Is this normal?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
First of all I apoligize for the wall of text

Hello I am new to this forum so ill explain how and why I came here.

This story begins last Christmas(2011), I weighed over 250 and came to the conclusion that I needed to change, I had never been with a girl before although two girls had come onto me but I rejected them as I didn't like them and they were only trying to go after me because they had low standards. I made a pact with my cousin and uncle about losing the weight as we were all overweight.

I made the resolution that I would quit eating like a pig and would lose weight with my ultimate goal being to lose about 50 pounds and turn the rest into muscles by exercising and after changing my lifestyle I would to search hard for a high quality girl, someone who I could marry even though I had never met someone like that who I would consider marriage material in my entire lifetime. I decided after finding a book on sale in the local drugstore that my weight losing strategy would be cutting carbs and sugar and by the beginning of march I had lost about 20-25 pounds. I have also since then begun to run 3 times a week (5k) and do about 75 pushups and 75 situps before I got to bed.

In early march I went to a convention, At the convention I was planning on building and developing relationships with people and I was primarily there for my leisure but had some secondary goals there. When I was there I met a girl, but she wasn't like any girl I have ever met or seen before. She had all the qualities I had wanted and desired in someone plus she had more. This girl was the first girl that I have ever met who met my very high standards of a marriage material and to be honest that is the type of relationship I am interested in, not the hit the bars every weekend and hit it and quit (no disrespect for those that like doing that). Anyway I ended up getting her facebook (tried for her Black berry messenger but she didn't have one, so I got her facebook as I didn't want to fail getting her number and with facebook it seemed like a idea in the moment) at the end of the conference. I won't go into full detail but I felt a new confidence with her I had never had before, I was normally a pretty beta guy but when I recognized the potential I went full alpha mode, its almost like I went into autopilot and was hitting all the balls out of the park that I normally would not have pushed myself to go for.

Anyway half a week later I was going away on spring break so I sent her something on facebook about getting together for coffee after I get back. I was able to get internet access occasionally while I was away and she said yes and was responding to my messages within the day i sent them generally seemed very interested in me. After I got back I went for coffee at starbucks (we are both 19 and live about 30-35 minutes away) and I just wanted to get to know her a little better before I committed to diner or something a little more serious. The coffee went great judging by her body language (she was in an "open" position, was playing with random things while talking to me and in general was positive and receptive imo). I asked her at the peak of the night if she was intrested in diner in a couple weeks as we both have busy schuduels and the weekend is the only time we can really meet up as we both have driver's license's but have to borrow cars from parents to get there (inb4 buy a car, I invest my money and am saving it up for school)

Anyway I got her to program her number directly in m phone that night even though she gave it to me over facebook (was trying to not seem desperate and from everything I heard that seemed like the right move to do.) Anyway I asked her if easter weekend would work, she said no (family stuff, and she was busy with her activities she involves her self in that weekend). I asked her than about the wek before and she said she busy that week too. She then suggested this upcoming weekend and I responded a day later as I was until then responding a couple hours afterwords and she was taking about 6-36 hours to reply to me via text message. Keep in mind the entire time I am trying to set up a dinnerdate. I told her that wouldn't work and suggested this thursday. She didn't reply for 4 days which she had never done before, so I sent a facebook message basicly asking her if she got my message, asking her to call me when she gets the chance(trying to advance the texting to phoning) she replyed within the hour but by facebook message saying she was extremely busy with school papers and upcoming exams and said she was "so sorry for not getting back to me". She then said she was not going to be able to get together until she gets back from europe (first time I heard about her going to europe, she never told me

I then responded asking her where she was going and when she gets back? she still hasn't responded to that (sent it on facebook). I then sent her a "happy easter" on sunday and she replied back within an hour and a half. Since I have met her I have been doing insane amounts of reading on relationships, dating etc and came across this website and have found it to be the best source regarding this subject.

Im trying to figure out wtf if going on. She seems interested in me and wants to get together and said it in person and acted genuinely when she answered but then ignored my messages but responds to other ones (I suspected the "playing hard to get" but that doesn't include. But when I sent her unrelated messages she responds within an hour and all the sudden she is "booked" and I don't even know when she is going to be free. I have already noticed myself subconsciously distancing myself prepping myself for a breakup(not even sure if it would be considered that if we only had coffee).

I plan on sending her one last message on facebook in one more week and never contacting her until she contacts me again. Do you guys think this is a good idea? I leaving for an internship in 2 weeks and she knows this, ill be back a couple times on the weekends but It won't be as easy for me to get together as it was before. I have tried by best to avoid the friend zone/ nice guy zone.

Any advice you can give me would be helpful this is the first girl I have ever gone out with but I don't think this is normal, she is the the perfect girl for me so im very hesitant to let go, she hasn't given me any signs other than the not responding bit.

edit : Forgot to mention she hasn't had any boyfriends before, is more shy than I was originally. And im in the middle of reading the DJ bible.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
When I was there I met a girl, but she wasn't like any girl I have ever met or seen before. She had all the qualities I had wanted and desired in someone plus she had more. This girl was the first girl that I have ever met who met my very high standards of a marriage material and to be honest that is the type of relationship I am interested in, not the hit the bars every weekend and hit it and quit (no disrespect for those that like doing that).
See in the part I bolded? That is very concerning that this is your mindset @19 years old. You have never been with a girl physically, have no idea what qualities you are looking for, yet you think the first pretty girl you meet that talks to you has marriage material qualities? ---- In the game community we call this putting the girl on a pedestal. Giving her value based on her looks and your attraction for her; aka what a "nice guy" would do.

Anyway I ended up getting her facebook (tried for her Black berry messenger but she didn't have one, so I got her facebook as I didn't want to fail getting her number and with facebook it seemed like a idea in the moment)
Why didn't you just directly ask her for her phone #?

but when I recognized the potential I went full alpha mode, its almost like I went into autopilot and was hitting all the balls out of the park that I normally would not have pushed myself to go for.
Describe what going full Alpha mode means to you.

After I got back I went for coffee at starbucks (we are both 19 and live about 30-35 minutes away) and I just wanted to get to know her a little better before I committed to diner or something a little more serious.
Your 19 bro, why are you acting like your 35? Coffee? That's a set up for failure unless your very good at carry conversations and creating attraction. The way I picture this coffee date going is "so what are you studying? What do you do for fun? Where did you go to high school?" In other words it bored her to death if I'm even half way right with my assumption.

I asked her at the peak of the night if she was intrested in diner in a couple weeks
Another mistake. Never ask a girl out for a 2nd date while your still on the first date and you don't know how she feels about you. Women like men who challenge them, right now you are a push-over, not a challenge. Furthermore, your date ideas are classic nice guy mistakes. Coffee, dinner, etc etc; go do something FUN! Act your age.

was trying to not seem desperate and from everything I heard that seemed like the right move to do.
You projected too much interest too fast; this girl didn't lift a finger to prove herself worth and you still acted like she was the best thing since sliced bread.

Anyway I asked her if easter weekend would work, she said no (family stuff, and she was busy with her activities she involves her self in that weekend). I asked her than about the wek before and she said she busy that week too.
Here are some tips for you for next time:

1) As mentioned, do not ask a girl out for a 2nd date on a first date

2) Do not ask a girl out 2 plus weeks in advance unless you know she likes you and has high interest.

3) If you ask her out and she says she can't on that particular day, wait and see if she counter offers another day that would work for her. Otherwise you look desperate, exactly what you were trying to avoid.

Keep in mind the entire time I am trying to set up a dinner date.
This is called desperation.

I told her that wouldn't work and suggested this thursday. She didn't reply for 4 days which she had never done before, so I sent a facebook message basically asking her if she got my message, asking her to call me when she gets the chance
Bro wait for her to call you back. No point in calling her to ask her if she got your message; she got it. She's just not that interested, which is why she's taking her sweet @ss time getting back to you.

(trying to advance the texting to phoning) she replyed within the hour but by facebook message saying she was extremely busy with school papers and upcoming exams and said she was "so sorry for not getting back to me"
Ask yourself this question: would she be too busy if she liked you?

She then said she was not going to be able to get together until she gets back from europe (first time I heard about her going to europe, she never told me
She doesn't need to tell you; you guys went on one little date.

Im trying to figure out wtf if going on.
You got needy and clingy. You bored her on the coffee date and she lost interest. Now she's feeding you Grade A bs with all her "busy" excuses and you are hoping you still have a shot. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you have no chance at hooking up with her now. You blew it.

(I suspected the "playing hard to get" but that doesn't include.
Girls might play hard to get depending on the guy, but the DO NOT play hard to get with a guy they aren't interested in. That's just flat out low interest.
She WAS interested, but lost it all once she saw how clingy you were.

I have already noticed myself subconsciously distancing myself prepping myself for a breakup(not even sure if it would be considered that if we only had coffee).
Break-up?! Are you kidding me! lol You guys went on one date bro.

I plan on sending her one last message on facebook in one more week and never contacting her until she contacts me again.
Let me ask you another question. If she is not replying to your messages when you specifically ask her out. What makes you think sending ANOTHER message will be any different?

Do you guys think this is a good idea?
No, bad bad bad idea.

I have tried by best to avoid the friend zone/ nice guy zone.
Its good that your trying to avoid these, but you are in both right now unfortunately.

she is the the perfect girl for me so im very hesitant to let go, she hasn't given me any signs other than the not responding bit.
There's a wise saying you will learn if you read this board long enough.


And your mentality of calling her "marriage material" and the "perfect girl" just reek of inexperience. How do you know these things? You haven't been with any girls. Your comparing her to NOTHING. Of course she's going to look good standing next to nothing.

And im in the middle of reading the DJ bible.

I'm glad your reading it, keep reading; ask questions and learn. Got out there and make mistakes, that's what makes you better. But this particular girl has sailed off in her ship, your messed up bad; but shake it off and learn from your mistakes and move on to the next one.


Young Stallion

Don Juan
Sep 17, 2004
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
See in the part I bolded? That is very concerning that this is your mindset @19 years old. You have never been with a girl physically, have no idea what qualities you are looking for, yet you think the first pretty girl you meet that talks to you has marriage material qualities? ---- In the game community we call this putting the girl on a pedestal. Giving her value based on her looks and your attraction for her; aka what a "nice guy" would do.

Why didn't you just directly ask her for her phone #?

Describe what going full Alpha mode means to you.

Your 19 bro, why are you acting like your 35? Coffee? That's a set up for failure unless your very good at carry conversations and creating attraction. The way I picture this coffee date going is "so what are you studying? What do you do for fun? Where did you go to high school?" In other words it bored her to death if I'm even half way right with my assumption.

Another mistake. Never ask a girl out for a 2nd date while your still on the first date and you don't know how she feels about you. Women like men who challenge them, right now you are a push-over, not a challenge. Furthermore, your date ideas are classic nice guy mistakes. Coffee, dinner, etc etc; go do something FUN! Act your age.

You projected too much interest too fast; this girl didn't lift a finger to prove herself worth and you still acted like she was the best thing since sliced bread.

Here are some tips for you for next time:

1) As mentioned, do not ask a girl out for a 2nd date on a first date

2) Do not ask a girl out 2 plus weeks in advance unless you know she likes you and has high interest.

3) If you ask her out and she says she can't on that particular day, wait and see if she counter offers another day that would work for her. Otherwise you look desperate, exactly what you were trying to avoid.

This is called desperation.

Bro wait for her to call you back. No point in calling her to ask her if she got your message; she got it. She's just not that interested, which is why she's taking her sweet @ss time getting back to you.

Ask yourself this question: would she be too busy if she liked you?

She doesn't need to tell you; you guys went on one little date.

You got needy and clingy. You bored her on the coffee date and she lost interest. Now she's feeding you Grade A bs with all her "busy" excuses and you are hoping you still have a shot. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you have no chance at hooking up with her now. You blew it.

Girls might play hard to get depending on the guy, but the DO NOT play hard to get with a guy they aren't interested in. That's just flat out low interest.
She WAS interested, but lost it all once she saw how clingy you were.

Break-up?! Are you kidding me! lol You guys went on one date bro.

Let me ask you another question. If she is not replying to your messages when you specifically ask her out. What makes you think sending ANOTHER message will be any different?

No, bad bad bad idea.

Its good that your trying to avoid these, but you are in both right now unfortunately.

There's a wise saying you will learn if you read this board long enough.


And your mentality of calling her "marriage material" and the "perfect girl" just reek of inexperience. How do you know these things? You haven't been with any girls. Your comparing her to NOTHING. Of course she's going to look good standing next to nothing.

I'm glad your reading it, keep reading; ask questions and learn. Got out there and make mistakes, that's what makes you better. But this particular girl has sailed off in her ship, your messed up bad; but shake it off and learn from your mistakes and move on to the next one.


PIMP I do believe this is the best advice I have ever seen a veteran give to a newbie on this board...good job dude.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Not what I wanted to hear but I probably needed to hear it, at least I only spent 3 dollars for her coffee, not a hundred or two before figuring this out and I found out about this great website so it isn't all bad. Thanks for the advice/ help.