I've Had Enough Of This Crap!!! Afc's And Dj Must Read!!


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2002
Reaction score

After seeing this horrible tragedy which has occur, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Thinking about Different things and also how lucky we are as human beings and Americans. Let me put it to you like this. WE HAVE MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN WORRYING ABOUT GIRLS. Let me explain. SEPT. 11th, The Shuttle Columbia, War with IRAQ!! We don’t know when the next terrorist attack will be. It could be a month, a year, 5 years. Life is too short to be worrying about a girl not thinking your cool or how she might reject you. Who cares!!!! We have much bigger things to worry about than some techniques that might work on a girl. We are so lucky to be living in America. Yea, we have alot of crime, violence, hate, and racism. But this is still by far one of the best places to live.

There’s kids in Bosnia that have no hope at all. They don’t know where their next meal is coming from, they’re sick, and they are dying. DO YOU THINK THEY’RE STRESSED OUT ABOUT NOT HAVING ENOUGH GUTS TO TALK TO A GIRL!!! There are so many people who would kill to trade places with us and live in America. There are people in different parts of the world that wake up not knowing if they survive the day. You have the chance of being anything you want in this country. Not all countries have the pleasure of saying that. Life is so precious. You just don’t know when it’s your time to go. Live life to your fullest!

And another thing, all you AFC’s need to seriously ask yourself this question: “What is holding me back from talking to that girl?”. Seriously think about that question!!! Of course the typical answer is “Well, I’m might get rejected” or “She might not be interested”. OH!! Poor baby. She might say no(sobbing). SO WHAT!!!!!! AT LEAST YOU’LL KNOW SHE’S NOT INTERESTED!!!! If you really, really, really think about it, it’s such a stupid reason. THEY ARE JUST GIRLS!!!!! GIRLS!!!!! ARE YOU AFRAID THEY MIGHT BEAT UP FOR TALKING TO THEM!! Next time you see that girl that you are just so afraid to talk to, ask yourself “why am I scared?”. She is a human being. I want an AFC to write me a post explaining why you should be afraid to ask a girl for her number. If you can give me any GOOD reason that you should hesitate or even keep yourself from talking to any girl you want to get with(Excluding she has a boyfriend) I‘ll shut up. You really can’t.

Being a man is doing things you might not want to do. That’s where courage comes in. Are you scared? Yes you’re scared!! But you do it anyway because you know you have to. THAT’S WHAT HAVING COURAGE IS ABOUT!! How do you expect to be a good husband , father, or boyfriend if you don’t even have the courage to talk to a girl. Think about it, what if you’re family is having problems and your Dad, Mom, uncle or who ever is the head of the house says “I don’t know what to do, I’m scared, I’m going in my room to go Jack off now”. How do you expect to stand up for your girl friend if you can’t even get enough guts to talk to her. NOW I’m not saying fear is bad, in fact a little fear is actually good. Many of today’s top entertainers, athletes, dare devils, and soldiers will tell you that they still get nervous before they go out and perform. They know how to control the fear to help them perform better. Even if your “SHY”, there is nothing wrong with being shy. I think a little shyness is good because in a way it keeps you humble in my opinion. Like I said as long as you can control your shyness.

Don’t get to the point where fear, shyness, and Second guessing yourself are your whole life. You could choose that path but why live in a life of fear and anxiety. ONE MORE THING!!! I’m so sick and tired of these AFC’S saying “Gosh, I just can’t approach girls, what’s wrong with me?”. Deep inside all you AFC’s you know dang well you can approach her. But when the time comes you nut up!! You’re not motivated. If I told all you guys that for every number you got or even girl you talked to I would give you a million dollars. I GUARANTEE ALL OF YOU WOULD COME BACK WITH AT LEAST 15 NUMBERS!!! You wouldn’t care if you got rejected then, would you. So why do you care now? QUIT BEING WIMPS!!! THE ONLY PROBLEMS I WANT TO HEAR ON THIS POST IS “HEY GUYS, I GOT GIRLS FIGHTING OVER ME, WHAT SHALL I DO!!” Life is too short to be worried about some insecure females when we got bigger things to worry about!!!! That’s all I have to say, and remember how lucky you are to be alive, and to be an American.

ALRIGHT!!! I’ve calmed down now. Sorry I had to go DR. Phil on you guys. But I had to get that off my chest. Man, this is by far the longest post I’ve ever written.


JAY 83

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Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home

Youve come to a point of certain enlightment! Worrying about women is NOT the way to go. Ignoring them isnt either. But if you make yourself to be a person who makes himself better everyday, women will come up to you naturally. Cassanova didnt come here at age 5 to know how to get a girl, he just did it, and got better and better. Same for non-women topics. Alexander the great, didnt go reading books on how to become legends, they just did.
However, i feel that when you are confident with your sexuality (which is a main concern of many many guys) you will focus on other things that are more important, as you just did. Why am i here then? you may ask. Well, precisely, ive got to the point where i know women are not the first thing in life, a part of it yes, but not ALL my life. And i come here to help guys satisfy their sexuality, and know they will come to the conclusion you have come to.
Therefore, i urge you to continue coming here, and help guys satisfy THEIR sexuality.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2002
Reaction score
WE HAVE MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN WORRYING ABOUT GIRLS. Let me explain. SEPT. 11th, The Shuttle Columbia, War with IRAQ!! We don’t know when the next terrorist attack will be. It could be a month, a year, 5 years.

This was the exact reason i enlisted in the army but I felt the same way man but im enjoying my time its hard not to let those things bother you but its life man enjoy the time while you can sleep with many chicks do what ever just dont freak out on us again