Sounds like just cutting out alcohol and fast food will do wonders for your physique(moobs, belly).
Don't neglect cardio, I'd actually suggest rotating between different types of cardio: 45 min incline walks/20 min jogs/20 min HIIT sessions(100m sprint repeats)/and GPP cardio(farmers walks, sled pulling, tire flipping, BB complexes).
There's good progs in the sticky to follow you shouldn't need help there.
So yeah, eat relatively healthy bu since your trying to get bigger and thicker you have to remember that eating enough every day is priority #1. that means if you missed a couple meals one day, don't starve because you can't eat a perfectly healthy meal; get some calories into you.
At the same time, you don't want to overdo it or else you'll just get fat.
I strongly suggest keeping regular cardio sessions in your schedule, as they keep your heart strong, keep you healthy, and support muscle growth to an extent while minimizing fat gain.
Most people with amazing physiques are athletes, and just doing 3 hours of gym work per week isn't athletic. As long as your eating to support your activity levels and are training different fitness qualities, then you can easily put in 5-10+ hours of exercise a week and your physique will be transformed.
Oh and... This all takes patience. You may be doing the right thing even now, though most peoples bodies are very good at resisting change, and you may just have to give it some time.(you can do the right thing for weeks before you'll notice benefits).