and place it on the bottle cap at the top.

Voila! You've made two rows of four. "

The Bartender

Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2004
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Tricks? Be the one serving the drinks....

-The Bartender


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
I don't get the 2 rows of 4...


Unless you mean that by having one cap on top of another, you have 2 rows wich contains 4 caps, however they are not enligned...?

I must say those would be neat tricks though.

Now I want more :D


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
As a magician I use a trick called the Invisible Deck. Basic premise is that I tell them I had a dream they were in it. There's more to it, but at the end I tell them that in the dream they told me the name of a card and that dream seemed so real that when I woke up I took a pack of cards and found that card and flipped it over in the deck. This was because when I ran into my "dream girl" I would be able to prove it was her. I then ask her to tell me the card and she'll pick one out at random. I then open the pack, showing all cards face up, and spread them out until I find the face-down card (which is her card). This will blow her mind. But I'll show her further proof. I put the cards back and tell her that there was one more card that I didn't mention. I ask her to name another card, bring out the deck, BAMMO, there it is, face-down among the face-up cards. Works like a champ.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
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Boston, MA
Dee Zy,

it doesn't have to be aligned. It is a "word game." The key is 2 rows (each with 4 caps on them).

By placing 1 cap directly on top of another, he created two rows, each row having 4 caps on it. Nothing is mentioned about the alignment.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2004
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Originally posted by The TallOne
I got two tricks.

" Penny For Your Thoughts
This is a great "mind-reading" trick. Give your "victim" a penny and a nickel, and ask them to put one in each hand without letting you see which coin is where. The trick is that you'll be able to tell which coin is in each hand by using the power of your mind.

Explain that they need to think about each coin so that you can read their mind. Ask your helper to multiply the value of the coin in their left hand by two without telling you the answer.

After a second's pause, ask them if they have the answer.

Then ask them to multiply the value of the coin in their right hand by 13, wait one second and ask if they have the answer.

The length of time it took them to come up with the answers to your questions will tell you which coin is in which hand. If your helper came up with both answers pretty quickly, the penny is in the left hand, (because 5 x 2 and 1 x 13 are easy to calculate). If it took a little longer to multiply by 13, then the nickel is in their right hand. "


"3-D Thinking
Start with 6 bottle caps or coasters and arrange them in a 'T' shape. Place 4 bottle caps in a straight line, and then place the other two caps on either side of the top cap.
The challenge is to make 2 rows of 4 caps each. However, you can only move one bottle cap.

When everyone's finished fumbling around, you can provide the very simple solution. Take the bottle cap from the bottom of your T-shape and place it on the bottle cap at the top.

Voila! You've made two rows of four. "

good stuff!

Got anymore ?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by Clownboy
As a magician I use a trick called the Invisible Deck. Basic premise is that I tell them I had a dream they were in it. There's more to it, but at the end I tell them that in the dream they told me the name of a card and that dream seemed so real that when I woke up I took a pack of cards and found that card and flipped it over in the deck. This was because when I ran into my "dream girl" I would be able to prove it was her. I then ask her to tell me the card and she'll pick one out at random. I then open the pack, showing all cards face up, and spread them out until I find the face-down card (which is her card). This will blow her mind. But I'll show her further proof. I put the cards back and tell her that there was one more card that I didn't mention. I ask her to name another card, bring out the deck, BAMMO, there it is, face-down among the face-up cards. Works like a champ.
Sounds interesting, how does it actually work?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2004
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Here's one to try out on your friends and relatives. It can be really spooky.

I have known people SCREAM!

If there are other people around, you must make sure that they are kept well away so that the person you are working with will be convinced that there is no possibility they could make any physical contact. Also tell any spectators that it is vital that they remain silent throughout.
Don't tell the person what you are going to do. You could patter on about the power of suggestion and how strange things often happen under hypnosis (of course you are not going to use hypnosis, but that doesn't matter).
Sit opposite the person. Display your two forefingers and place them on his/her forehead above the eyes. Now gently stroke down over the eyes and onto the cheeks. Ask the person to keep their eyes closed as you do this. Repeat the stroking four or five times.
Trying to maintain the same rhythm, take away one hand and now use the forefinger and second finger of the other hand to replace the two forefingers. Continue stroking as before. The idea is that the person should be convinced that you are still using both hands.
Now stop with your fingers on the person's eyelids. Using the other hand (be careful not to make any tell-tale sounds) give two quick taps on the back of the person's head. IMMEDIATELY return your hand to the front, removing your fingers from the eyelids and showing your two forefingers as at the beginning.

source : anonymous


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Thats perfect guys, I love them TallOne!!!

My "mind reading" trick is actually one I heard from my little sister and her friends but it works great.

It's usually to just call someone over and tell them you're trying to convince your friend here but you can read minds, so you need help...
Sometimes they look suspicious, sometimes interested but nobody ever pulls away from this.

Just ask them to start counting backwards from a hundred or something... left them go 5 or six numbers and say STOP!
Make it sound like you're thinking of it on the spot, say..."Think of... a vegetable".

Now ask them to "channel it to you", then write down the word "carrot", ask them to tell you what they thought of and show her the paper.

Sounds cheesy but try it on a friend or something, its got a 99.9% success rate. Like I said, it's a child trick but works sooo well I had to try it...
If on the VERY off chance they don't pick carrot then you've two options... laugh about it, who cares they're talking to you now...
The other option would be to run for the hills if she's the type to think of an "artichoke" or something :)


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
Unfortunatley I am bound by the magician's code not to reveal how a trick is done. I can tell you though that it is rather inexpensive and can be found at any good magic shop. If you don't have one in your area you can go here: This is where I purchased my deck from. It also came with that routine that I mentioned, plus many other tricks you can do with the deck.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2004
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Originally posted by Clownboy
Unfortunatley I am bound by the magician's code not to reveal how a trick is done. I can tell you though that it is rather inexpensive and can be found at any good magic shop. If you don't have one in your area you can go here: This is where I purchased my deck from. It also came with that routine that I mentioned, plus many other tricks you can do with the deck.
but the problem is, what kind of alpha male has card's with him all the time. Imagine james bond carrying cards... i don't think it's congruent with who i am. The cards, that is.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
True, James Bond wouldn not have cards with him all the time (unless he had some specially made by Q). He has all that cool spy stuff. I am not an agent of MI 6, I'm just a clown. You have to go with what suits your personality. So I always have a deck of cards handy because I love doing magic.

I deffinately want to give your idea a try though. It sounds like it would really freak people out and that's always fun too...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Clownboy
True, James Bond wouldn not have cards with him all the time (unless he had some specially made by Q). He has all that cool spy stuff. I am not an agent of MI 6, I'm just a clown. You have to go with what suits your personality. So I always have a deck of cards handy because I love doing magic.

I deffinately want to give your idea a try though. It sounds like it would really freak people out and that's always fun too...
I saw the video for the cards and it looked amazing. Is it actually as cool as it seems when you perform the trick?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
Yes, mind you it does involve a bit of practice though. I found myself getting flustered at first and mixing up the cards. If they picked the two of hearts, I would accidentally pick out the two of diamonds. But it is easy enough that you'll be doing this trick within an hour or so.

I did this trick for a cute hostess at a resturant the other night and it blew her mind. She started to call over some of the other girls to see this trick but I refused. Magic Rule #2 is you don't do the same trick twice in a row. Plus it makes them want to see it all the more. So I did a different one instead.

Now here's one I read on here back when I first found this site. You take the girl's hand and using your finger you draw a line on the back of her hand. You say that this is a river. Then you make a little dot and you say that is a bunny that wants to cross the river. You ask her how will he do it? Will he swim across? Will he find a bridge and walk across? Or will he just simply jump across? When she replies tell her no. When she tries the second option again tell her no. Same with the third. By now she's curious and is gonna want to know how the bunny will make it across. You tell her you have no idea, you just wanted to hold her hand. I have not had one negative reaction to this.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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I know a pretty cool card trick were I have the person hold a deck of cards behind their back, and tell them to cut it into two halves, and then place both halves face to face. Of course, this is done behind their back, So I cant see the cards as I explain to them what to do. Then I turn my back, and they are to find the two cards in the middle that are touching face to face, and memorize them. Then I turn back around and tell them to think of the cards, keep in mind they cut the deck anywhere, so theres no way I could know what the two cards are and I never come into contact with the deck, but Im able to read their minds, and guess the 2 cards all without any secret helpers or anything. gets em everytime, theyre always beggin me to tell them. The most puzzleing thing about the trick is that once they cut the deck and the 2 cards are set to be face to face, I never see the deck, or come into contact with it, yet im able to know what the two cards are, its a pretty good mental trick.

Another cool trick I like to do is take any random card, place it in the middle of the deck, and then suddenly it reappears back on top of the deck, I place it back in the middle again, it reappaers back on top, I do it over and over. Its freaky, keep in mind im using a normal deck, not a trick one with all the same cards. Just a skill in sleight of hand. its cool to see.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2004
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I know you guys are bound by the fact you don't give away magicians secrets but where doies one go to begin to learn magic?

Don't know if I'd ever become David Blain but I've always been intregued by it and I'd love to learn small card tricks and coin tricks and stuff like that. I've search for "magic tricks" on the net and stuff but thers not much to find... most just seen to want your credit card detaisl than really teaching you much... any good sites/books out there? Where do you go to really learn this kind of stuff? I love it!


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
Go to They specialize in street magic and David Blaine type stuff. I never did card magic until I had gotten their videos (which they make themselves). Just yesterday I got a $10 tip at the restaurant that I work at just because I did a card trick I learned from that site. I cannot say enough good things about Ellusionist.


Don Juan
May 24, 2004
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Clownboy: I was considering buying ellusionist's street magic video. I thought it was a little expensive but it does seem really good, is that the one you have and would you recommend it ?
Does anyone else have any experience with ellusionist's videos ?