Japan’s unfaithful women share tips on how to cheat without getting caught


Sep 4, 2014
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Here’s a shocking fact: Despite decades of gender stereotypes insisting that men are disgusting pigs that would gladly hump anything without too much back hair even if they’re already in a relationship, recent studies suggest women are cheating about as much as men (presumably also provided there’s not too much back hair).

One reason for the persistent stereotype may be that women are just a bit smarter and better at hiding their affairs than men are. While a cheating man is liable to show up to his SO’s house with a pair of panties on his head, cheating women are apparently much more discreet, a Japanese survey of 50 unfaithful women reveals. The Niconico News survey also offers a few tips for girls who are currently cheating or who may be considering a little love on the side in the future:

Don’t use your phone for texting

The survey reveals a lot of guys have a tendency to check a girl’s phone for suspicious activity (which probably says a lot about them too, we suppose) so respondents suggested cheating women keep contact with their fling to computer e-mail, which can be more easily password protected and hidden from view. Also, with the advent of new texting services, such as LINE, that can turn your phone’s screen on and display new messages automatically, cheating women (and men, too!) are at greater risk than ever of having a badly timed text ruin their relationship.

Meet your fling on weekdays

This one only works if your man is a workaholic. The girls surveyed suggested that it was much easier to keep a fling secret if they met their other guy on weekdays, when the boyfriend or spouse was too pre-occupied with work to pay attention to what the girls were up to. Obviously, you should take into account what kind of job your boyfriend is doing; if he’s a pizza delivery boy, you’re probably safe on weekends too.

Don’t tell anyone your address

Doubly important if you’ve got more than one affair going at a time; you definitely don’t want to show up at home one day with five guys crowded awkwardly on the couch waiting to have a serious talk with you. In fact, it’s kind of common sense to not give out your address to anyone you don’t know intimately (no, the other “intimately”), because there are plenty of crazy men and women out there who will show up unannounced at your door with a skinned rabbit in hand.

Be careful of smells

For men, the traditional giveaway that they’ve been cheating is the classic lipstick stain on the collar or suspicious perfume smell on their clothes. But women need to be careful of smells too. Cigarette odor is an obvious alarm bell if your guy isn’t a smoker. Plus, let’s face it: a lot of dudes have their own unique, shall we say, “aroma” that could get you in trouble at home.

Call your guys by the same name

By far the most unique and sinister clever advice the women gave is to call your fling the same name as your partner, so you don’t end up accidentally uttering the wrong one to the wrong guy in the throes of passion. We assume this means giving them both the same pet name like “Sugarlumps” or something, because it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth to get both guys on board with you calling them “Jeff.”

If we’re being totally honest, while all this advice seems smart and useful for the stated purpose, we can’t really condone cheating regardless of your gender and the best way to not get caught is to not cheat in the first place. And if you are one of those free love people who thinks cheating isn’t a big deal, do your guy a favor and ask him in advance how he feels about open relationships – before he gets too committed to you. Oh, and guys, uh… make sure your girlfriend doesn’t read this article.



Sep 4, 2014
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The Top 8 Ways For a Woman to Have a Successful Affair.

My readers should understand, first and foremost, that I am NOT a fan of cheating. I don’t think it’s healthy. I don’t recommend it. And I think that divorce is a better option if you’re having temptations you can’t hold back or do not feel appreciated and able to change how you feel.

That said, a reader who claims to have been “the other guy” dozens of times, sent over some advice for women on how to have a successful affair. He mentioned that a few of his girlfriends have been busted by their boyfriends because of not following the advice below.

Of course, I’d also point out not to say anything if you do cheat – lest someone find you out and out you to the world…

1. Know what you need before even deciding who the affair is going to be with

If your needs are primarily sexual, you may need a different partner than if they are mostly emotional. It is even more important to decide if the affair is going to cause a divorce or a reunion with your spouse. Once you know what you want, find the guy that is going to fulfill those needs and take your time in deciding who that is.

2. Always pick a guy who has more to lose than you

Unless you are looking to leave your husband, or unless you find a serial other guy like I am, always pick a guy who has more to lose than you do by being discovered. That hot single guy may end up a nightmare down the road.

3. Bodybuilders of any age usually make a bad choice of partners

Bodybuilders of any age usually make a bad choice of partners. They are using their testosterone to build mass and they are often too focused on themselves to do you much good in the ego department. Guys that are fat are also usually lousy choices. Stamina and strength can be important however.

4. Pick a guy whose job allows him freedom

Try to pick a guy whose job allows him freedom. Someone who travels overnight is often ideal because he may not need to explain his whereabouts to either his wife or his boss. Always pick a guy who is more financially secure than you are or you will be picking up costs or loaning him money.

5. Fight the guilt before it begins

Guilt is often why people get caught. Leaving your copy of the Holiday Inn Express key in your purse can be a disaster when you were suppose to be at the Doctor’s office all day.

6. Put the sex in perspective

If you hook up with the right guy he may be very, very good, and that will be a very good thing for you, but keep in mind what your goals really are. If you need and want some good hot sex where you climax a dozen times in four or five hours and you find it that is great, but, is it worth giving up your marriage for? I have friends I see once or twice a week and have for over ten years but they are grounded enough they stay married. Their husband gets to enjoy their improved disposition and glow and many times my friends find him a better husband without him knowing all the work I put into helping them feel better about themselves, and having the relief they need.

7. Pay every affair related expense in cash

Unless it has to show up on an expense account. Get a separate very small cell phone that is either prepaid, or where you made a big enough cash deposit that no bill ever comes to your home. Set it on vibrate and stash it on your body. Make sure the number is OK to show up on your other man’s bill if you are going to call his cell phone. I have one currently that has the same local number prefix as my friend’s does, and she lives in a small town over 100 miles away. Cell companies will do whatever you ask to get your money.

8. Always have an extra change of underwear

Carry a change of panties, that you can toss out the window if you need to, or use and discard the other ones if you can’t get them washed before he has a chance to encounter them. Always take a shower afterwards. You will smell like sex and so will the panties you had on before they came off. Deodorant, and toothpaste and toothbrush are musts. Little hairs can stick in your teeth where others will notice them and you might not. The same goes for your guy. Buy your husband the same cologne for his birthday that your other guy uses.



Sep 4, 2014
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Tips for Married Women Who Cheat to Not Get Caught

So anyway, after our article on married men who want to do the horizontal hula with someone that they are not married to, some women asked what advice we had for women.

Just so we don’t get the prudes hunting us down, we must stress that we do not advise anyone to cheat. It is a dark underworld and all sorts of nasty things happen in dark underworlds where the world is dark and under.

Now that we get to the fun and sleazy part.

Once you have ascertained why you are cheating you have to decide on the right partner. Don’t get a lullaby singing boy with dreamy eyes when all you want is bootie calls and vice-versa. Getting that wrong defeats the purpose. I know, the reason most of you are cheating or want to cheat has nothing to do with the lover but more to do with the act of cheating. It is the rush. It is the sinning. It is the fact that you are doing some illegal stuff. So the partner is a consequence of the reason for cheating.

That obvious one is do not choose a man who is immature or arrogant. He is going to go around bragging and the minute he talks someone else will talk and Harare is a tiny place.

It will get to someone who will provide a nasty reaction and you don’t want that. You want someone who has as much to lose as you do. Ideally another married person would be the business. Unless of course he is immature and arrogant as well.

And as for someone your husband might know, that is an absolute no-no. Avoid all advances – and there will be many of those – from men who are friends with your husband.

Now, when you have snagged the poor bugger, cover your tracks. Don’t take him to places where you are likely to be seen, especially places where your husband frequents. In fact if you can avoid being seen in public with him, the better. Don’t go overboard though, if people know that you are acquainted. Ignoring each other a bit much can raise as much suspicion as you canoodling in some dark corner of Red Fox or Lime Bar.

Adding to that, always be paranoid. Be a stickler for detail. Make sure that your story checks out all the time. If you arrange for a date, make sure that your husband knows and that you have a very strong alibi.

Discretion is the most important tool. Otherwise if you were planning to leave your husband you wouldn’t be doing an R Kelly and keeping it on the down-low.

And don’t get too confident. A lot of women end up being caught because they take a lot for granted and so they become a bit too reckless.

Do not call your lover from your home phone. I cannot stress this enough. Call him from the office. And if you are going to call him from your mobile phone, do not save his number. Commit it to memory and delete it from your call records. If you can, make sure you switch off your phone at night. If you can’t, tell your other lover he absolutely is not allowed to call you after hours.

If you are going to use email, create a separate account. Gmail, Yahoo and whole lot of other services are free. Make sure they are not your friends on Facebook and there must be absolutely no communication on the social network. Unless you create a separate account where you have a separate life. Which is a bit a twisted if you ask me. But if you have gone so far, who am I to judge?

You can’t afford to take the risk.

The most important of the lot is to make sure that you don’t change. You make sure that your husband still gets what he needs. Most women who cheat end up acting cold and indifferent to their husbands. If you stop giving him attention then your marriage is going disappearing down the sewer and not even Morton Jaffray can clean it.

These are some of the basics one should follow and others you will learn the fly. If you can get these right then you can be as sleazy as you like. If you get caught, we will read about you in H-Metro.



Sep 4, 2014
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10 Signs That She Is Cheating On You: WARNING!! She Might Be Having An Affair

Contrary to what you may believe, you are not the center of the universe. And contrary to what you may believe, women do cheat. But take a breather and settle down because it doesn’t happen often. Will a woman cheat on you?

While most of us hope not, studies and surveys have shown that over 1/3 of women would be tempted to cheat if they were guaranteed that their partner would never find out.

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship so there is always a chance that she may be cheating. Keep in mind that signs below aren’t necessarily only signals, there might be many more.

They also demonstrate that something in your relationship is not going as well as it should be. Either way, let’s take a look at a few signs that you can watch out for to determine if she is seeing someone else.

Family Detachment

One sign that she may be cheating is that she detaches herself from your family. She may also stop hanging out with your friends as well. The reason women do this is out of remorse. Basically, she feels guilty and will feel less pain if she isn’t immersed in your life- including family or friends. Remember, the less mental baggage she has holding her back, the easier it will be for her to commit the deed.

Consistent Nagging

The days of harmonious communication are gone when a women decides to do nothing but nag. Basically, she will find every excuse to lash out and argue with you. The reason a woman will do this is to justify her deed by rationalizing that it wasn’t working out with your anyway. It helps eliminate a lot of her guilt. So if a woman starts to point out every flaw and starts arguments about every little thing then it could be a sign that she has been unfaithful or is going to.

The Mysterious Friend

One telltale sign that a woman is being unfaithful is that she has a mysterious friend who slowly makes a bigger impact in her life. Whether it is a co-worker or someone that she knows from school, she may keep him a secret as well as may be hesitant to share information about him with you. It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that something out of the norm is happening here and you should speak with your significant other about it be.

Deflecting Simple Questions

When your girlfriend starts acting suspicious and starts to avoid very simple questions then this could be a sign that she’s hiding something. If she immediately repeats your questions back to you before answering then chances are good that she’s searching her mind for a lie. On the same token, she may become very defensive when you ask her questions about her whereabouts or future plans. As a general rule of thumb, if she starts to deflect information that she used to volunteer in the past, she is hiding something that she doesn’t want to tell you about.

Shift in Priorities

If a woman is involved in heavy romance with another man then she will definitely start to shift her priorities away from yours. All of a sudden, she won’t have time to see you and she will start to break-off regular meetings that you used to have with her. Also, if there is a sudden switch in dates for particular events like dance-lessons or work schedule then she’s probably making them to see her new fling. Basically, anything action that is designed to create distance between you and her could be a sign of infidelity.

She Looks Sexier More Often

A woman who is cheating will go way out of her way to make sure that she is looking as best as she can before leaving the house. The reason she does this is to dazzle and impress her new fling as much as possible. Remember that way that she dressed at the beginning of your relationship together? That is how she is going to try and present herself when she does something wrong. She’ll wear new jewelry, clothing, and even makeup. She’ll even wear these things to places where there is really no need for them like the mall for example.

She Becomes More Independent

Part of trying to break it off with you and having her romance with her new guy is that she wants to be independent from you. The earlier she starts doing this, the less of a burden it will actually be when the time comes to leave you (if and when she decides to do it). Basically, she will start to drop her vocabulary from “we” to phrases that favor “I”. However, what is more important to watch out for is that she will stop speaking with you about future plans.

In short, she will start acting a manner that dictates that she no longer needs you to hold her hand. Whether or not she is actually going to leave your or simply create more space for your “double life” it is safe to say that she doesn’t want you in the picture. The reason she does this is because she can’t build up the nerve to tell you that it is over and that she wants to start over with someone new.

Low Sex Drive

This is probably one of the biggest telltale sign that a woman is unfaithful. Essentially, she won’t be interested in having sex with you anymore. And if you do make love then it will only be when she wants it. Another reason why she will have a lower sex drive is because she doesn’t want to continue and string you along. Chances are good that she’s already engaging in sexual activities with her new partner if she isn’t sleeping with you anymore.

Secret Schedules

A woman who is being secretive about her schedule is more than likely hiding something. For example, does she hide her whereabouts when you call her? Does she always “go away on businesses”? If she is gone a lot of the time and not telling you where she is going or when she’s coming back then chances are good that she’s seeing someone else. As a general rule of thumb, the less you know about her itinerary the more worried you should be about where she is and who she is spending her time with.

You Become Irrelevant

What is worth than a girlfriend who nags about every little thing? How about a girlfriend or wife who doesn’t even know that you exist? While it may be hard to imagine, it does happen to a lot of guys. Their significant other simply pretends like they are not even there anymore. Keep in mind that this may happen right away or little by little. A woman who is no longer interested in you and becomes interested in another man will automatically start to pretend as though you don’t even exist.


Basically, she will become very cold towards you. She won’t answer your phone calls. She won’t tell you that she loves you. She won’t include you in her life whatsoever. All of a sudden, she’ll invite someone else to the ballet with her. She won’t care how you are feeling or what problems are going on in your relationship. All that she cares about “I” and how she can get closer to her new man. While it may sound harsh, it is the reality of cheating and this sign, along with the others, are clear signs that she may be seeing someone else.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Great article and posts, OP. BUT, I still respect Japanese women as a whole, and any other country's women, FAR more than the American trash POS women I share a country with. If given an American Woman and a Japanese woman and forced to gamble on who the cheater is, I'd go ALL IN that the American woman is more likely to cheat.

Thought you would wanna hear this, OP, sense you interested in the topic of foreign women ;)


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

The OP who is now banned was Zarkey wasn't it? Trying to devalue Japanese women?