jealousy is driving me crazy!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I have a friend--I might say he's my best friend-- and he is not the best looking guy--he's skinny and has a lazy eye so you can't keep eye contact with him--I even heard some girls make fun of his eyes one night. The thing is, depite this stuff, he ALWAYS has hot girls around him. He used to date and live with this girl who looked like a model and right now he's seeing one of the hottest girls I have ever seen--and I'm really picky--I mean, this girl looks like she stepped out of cozmo--perfect face and body and really cool. My friend is no Don Juan. Sure, he has the balls to approach and get numbers whenever he wants, but he is very AFC in many ways and I just don't get why he always has hot women. I'm finding it more and more difficult to hang out with him just because of the fact that he has so much success. This used to be WHY I hung out with him, so I could learn, but over the years it has really started to eat me up inside. I've been reading and learning stuff for years and have seen little success, but my friend, who has probably never read Any of this stuff online or elsewhere, is so good with women. It's tough spending time with him when he always has women and I have none. I've become really frustrated with this situation. I want ot keep him as a friend, but it's tough sometimes. Can anyone relate or give any suggestions?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Those links aren't really what I was getting at with my post. My problem is how to deal with a close friend who always seems to be "on" with women, and how to deal with those tinges if jealously that creep up when seeing your friend with a hot girl. Those links were more about not getting jealous when your woman is talking to another guys, etc...


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Man tough. The only way to keep him as a friend is to relax a little, woman arent nearly all there is in this world. Once you have had your fair share you will realise this. And then u wont give a fukc how many woman he gets.

Dude are you out there getting numbers, going on dates? Obviously not, u know what to do but it doesnt sound like u are doing it, or you WOULD have many woman around. Plus man, who cares how many woman anybody gets, this is your own insecurity problems! I had a friend like this once, he was nothing but getting hot chicks, I was simply happy for him. My turn came, I just had to get older and work my game a little better. Now I am pis*ing all over him!

Get out there dude, live a little and stop living your life worrying about a "friend" who is getting more woman than u. Step back and see the big picture, u are just wasting your own time and energy!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by otr4
Those links aren't really what I was getting at with my post. My problem is how to deal with a close friend who always seems to be "on" with women, and how to deal with those tinges if jealously that creep up when seeing your friend with a hot girl. Those links were more about not getting jealous when your woman is talking to another guys, etc...
It's the same premise but with different levels of insecurities. In your case, there is some reason why you aren't going after what you want; popularity with HBs. The only way to beat it is to overcome whatever fears you have.