Is this a test


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
I met this really cute, intelligent girl who i really like we have been on a total of three dates now, and it has been going really well, i got an invite back the house and basically we have been really cosy together, in bed.

we would always have flirty phone convosations and flirty text messaging before this.. then suddenly BANG its all stopped, i text her on monday, its now thursday.. i havent heard anything.

I cant imgine im getting nexted because it was all going so well and i havent had any blow off signs whatsoever.

I refuse to text her two times in a row.. its her turn and im sticking by that, if i text her im gonna look like im worrying about her.

what to do, what to do?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
How cozy? Did you sex her? Did you sex her GOOD?

Three dates is the traditional number before sex, at least in this culture. If what she wanted was your c@ck, and you didn't give it to her, or it turned out to be less than she expected, that could explain it.

Or maybe it's something else...just a thought. Either way, don't sh!t yourself over it. Wait a little while, then give her a call and ask her out. If she doesn't get back to you, heck with her.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by TheJoe
I met this really cute, intelligent girl who i really like we have been on a total of three dates now, and it has been going really well, i got an invite back the house and basically we have been really cosy together, in bed.

we would always have flirty phone convosations and flirty text messaging before this.. then suddenly BANG its all stopped, i text her on monday, its now thursday.. i havent heard anything.

I cant imgine im getting nexted because it was all going so well and i havent had any blow off signs whatsoever.

I refuse to text her two times in a row.. its her turn and im sticking by that, if i text her im gonna look like im worrying about her.

what to do, what to do?

It has been my experience that we guys jump to conclusions way too fast. When something doesn't go our way we immediatley start formulating all these weird scenarios in our head. Like,"Why hasn't she called me?" or, "She was all over me yesterday, so why is she so distant today? Could it mean that she doesn't like me anymore?"--Sh*t like that is what AFC's guys do and I know your not one of those :) You done all that you can in this situation,you've tried to reach her on numerous occasions and yet no response. If this broad got any marbles she knows you've been trying to talk to her. Its a like a tennis match:Its her turn to return your serve! Don't call her-Don't text her..As a matter of fact, go with your buddies and get some numbers-That way it will take your mind off her. Good luck!



Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia

You people here still go on about tests?!

My, my TheJoe... it seems like in your mind you have created her actions as a test. Now unless you like taking tests, i suggest you stop thinking that everything she does or anyone else for that matter as a test or has some sort of signifigance... it will drive you up the wall and it's not a pretty picture in the long run!
