It's time for a little social proof guys !!


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Hello there guys

I had the happiness of being 'enlightened' this week, and I want to share the light with you.

How many of you folks have read Survivor's post : Forget About The Girls In Your Past?

I have read it about 4 our 5 times.
If you asked me 1 week ago, what I thought of it, I would say:

" He has a point, but I think that there are a lot of exceptions. I found a exception myself and I'm working on it. "

I was wrong.
I had a opportunity to blow things up.
But I didn't.

Most of us,HS DJs, only decided to improve ourselves and get more women after we blew things that were 'supposed to be all right' with a nice chick.
So we started improving, to never happen things like that again.

We started feeling good about ourselves, but deep down our hearts, that little crush is still there, and the belief that our new selves could have more chances with that Sunshine girl is still planted in our minds.

I had that.

Thank god I found the light.

Girls, that meet as an AFC, will notice you changing, and will like that, but you will always be an AFC to them.
It's the first impression, that leaves the most important mark.

Accept it.
It hurts, yes it does.
But while you do not accept it, you won't be able to become a Real DJ.

Because a DJ, does not fool himself, nor wastes his time with women who are almost impossible to catch.

Why waste hours on one girl if in minutes you can meet a new one and get a # ?
Why having such emotional catastrophes when we are able to pursue more and more happiness and novelties to our lives?

There's this girl, a 9.75 , one of the hottest of my entire school (600 students,+/-300 girls).
I fell for her in the first time I saw her(even before classes started).
I became friends with her, and had my opportunity.
I was an AFC and wasted it.
Then a was a Stupid AFC and had a fight with her.
I f*cked everything up.

Now I'm friends with her again, after 8 months without talking to each other, we're like best friends, but I had the illusion that I would get her to leave her boyfriend and replace him.

That's sad.

I wasted my hopes, my time, on something that would never come true.
It wasn't all a waste of time, now our friendship is very nice.

But I'm so glad I realized I can't love her.
I just can't ! I can't see her as more than a friend.

This was my little example... I think everyone has a example of its own.
But, as I'm a DJ, I learned something from it, and it's something so obvious that shouldn't be needed to post, yet I want to reinforce this idea to all of you:

Girls that knew when you were an AFC:

Use them to practice your conversation skills.
To become a great conversationalist, practice with them, there's no pressure if you say something too weird you'll both laugh and forget about it.

And, the most important things, the Sunshine Girls, the ones who ownED your heart, become good friends with them.

Being good friends with hot, sexy women will make you get used to them, and you'll become more comfortable around other hot,sexy girls.

Also, use them as social proofs.
This is the reason I posted.
Walk around the school with them.
Have lunch with them.
Be seen talking to them.

You'll get noticed
You'll be respected

Other chicks will think: " If he's walking with her is because he's cool/good looking/funny/special "

Don't be too nice, practice your ****y and funny habilities on them, so that you don't look gay.

You'll become more respected, and people will envy you.

Tuesday, I realized that me and that 9,75 were meant to be friends only, and started to enjoy that, and using all the benefits of that friendship.

On Wednesday I went with her and a friend of her (a 9) to have lunch at a bakery near the school, and passed by a lot of people waiting for their buses, including an 8 I hit on some months ago.

Guess what, out of blue, she starts talking to me, and it's more open and interested than before.

I can't wait till next year, when the new babes see me walking around with these cuties.

Ladies see that you're used to being around a hot woman, so they know that their silly games and their foolish pride have no effect on you, because you can just leave them talking to theirselves and go talk to the 9s.

I know it's easier said than done, but the light is out there...
If I read this post one week ago, I wouldn't believe it was me who wrote it.
Now I know the power of the Light, the Great Light of Don Juan, who enlightens the path to women, fortune and happiness in life.

Hear my advice, and take it to heart.
It will only make your life better.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah, i find this out myself.. IM a DJ-in training, and i know that anyhting from before my DJ-training days will not work.

I met this girl about a month before my serious DJ-training, and well, it didnt work out. Well, as with any AFC, i was placed ont he friends ladder, and thats where I stand now. Now i dunno what i should do, if i should forget about her totally, and ignore her, or still be friends or what?

Since im not a full DJ, if i hang out too much with her, i'm gonna stray back to my AFC days. Right now im thinking just to avoid her a bit, get my DJing skills up a bit (im only at like 20% or so, but still, i see a huge improvement already).

Anyways, good advice. You dont have to FORGET i believe, just admit to yourself that nothing's gonna happen with you and them, and its not worth your time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy:
Hello there guys
I wasted my hopes, my time, on something that would never come true.
There was a man working for a large company, and he made a mistake that cost the company a large sum of money. His boss calls him into his office, and has him sit down. Immediately the man says "I've already put in to resign, I'll be gone by the end of the week." At this the boss gets very excited, and says "No, I can't let you do that, I just spent a million dollars teaching you what NOT to do!"

Every step we take in the wrong direction, after discovering it, is two in the right direction.

Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy:
Hello there guysAlso, use them as social proofs.
This is the reason I posted.
Walk around the school with them.
Have lunch with them.
Be seen talking to them.
I can't agree with this more. There was a girl I became obsessed with, then i ended up becoming her best friend. Just walking through the halls talking to her got 5 or 6 people asking me or commenting about her. It works.

"Life cannot reach total perfection until it has seen total imperfection."
"High risk can yield only high loss or high reward."
"Ignorance is a blessing."
"If you don't know the meaning of life why are you trying to win? Isn't that the same as not knowing what you're fighting for?"
"Life and death are the same thing"

-Yours Truly


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY, USA
I whole heartedly aggre. Awsome post!

MOD - Juan

The DJ Bible ~or~ The High School Don Juan Bible

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"On any given Sunday you're either gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?" - Al Pachino
"... Any man's finest hour - his greatest fufillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." - Vince Lombardi


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy:
There's this girl, a 9.75 , one of the hottest of my entire school (600 students,+/-300 girls).
I fell for her in the first time I saw her(even before classes started).
I became friends with her, and had my opportunity.
I was an AFC and wasted it.
Then a was a Stupid AFC and had a fight with her.
I f*cked everything up.

Now I'm friends with her again, after 8 months without talking to each other, we're like best friends...
Damn, by reading that, I feel like I'm reading myself's post...

Anyways, quite good post. I learned something new again.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2002
Reaction score
Another truly great post by BBB, thanks for sharing your enlightenment with us all

"Women are like the sunset. They're beautiful, but there will be a different one tomorrow."


New Member
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with the statement that being seen with some of your school's hottest will do wonders for your social status. Any guy hanging out with a girl who is considered ****able by a large portion of the school's male population will immedietely make people wonder about him. It creates mystery perfectly. In my school, there's this tall, goofy looking guy with glasses who is always around (in my opinion) THE hottest girl in my entire school, and because of this, people just know who he is.

However, I disagree with the statement that girls who you knew as an AFC are out of the question once you have some macking ability. In some instances, it is too late a change to make a difference with some girls, but there are always exceptions to every rule. Girls who wouldn't even look at you twice in your AFC days can be dripping wet with desire for you upon seeing the transformation you make and the ass your pulling now.

I'm not going to get into detail about it all, since there are already tons of posts about the "Friend Zone" and if it's a good thing, bad thing, if you can get out of it or not, everything. Do a search on it if you want info. All I'm going to say is I personally believe that it is possible to get out of the LJBF zone, however, to most, it is usually more trouble than it's worth, so there is no point in even bothering.