Sales is mostly telling about a feature of the product, and then giving the benefit of that feature to the consumer. You repeat this with a few different features and their specific benefits to the prospect. You also can soften them up with "yes" questions. Then you ask a closing question, stare them in the eye, and wait.
"Mr. Prospect, considering the many features of this product, and their benefits to you, do you think we go should go ahead and get started?"
Stare them in the eye and wait. The first person to speak loses. Time will pass more slowly than it ever has in your life. I have worked with people who can maintain this awkwardness for periods of over a minute. It's amazing.
When the prospect says "no," don't take it personally, just start the feature/benefit process over, and then go into another close.
"Now that we have seen what this product can do for you, would you like to own one today, or can I put you down for two?"
Then they say no, and you repeat this process again. I was taught that if they don't say no seven times, then they haven't said no yet. Most people crack after the third or fourth close if not the first if you have done your job pointing out the benefits.
So think up the features that your movie of choice has to offer and a corresponding benefit for each one. A funny movie makes you have a better sense of humor, a romantic movie puts your woman in the mood, entertain, distract, educate, etc.
If you want to learn more about sales, I recommend the authors Zig Ziglar and Tom Hopkins. Dale Carnegie's old book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is very helpful as well.