Take things slowly.
Don't have the attitude of "I WANNA GET HUGE and RIPPED FAST."
Because for the majority of people,that leads to serious injury or burnout. Either way it's not a good thing.
Don't let little things bother you.
There will always be somebody better then you and there will always be somebody worse.
So what if your friends could care less about fitness, yet he's ten times stronger then you. Just work really hard and stick with it.
Dont get jealous or angry. That will lead to serious problems for you.
I had a friend when i was younger who was a little chubby and basicaly had never exercised but was strong as hell.
Me and another buddy played every sport, exercised, were in shape and one day we went down into my fathers gym and low and behold, this Non_exercising Guy lifted like 3 times more then us. Hell he lifted three times more then most people 10 years older then him at that time.
BUt he never stuck to anything , so he never worked out. BUt if he did, he probably could become huge without that much effort.
There are those people who are naturally and genetically strong.
But when something comes easy, sometimes it's not always a good thing.
There are many people who are naturally gifted in sports, fitness, intelligence, looks, or whatever it is, and they don't have to put forth that much effort to do anything.
Some of these people do become great at what they do.
But some of these people go nuts or quit the first time something is difficult. THey never had to work hard for anything in their lives, so the older they get, the harder it will be when something comes up that requires lots of long hours and hard work.
There are plenty of people in the world who "COULD"A BEEN CONTENDERS."
If you stick with it and make fitness and exercising a lifestyle and a committment for life, you won't have to deal with "I COULD"a BEEN WHATEVER..."
Because as long as you work your harderst and try your best, there's nothing you need to be jealous, angry or ashamed about.
There will always be somebody who is better then you. Thats life.
But as the Rocky movies once described,
"he might be stronger, taller, and more fit then you, but aint noboy got YOUR HEART."
Stick with it and dont get pissed at little things.
Life is too long and too short to get pissed over small things that you have no control over.
Make it work for you. Work harder and smarter.
maybe you'll never be stronger then your friend, but by working harder and smarter, you could go from lifting 195 to 295 in time.
ANd that, in itself, is an accomplishment, no matter what anybody else says or does.