You know what is derevnya? It's smaller than city, under jurisdiction of city, but some distance away. No government inside, just houses, maybe 20 or so houses. I live in one. There are cool euro style houses and there are old USSR style houses, with no hot water, and basic sh`tter without toilet. Maybe there is no hot water, and maybe water comes out just out of one crane, but that water is clean. There is a water well there too, you dip a bucket into it on a rope and get water, just 20 years ago people used it.
Of course, this is not Miami for you, with water in the kitchen and bathroom, but the water we have is 100% pure, it comes out of the ground. City water is crap.
USA city water is full of fluoride, chemical that makes you dumb so you keep voting and signing up for different sh`t, consume, produce, and die, preferably from cancer.
You CIVILIZED people love to point fingers and cry, oh look at them niggas, look they don't have tap water. But the water we have is clean, and there is no need to bomb the f'ck out another country to bring democracy and peace there.
Look at Iraq. They had education and future during Saddam, now they don't have sh`t under USA imperialistic rule.
Look at Libya. During Gaddafi everyone had good education, knew several languages, and each household had several cars. Now what they have?
Clean tap water usually comes to 3rd world with strings attached, like forced vaccinations to sterilize and cause cancer. Like draconian credits, which the niggas have to pay with natural resources for low price.
I think several million civilians dead from bombings is not a good justification for tap water and "democracy" with strings attached. Clean tap water and democracy in their purest form are achieved by people within and their desires for those things, not from the help of imperialistically ambitious and vicious and ready to kill country like USA.
F'ck USA.
F'ck you too.