Is this fair game?

Vincent Freeman

Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
I have been seeing this girl now for some time (about a month) and we do pretty much what couples do (hookup, go out, etc). However, I have NOT yet been exclusive with her. Meaning, neither of us has brought up the "title" or agreed on being officially in a relationship. I know she is not seeing anyone else, and for the most part I pretty much also put my game on hold. However, the other day I meet this hb (a definite 9.5) and we sort of hit off. This girl keeps calling me and invited me to have dinner at her place but I am not sure what to do. All my boys tell me its fair game since I am not exclusive, but I just wanted to get more advice. What do you all think? Is it fair game to take this other hb up for that dinner even though I am talking to someone else?


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Vincent Freeman
I have been seeing this girl now for some time (about a month) and we do pretty much what couples do (hookup, go out, etc). However, I have NOT yet been exclusive with her. Meaning, neither of us has brought up the "title" or agreed on being officially in a relationship. I know she is not seeing anyone else, and for the most part I pretty much also put my game on hold. However, the other day I meet this hb (a definite 9.5) and we sort of hit off. This girl keeps calling me and invited me to have dinner at her place but I am not sure what to do. All my boys tell me its fair game since I am not exclusive, but I just wanted to get more advice. What do you all think? Is it fair game to take this other hb up for that dinner even though I am talking to someone else?
What you do with your life is something you should only decide by yourself.

Don´t look for permission from other people to see this other girl if you want this.

Don´t let other people tell you, you will miss something (the other girl) if you want to be exclusive with the first girl.

Do, what YOU want to do. ;)


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Man, I totally agree... Why in the F'n WORLD would you even attempt to get a straight answer to that on THIS site?!?!?! A bunch of guys, talking about the art of seduction and sh*t...

IF no title is brought up, its not defined, yet this 1st girl may believe it is... IF you do, DON't let her find out, or you may end up with nothing

Ask your self the 'what if's before you jump, since, once you have, you have to know where it is you plan on landing...

YOU have to make your own choice, its up to you, bro.... WE don't know you, nor the details of either relationship... sorry, but this is the best advice I can give, and that you should be willing to accept,
"the unbiased opinion of a stranger"


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
if you are just seeing or talking to them without being steady , than yes its ok.