It's Not The Title That Attracts Women, Its A Power Already In Place, Just Connect

Mar 25, 2006
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Hey what's up guys, this is DonJuanForever here, logging in, I am not new but I have been scrolling through this site here and there and some stuff has actually been of help.

I have a question I was wondering if anybody could touch on. Now recently I have not really had the time to go out and meet different women and what have you, but I do feel that at anytime I go out I can get the girl "I want." Why do I feel this way?

Now, I cannot explain this, but there is some type of force inside of me, its kind of like I think sexual, but not sexual in the way of "oh baby's your tits are on fire!" but sexual as in (don't laugh at me, because I cannot explain this well) but its like I live in a giant pvssy. Hold on, let me explain.

Its like I meet a girl walking, and, some kind of way, I connect with her. The connection is not a result of techniques, but of connecting with her viagina. Its like there is a force flowing from every woman's viagina, and innerly, I connect with it. I notice that when I connect with it, women find me attractive, when I am not connected with it, they don't.

I am not no saint, but I am not exactly a demon either, I mean, I can be a bad boy or a great guy, depending on how I feel. What I have learned after finding this connection, is that it does not matter how I act, but just as long as I am connected we have this incredible bond, and it literally works on any girl! It's not like I am doing anything, its like I connect with some force already in existence.

Pook and others talk about Nature's system, is this Nature's system? Can anyone possibly give me some information on what I am attempting to pinpoint, because I cannot explain in well, but I defiantly know that this exists. - DonJuanForever


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
seems like the forum has attracted a bunch of kiddie trolls.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Are you thinking about achieving flow?

The feeling your talking about, I get it a lot as well, but it's rare. It affects more than just me, it seemslike nobody wants to mess with me, and every problem means nothing. There is never any stress around me, and everybody is happy and excited and wants to be funny and have fun.

Nature's system to me, is just the patterns that work. This though, is when all the patterns seem to run together. There are patterns that are matching eachother thought for thought, people finish your sentence, and feed you that word on the tip of your tongue. Your body language is perfect, and every girl you look at just happens to notice you and proceeds to eye fvck you.