Ive been friend zoned, but why try to take advantage?


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
I have been obviously friend zoned by this chick, all attempts of escalating and trying to take it to the next level have failed. Ive accepted it and will keep her just as a friend, but why does she feel the need to try to take advantage now?

She knows I like her from my attempts of trying to take it to the next level and I guess she has mistaken this as me being "easy".

She doesn't have a ride so she had called me up to take her way across town to get something done (the cost of a cab would probably be around $80 to get there and back). After some small talk I say sure I'll take you let me just get $10 for some gas, just to see what she would say, and this b!tch actually had the nerve to pout (like a sigh) on the phone like she was upset that I had asked for gas money. I called her out on it and called her cheap and said she only had her card I told her the gas station takes card and than she said to take her to an ATM instead. From my point of view she completely failed my sh!t test.

I told her I'd pick her up in about an hour or two and call her when I was outside her place, needless to say I didn't pick her up it's been all day and she hasn't called me. I sure hope this is eating her up cuz that was some fvcked up sh!t she was trying to pull.

I don't mind being her friend, but I do mind being her puppy...


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
It's normal for friends to pay for gas. Doesn't have to be with money now, she could have said I'll pay you back with some beer and weed later, and it would have been fine. She just thought you're a champ. I think it was David DeAngelo that said you need women friends, but only not those that friend zonned you. I think it was because of respect issue and your social role around her, compare friend zone IL of 50% vs higher IL of a regular friend. I don't know.

But even with man friends this kind of sh`t happens. You could have tons of friends, but only less than a dozen of real true friends. The rest are leeches that are only around when something interesting, or tasty is cooking.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Great way to handle this but then I wonder why even bother keeping her in your life? Do you not have guy friends you can hang out with?
I'd just slowly wean her out of your life.

I have one true female friend but she's an ex. If a woman isn't giving up the pvssy, I pretty much refuse to entertain her. Especially if she tried the bullsh1t yours just did.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Iggy69 said:
I have been obviously friend zoned by this chick, all attempts of escalating and trying to take it to the next level have failed. Ive accepted it and will keep her just as a friend, but why does she feel the need to try to take advantage now?

Why does she feel the need to try and take advantage of you? You answered your own question when you said this right here.....

She knows I like her from my attempts of trying to take it to the next level and I guess she has mistaken this as me being "easy".

She knows that you like her and are interested in her,and she's trying to use YOUR ATTRACTION to her for HER benefit.

I agree with what Greasy Pig said....why IN THE HELL would you want to continue being around the chick? Personally,all being around a chick who friendzoned me would do is remind me that I'm rejected.

I don't care about asking a girl out and her turning me down,that just a part of dating. You ask her out,she says no,then you move on...it's over with. In a friendzone situation,it's not over with cause you keep hanging around the chick.

If that's what you wanna do,then have at it...I just don't see the point. The time that you waste being "friends" with a friendzone chick,you could use that time to pursue girls who actually HAVE INTEREST in you.

She doesn't have a ride so she had called me up to take her way across town to get something done (the cost of a cab would probably be around $80 to get there and back).

Heh...so she's got you driving her around now. I guess since you two are "friends",you'll have no problem dropping her off at some other dude's house so he can bang her.......AND come pick her up after they're done.

Hey....she's gonna have sex with somebody.

After some small talk I say sure I'll take you let me just get $10 for some gas, just to see what she would say, and this b!tch actually had the nerve to pout (like a sigh) on the phone like she was upset that I had asked for gas money. I called her out on it and called her cheap and said she only had her card I told her the gas station takes card and than she said to take her to an ATM instead. From my point of view she completely failed my sh!t test.
She failed your sh!t test? Da fvck? You're sh!t testing a chick who friendzoned you? You on acid or something?

What is all this? What are you trying to accomplish dude?

I told her I'd pick her up in about an hour or two and call her when I was outside her place, needless to say I didn't pick her up it's been all day and she hasn't called me. I sure hope this is eating her up cuz that was some fvcked up sh!t she was trying to pull.
Again....what are you trying to accomplish? Let's say you not picking her up indeed DID eat her up. Ok...uhh....so? What benefit is that to you?

You trying to get back at her cause she friendzoned or something? I just don't see the point of all this.

You could be out pursuing other girls,but instead,you're playing childish games with this chick. What for?

Man......fvck the friendzone sh!t,I'd just move on.