It's Summer Vacation now, it's time for a change.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'm 17, and I'm going to be a Senior. In all honesty, I haven't have a real GF in my 3 years of highschool. I figure over the summer I can at least help my cause.

Why am I doing this? So I can force myself to change. So I have somewhere to let everything out and get a plan together to help myself. Thanks Contender for this idea.

Introduction to myself:

I'm 17 years old, and I am going to be a senior. I have no true dating experience and as of now, I want to change myself so I become more desirable, and just more fun to be around. I'm 6'1" and I weigh too much. 238. I already am on track with cutting though, I've lost 12 pounds by simply cutting down what I eat, and adding a small amount of exercise.

My goal is to get down to 200 by the end of summer. Hopefully I can achieve this. Apparently, and according to the friends that I hang out with, I am hilarious. I make people laugh all the time. And, it isn't at me. :p

My problem is that I am, yes I admit it, afraid to really meet new people. I fear rejection, and have always wanted the girl to talk to me. I went with that for about 2 years and realized that the HB9 in the room was never going to come up to talk to me. I want to change myself so that I have guts enough to do it myself. I want self confidence. So, this is where I am starting. A list of my flaws.


-I don't eat right.
-I'm extremely lazy.
-Smart, but I don't apply myself enough.
-I don't really have any goals in life.
-I'm extremely shy.
-I'm not in good shape.
-I'm a pushover.
-I don't have a job.

I want to change that. I already have changed my eating habits, by eating less. And eating healthier foods. My laziness comes from my addiction to video games. I play my Xbox 360 waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much. I sit on my computer waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much.

I have applied for a job at a gazillion places around where I live. Haven't gotten a job anywhere yet. But, I do have a passion. Golfing. Yea flame me, idc. And, with golfing, not only am I keeping myself entertained, out of doors, I am getting regular, and good excercise.

My Plan

I, again, have already started cutting down on eating, and tried to do other things besides live in my parents basement. I've applied for a job at numerous places and I am at least trying to get out more. But, I haven't done anything to improve my clothing style, my personality, and more of all, improve upon my confidence. I also have a gym in my city, and plan to get a membership there, to at least run on the treadmill or something. I'm not desiring a 6 pack yet. I just wanna cut down and look respectable.

I am in a neat situation though. I live in Michigan, and this weekend (saturday) I am flying to LA for a family vacation. I'm thinking this might be a good time to start getting rid of my old personality. I can mess up with girls in LA, because I live a thousand miles away. I figure I can at least work on the approach and conversation more.

I need advice on clothing and shoes... etc. I don't have a lot of money, but I can get some clothes. I've got 4 pairs of jeans, and I've got a lot of slacks. I never used to wear jeans. I've got a lot of denim shorts, and a lot of shirts. My shirts are the generic Michigan football shirts, or the Detroit Red Wings shirts.... etc. I need some advice for clothing, along with shoes. I've got one pair of old shoes.

I do keep good care of my body. I shower at least once a day, normally twice. I shave when needed, trim my nails when needed, and clean my ears daily. I brush my teeth at least 3 times, and I got my braces taken off just over a year ago.

I don't get acne. When I do, Clearasil works fine. Some people go through hell with acne, I don't.

I plan to never get down on myself, because I CAN change into something that I want to be. My purpose of this isn't even to score with the HB9, just to get myself to feel better about myself. I find myself jealous of my cousins, and I find myself being called fatty a lot.

But, it's all gonna change.

Again, I really need some help from you guys, for clothing and shoes. Even some cologne and ways to improve my confidence.

This is all changing, and is effective immediately. Thanks for reading, and please, by all means, leave some feedback, I could use the help.

I'll update this when I get back in a week. (Or whenever I want) Hopefully I can begin changing on my vacation.

Edit If anyone wants any more information or anything regarding something, ask me. I'll provide whatever I can.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
I think that realizing what needs work and making a plan of attack is the first step to acheiving any goal. Way to go man.

There is probably no common "rule" to which you should work on first, but I would recommend the appearance. Looking like a new man will make you feel like a new man, boosting your confidence and making it easier for you to improve your conversation and seduction skills.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
How exactly should I go about improving my apprearance? Are you talking about how I dress, or how I look?


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
We need to stick up for each other. :up:

We can do it! :box:

If you need motivation, you know who to talk to. I've had my ups and downs, but, overall, I'm improving. :)

To work on physical appearance, one must take care of their hair, face, and clothes.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Contender said:
We need to stick up for each other. :up:

We can do it! :box:

If you need motivation, you know who to talk to. I've had my ups and downs, but, overall, I'm improving. :)

To work on physical appearance, one must take care of their hair, face, and clothes.


Yea, I gotta go shopping to pick up some new clothes shoes and something for my hair.

Thanks for the idea man! You inspired me! If you want, hit me up on aim at xboxfreak1919


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Ok... you have recognized what is wrong with you (flaws) and now fix them... i'll leave your some suggestions...

-I don't eat right. -> Eat right?
-I'm extremely lazy -> get your ass off the couch
-Smart, but I don't apply myself enough. -> just apply yourself to reading a book or newspaper
-I don't really have any goals in life. -> I'll give you a prepatory goal: find a college you want to go to or find a career paht that interests you.
-I'm extremely shy. -> talk to someone, ANYONE (theres a catch: talk to them in person)
-I'm not in good shape. Run a mile every weekend (you'll find yourself increasing that to two miles then three... etc..)
-I'm a pushover. -> pretend I pushed you... push me back (figuratively and literally)
-I don't have a job. APPLY to somewhere, ANYWHERE

yes I know "its easier said than done" but one day you're going to have to stop using that excuse.

All your flaws will be fixed with WILL POWER... just do it man...


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Ok here are some str8 eye for the straight guy clothing tips

1. Jeans are good, women actually think Jeans are the sexiest thing a guy can wear. Just make sure your jeans are not too short or baggy. I get my Jeans from the American Eagle Clearance rack, or Gap (employee discount).

2. Make sure you vary the types of shirts you wear, a sporting t-shirt may be fine every once in a while but def. not everyday, and esp. not on a date, unless you are going to a game. A simple collared shirt can go a long way in improving your appearance. Maybe try some long sleeve button down shirts, but please no plaid.

3. For shoes, I would recommend any type of casual shoe, try to avoid wearing tenis shoes unless you are exercising, you can get a pair of casuals that are just as comfortable, trust me. I prefer Puma, but really just try to find something you like and you feel reflects your personality. White is usually a good color to get because it will match pretty much everything, and MAtTCHING shoes to your outfit does matter. Oh and for socks really anything that goes above your ankle is a definate no, no. The less sock showing the better.

4. Lastly, I want to talk about accessories. Things such as belts, necklaces, watches.These things can really go a long way towards creating a complete look. Nothing too gaudy, but just subtle things that complement the rest of what you are wearing. You can even make your own necklaces if you are feeling caftsy. And when I am talking about belts, I don't mean the type you wear with slacks, get something bigger, once again, not too thick or big, but enough to have some substance.

Also one last tip, if you are not sure if something matches, ask a woman in your family, trust me, my sister has helped me many times from going out mismatched.

So that conculeds str8 eye for the straight guy. I hope this helps you on your journey to improve yourself. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message, or an IM at Stev0dagreat88.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Good plan, you seem mentally strong right now. Begin as soon as possible


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
TheBadassador said:
Ok here are some str8 eye for the straight guy clothing tips

1. Jeans are good, women actually think Jeans are the sexiest thing a guy can wear. Just make sure your jeans are not too short or baggy. I get my Jeans from the American Eagle Clearance rack, or Gap (employee discount).

2. Make sure you vary the types of shirts you wear, a sporting t-shirt may be fine every once in a while but def. not everyday, and esp. not on a date, unless you are going to a game. A simple collared shirt can go a long way in improving your appearance. Maybe try some long sleeve button down shirts, but please no plaid.

3. For shoes, I would recommend any type of casual shoe, try to avoid wearing tenis shoes unless you are exercising, you can get a pair of casuals that are just as comfortable, trust me. I prefer Puma, but really just try to find something you like and you feel reflects your personality. White is usually a good color to get because it will match pretty much everything, and MAtTCHING shoes to your outfit does matter. Oh and for socks really anything that goes above your ankle is a definate no, no. The less sock showing the better.

4. Lastly, I want to talk about accessories. Things such as belts, necklaces, watches.These things can really go a long way towards creating a complete look. Nothing too gaudy, but just subtle things that complement the rest of what you are wearing. You can even make your own necklaces if you are feeling caftsy. And when I am talking about belts, I don't mean the type you wear with slacks, get something bigger, once again, not too thick or big, but enough to have some substance.

Also one last tip, if you are not sure if something matches, ask a woman in your family, trust me, my sister has helped me many times from going out mismatched.

So that conculeds str8 eye for the straight guy. I hope this helps you on your journey to improve yourself. If you have any questions feel free to send me a message, or an IM at Stev0dagreat88.

Thank you very much!

I went to the store yesterday to look at some shoes, didn't really find anything I liked. Can anyone gimmie some recommendations on some specific shoes?

I also got up and played a round of golf (Walking about 3 Miles) and I ran a mile when I got home. I plan to apply for a membership for my local gym when I get home from my vacation.

I'm set on jeans and shorts, but I really need some new shirts. I have a lot of polos (I am required to wear them for golf) so I figured I could change how I dress already. I never wear my polos except when I golf, so I'm gonna start wearing them. Yea, it's sorta preppy look, but it's a whole lot better than what I wear right now.

I really need to figure out something do to with my hair. It isn't long, but it is barely in my eyes. I don't know how short to get it cut, but I'm gonna get it cut when I get home. That way, I might be able to do something with it.

Also, I'm definately gonna start talking to my neighbors. They are twins (one guy one girl) The girl is an HB8 and I figured, being neighbors, it might be easy to get to know her more.

Oh, and I live in a set of condos, and there is a pool there, so I plan to go there later to swim for some good excercise. I also got some multivitamins I'm gonna start taking, and I purchased some "healthier" foods. I just have to resist the other stuff.

Ummm... I guess thats it for now, but I'll keep post about my vacation when I get back.


don juan jr

Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
you can do it man!!! you sound very smart, passionate and dedicated.

keep it up


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
oh man, i was in ur boat for the longest time let me tell you! and i applaud ur decision to change things. as for the clothing style the str8 guy whatever was pretty much right. a good wardrobe can be pricey but its worth it if you look and feel good. remember looking good is feeling good...not the other way around.

1. casual white shoes are good. never wear black shoes unless its a predominently black outfit...or if its a fancy dress up type of occasion like a wedding or fancy restraunt. I usually stick with the air force one types, reebok classics, phat farms, lugs (I don't wear the boots, but you could if you wanted), g-units. stick with something with a low top. oh and re-lace em to make it so the laces go straight across and you don't have to tie em (easier to take on and off plus it looks neater) get a variety of colors to match predominently blue, red, whatever outfits. also never wear athletic shoes, like say basketball shoes, unless ur balling' always casual.

2. get a good mix of t-shirts, polos and button downs. like the other guy said tho, no plaid and no flannel. get bright, vivid colors that work well with ur skin tone. if you can, try not to go the cheap route cuz the females notice if its a nice shirt, or if its just the generic brand

3. Jeans...not too baggy (if the belt is below ur a** its too baggy), denim shorts work well if they are fairly long (must come below ur knees). I even rock the basketball shorts just fine as long as you wear a t-shirt with those.

4. no sock showing ever!

5. hats must match the outfit (if you wear them) no green, john deere hats with that randy moss jersery!

6. wear the "balla bands" you can get a pack of four at a store like champs for like 5 bucks. match em to the colors of ur outfit. never wear more than three at a time, and only wear them on one hand

7. no sport watches. strictly metal link watches and only wear them with collared shirts, otherwise wear the balla bands

8. never tuck ur shirt in unless the occasion calls for it

9. don't go the grunge route. when a shirt starts to fade, no longer fits you, get stains whatever, trash it and buy new ones.

10. keep ur sneaks clean with sneaker cleaner as often as possible. when they get too scuffed up, time for new ones, even if they ain't got holes or nothing in them.

11. find an expensive pair of shades to wear while driving or on sunny days

12. keep ur shirts ironed too!

most of this was covered buy the other guy, but i hope this addition helps you. it took awhile for me to wake up and do something about my dress too...but when I did, it did wonders for my self-confidence and overall game. good luck!


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
So I have finally arrived at home. I missed my flight on the way home, and had to wait 2 days until another flight flew back to Detroit.

Anyway, I got some new clothes, AE was having a sale in Cali, so I got 3 new shirts and 2 pairs of shorts, along with a new belt. I still need to get a new pair of shoes and plan to get a nice watch.

I also need to do something with my hair. It's long now, and I don't really know what to do with it.

In my hotel room, I did some crunches and stuff, but had no opportunity to really "work out"

I went to a mall one day and worked on my approaches, but I didn't get any numbers. I need some better openers......

I'm gonna start a daily workout routine with squats, push ups... etc. Then running as mile or so, then swimming. I also gotta go apply for a job and a gym membership.

I'm thinking about heading over to my local mall to work on approaches and holding conversation.... etc.

If anyone can gimmie some suggestions with openers that would be great.

And, my hair. I don't know what to do with it.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Finally a thead worth posting for! Here's a few tips that'll hopefully help you out.

1. Read the DJ bible and HS bible section on improving yourself physically and mentally. It includes how you dress and keeping yourself neat too.

2. Keep your hair short and neat. Only rockers, hippies and girls have long hair and it's really hard to maintain it and make it look good. So I suggest getting short or medium length hair. Also use some styling products or maybe change your hair color and see what looks best, if you don't know what style flip through FHM or Maxim and see what you like!

3. Do train with heavy freeweights! Bodyweight exercises end up being cardio and you won't actually build muscle mass if you don't train with heavy weights. Also don't do crunches, do weighted situps, watch your diet and do cardio if you want a sixpack.

4. Sarging in malls is pretty hard if your starting out because everyone is busy shopping. But if you insist on going there and practicing use "situational pickups" ex. talk about what they're doing and ask quetions on it. I think your better off sarging on the beach or at parties.

5. Hot popular chicks dig neat/prep looking guys and serfer guys. So focus your wardrobe to include those styles. If your gonna get shoes get all white classics of k-swiss, puma and rebok cuz they match with almost everything you wear. Don't get basketball, running or tennis shoes because they're for basketball, running and tennis. Far as jewerly goes it's all optional you don't need it but it doesn't hurt if you do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
:up: way to go dude!! ON style i recommend something Bad Boy type, ripped jeans, baby t-shirts, dont recomend wearing baby shirts untill u loose ur fat.

Confidence= DjBible!! Read Read!! over and over agaiN!!! folow it!! READ IT AGAIN!! untill its in ur head!!

Shoes: be different, wear some unique shoes! When going out somewhere dont go with ur jordans, get some nice shoes.

Clothing= go to Italian clothing shop and Choose! Italian stores got nice styles, ripped jeans, baby t-shirts, everything a GUY needs!

Losing weight= Eat healthy, work out, go to the Gym,

By the end of the summer u can loose even more weight if u really focus on it!

Good luck!


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
sup man... i can tell you matching is a biggie in the dj world.

Shoes: find a pair of classics..I wear reebok classics, you can get them at foot locker. they have a nice simple look and shows everyone that you're a simple a guy, which is good. mine are white and blue, so I try to wear **** that matches them like blue and white shirts, blue hats etc.

Shorts: dude its summer! go to your local american eagle or abercrombie and pick up a pair of cargo shorts, there perfect for the summer. get some jeans when schools rolls around that way when its october/november you're all stocked up on jeans.

Shirts: mix it up, get some vintage t-shirts, get some polos, etc. you know what I mean.

Accessories: I like to wear a couple necklaces that i got from american eagle...jus go to a store like that and look at their selections. find a couple hats to match your outfit, and get a pair of sunglasses that look good on you, its summer time to let loose and enjoy it.

places to shop: american eagle, hollister, abercrombie (way overpriced but i still go there lol), armani exchange, theres plenty more jus look around.

make sure you get a casual belt to, brown or black

go to the gym to lol u needa stay healthy. during the school year i work out in the school gym but im to lazy to go during the summer so I jus do push-ups, sit-ups, and **** like that keeps me toned.

play some sports when the school year rolls around to.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Trust me on this one man, you can look and smell great, but without the attitude you are going to get nowhere. You don't need any techniques or pick up lines, you need to develop the Don Juan attitude. Trust me man, since I was like 14 (and I'm turning 16 in a few weeks), I was studying Mystery, David D, and eventually Ross Jeffries. David Deangelo is good to teach you the mindsets, but they aren't going to be congruent until you take action. Mystery and Ross, sure you can use some of their stuff, but I think soon I'm going to end up ditching all of their stuff, except things like the htree second rule and good mindsets.

See, when guys say, I just want to be myself, thats fine, if yourself is cool. So what you need to do, is read that DJ bible, and then apply it. I can't tell you for how long I got all these techniques and lines and routines and games, but they didn't match my personality back then. Now I'm pretty sure I could pull them off, but with my new developing attitude, tis so much easier to just say Hey, and start a conversation from there.

Start off by making eye contact with everyone you meet. Everyone (unless of course you're being arrested, don't give the cop the staredown, equally, fi someone is holding a gun out or you know they are a convincted felon, don't bother wasting your time unless you just like rough partners), and smile. It needs to be a real smile, so get the funniest thing you have ever heard and then just keep thinking about it whenever you make eye contact.

Next, start talking to the people that are paid to talk to you, get to know them. You know store clerks, bartenders, anyone who works and gets paid to talk to you, as long as you are nice and friendly, are going to want to talk to you.

Then start talking to strangers, random strangers, things like when you are stationary you can say, "hey what's up. How's your day? What are you here for..." blah blah blah. chances are htey will have something interesting to say.

Then you can start talking to the women, make that eye contact, always wear that DJ smile (because trust me after you realize that people enjoy talking to you and that you are one of the only people that have the balls to start a conversation with a stranger), and hop in there. Think about it, you have nothing to lose. If she rejects you, you are right back where you started off. If she doesn't GOOD JOB.

Like I said the looks are great, but if you have looks and no attitude you're gonna get nowhere.

I also hihgly recommend not only reading the bible, but really studying Pook, Mr. Fingers, and BBB's post. The traps of life and being Happy by BBB are great, along with a ton of other things in there. Get crackin man, I gotta start working on my physical appearance too, so maybe I can hit you up on aim and we can monitor each others progress (As it is now I can't buy the whey proteins and MRPs I need, my problem is I'm skinny (not scrawny but still a little small to be 16, about 125LBS), and I wanna get up to about 135-140, shouldn't be too hard :) ).


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
PocketGnome. We're in the same boat, buddy! 17 and ready to **** up the status quo!

Just a piece of advice. Clothing and image improvement are important, but it's easy to become addicted to "trying to find the perfect style." I have a friend, good-looking natural - great kid. Got a job at Abercrombie... he's been dirt poor ever since. Always dressed like a mannequin, but I suspect he's spent more than a grand in the past two months. Don't let it happen to you.

Good luck, keep us posted.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'm gonna get my haircut tomorrow morning, and today I bought a nice pair of shorts from AE, and got myself a watch. I also got a membership for my local gym, so I can start working out now.

Thanks for all the tips guys, this is really starting to turn around for me.

I still gotta get a good pair of shoes...... I'm gonna do that tomorrow as well. My image, cosmetically, is coming along. I gotta keep working out and eating better, and I still gotta get my confidence up. Hopefully I can accomplish this by the time summer ends.

Thanks again everyone, I'll keep everyone posted!


Capt.Jack Sparrow

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fontana, California
PocketGnome said:
I'm gonna get my haircut tomorrow morning, and today I bought a nice pair of shorts from AE, and got myself a watch. I also got a membership for my local gym, so I can start working out now.

Thanks for all the tips guys, this is really starting to turn around for me.

I still gotta get a good pair of shoes...... I'm gonna do that tomorrow as well. My image, cosmetically, is coming along. I gotta keep working out and eating better, and I still gotta get my confidence up. Hopefully I can accomplish this by the time summer ends.

Thanks again everyone, I'll keep everyone posted!


If you keep it up with this mentality, you will be finished by the time summer ends!
Good job pal, keep it up.
