Issues with pictures


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, recently I was on my computer at home and I see a file folder that contained some pictures. I open it and it's my wife in a whole bunch of pictues with guys, girls, whatever. I casually ask, did you date any of these guys? And she says, no, which I knew was BS, because some of the poses (a guy with his arm draped over her t#ts) is not someone that she was platonic with. Later, I hear admit to her friend that they are indeed pictures of her and ex's (some of these pics were very provacative). So, not only did she lie about it, but since she's foreign, she actually brought them with her to the States. Truth be told, it doesn't bother me THAT much, just a little annoyed that remembering the past is that big a deal. ??????

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Don't go snooping through things unless she's given you a reason to be suspicious. You WILL find things that you didn't want to. I know from experience.

I know it's a tough concept to grasp, but your chick was bouncing on multiple dudes c0cks before you came around. Reality. You know its true, but it sucks to have proof, or in your case, visual evidence.