I come here looking for advice, and I see words typed by people that probably haven't had a relationship longer than three months. I have a great feeling that there are people here who have gone through many meaningful relationships and can actually tell who they keyboard jockeys are as well.
Every time a girl wants to go out, she's gonna cheat on you? Every time a girl talks to a guy on the phone, it's bad? You guys wonder when she's sh*t testing and when you should keep quiet, to not appear insecure. I even read once that this girl was going to this party alone (she invited the guy, but he couldn't make it), and everyone told him to dump her because she was going to cheat on him? Gosh!
I go to parties alone most of the time, and I have some overseas events where I'll have to travel and stay with attractive colleagues to conduct training, but my girlfriend doesn't make a big deal out of it. She even encourages me because I've gotta do what I've gotta do, and she knows it.
I bet the people that typed that doesn't even know what it feels like to go to a party, while having a girlfriend nag you to death or sulk at home. Are you guys so insecure that you can't even let your girlfriend go to a party? Take it as a test. If she cheats on you, you wouldn't wanna be with her anyways! Cliche, I know. But hey, if she wants to cheat, she will. It wouldn't even be at the party, and she wouldn't even let you know about it.
I guess the main point is that many guys are forgetting Number One. I guess you guys have been so busy chasing girls, devising tactics, and wondering what her latest action equates to, that you forget about yourself. Hell, nothing will shake me much if I get my promotion in my job, or get headhunted by a better company. I know I already have a good body, though I'm short, so that's cleared. I have a healthy network of friends, so losing a girl in my life wouldn't be the end of the world.
Wake up guys, it's not the girls. They're not the enemy. YOU are your own worst enemy. How many times have you spent worrying if your girlfriend was out cheating on you only to find out that she was actually out with her girlfriends? How many times have you ruined otherwise great dates with your insecure questions and arguments to things that never actually happened? Their actions create fear in you, only if you're not grounded yourself. That's what it is right, fear? Or else why would you guys type "Next" at every damn opportunity you get?
Girlfriend touches another guy? "Next"
Girlfriend smiles at another guy? "Next"
Looks at another guy? "Next"
Looks at the sky? "Next"
Takes a pee? "Next?"
Look, I've been burnt before, and I know most of us here have been burnt BAD. And that's how most of us found this site. But it's ridiculous to let that fear control you all your life. We spend so much time trying to avoid feeling that again, that we forget the point in life. Living our life to the fullest.
Money back guarantee, I'll bet you suddenly forget about sh*t tests, or being jealous, when you have a bunch of worthy goals in your life. And like an upward spiral, things just get better and better. Sure as hell beats calculating your next move, afraid of how the girl would react.
Learn all you want about "DJ Techniques" or "Fast Seduction", but the only way you'll ever succeed is when you have a direction in your own life. Everything else will take care of itself.
Every time a girl wants to go out, she's gonna cheat on you? Every time a girl talks to a guy on the phone, it's bad? You guys wonder when she's sh*t testing and when you should keep quiet, to not appear insecure. I even read once that this girl was going to this party alone (she invited the guy, but he couldn't make it), and everyone told him to dump her because she was going to cheat on him? Gosh!
I go to parties alone most of the time, and I have some overseas events where I'll have to travel and stay with attractive colleagues to conduct training, but my girlfriend doesn't make a big deal out of it. She even encourages me because I've gotta do what I've gotta do, and she knows it.
I bet the people that typed that doesn't even know what it feels like to go to a party, while having a girlfriend nag you to death or sulk at home. Are you guys so insecure that you can't even let your girlfriend go to a party? Take it as a test. If she cheats on you, you wouldn't wanna be with her anyways! Cliche, I know. But hey, if she wants to cheat, she will. It wouldn't even be at the party, and she wouldn't even let you know about it.
I guess the main point is that many guys are forgetting Number One. I guess you guys have been so busy chasing girls, devising tactics, and wondering what her latest action equates to, that you forget about yourself. Hell, nothing will shake me much if I get my promotion in my job, or get headhunted by a better company. I know I already have a good body, though I'm short, so that's cleared. I have a healthy network of friends, so losing a girl in my life wouldn't be the end of the world.
Wake up guys, it's not the girls. They're not the enemy. YOU are your own worst enemy. How many times have you spent worrying if your girlfriend was out cheating on you only to find out that she was actually out with her girlfriends? How many times have you ruined otherwise great dates with your insecure questions and arguments to things that never actually happened? Their actions create fear in you, only if you're not grounded yourself. That's what it is right, fear? Or else why would you guys type "Next" at every damn opportunity you get?
Girlfriend touches another guy? "Next"
Girlfriend smiles at another guy? "Next"
Looks at another guy? "Next"
Looks at the sky? "Next"
Takes a pee? "Next?"
Look, I've been burnt before, and I know most of us here have been burnt BAD. And that's how most of us found this site. But it's ridiculous to let that fear control you all your life. We spend so much time trying to avoid feeling that again, that we forget the point in life. Living our life to the fullest.
Money back guarantee, I'll bet you suddenly forget about sh*t tests, or being jealous, when you have a bunch of worthy goals in your life. And like an upward spiral, things just get better and better. Sure as hell beats calculating your next move, afraid of how the girl would react.
Learn all you want about "DJ Techniques" or "Fast Seduction", but the only way you'll ever succeed is when you have a direction in your own life. Everything else will take care of itself.