Is this a power play, a test or what?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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I'll try to be to the point even though there are many details. I've been sleeping with a 20 year old.

The first time i met her was easy, it was at a party, she subtly flirted with me at first then came home with me and played a little coy but had sex with me. She told me I seemed like the type of person who is used to getting what they want. I was mildly aggressive, picking her up and carrying her from the living room to the bedroom and I layed the charm on thick all night. I came back with the right answers to most of the important questions, i.e. she says "i don't usually hook up with guys i just met" so I ask "then why are you here and why are you naked" in a calm manner and this works like a charm. She spends the night and I drive her home the next day. I get her number.

Second time i see her is the next week at a bar, i'm already flirting with different girls. I see her friend from the party last week who immediately goes and tells her that I am at the bar. I know shes been thinking about me. I say lets go back to my place, and she says wants to go back to her place. I say fine and we start walking to my place.

On the way there she tells me that she is not having sex with me, that she doesnt like me, etc...

We get to my place and go in and she seems to enjoy that I lightly hold her down on the couch and kiss her. She seems to enjoy the fact that I don't listen to what she wants, but what i want. and this idea is congruent with what is taught on this board.

finally, I agree on my own terms to go back to her place, we get back and go to the bedroom and she decides shes tired after we make out a little. I went and sat in a chair and drank some water for like 15-20 minutes. I read this tip on the boards somewhere, and damn if it isn't money. She kept telling me to come back to bed and I told her "you know where i am, come to me".

she eventually got up and came to me and was all over me, we had sex in the bed, in the shower, everywhere and she was all about it. She tells me that she felt i would never call her again and she didnt like that (again, experience and this board tells me otherwise, that she really enjoys the uncertainty).

When i went to leave she was pissed and called me an *******.

Flash forward two weeks, I call her and she sounds nervously excited to talk to me. She says she'll call me back later that night. She does. We go on a walk, and during the walk are sitting on a hilltop and makeout and she acts like she wants to have sex so I go for it. Well she says she wants to keep walking at this point, and mentions something along the lines of "you call me just to have sex, i wasn't even going to call you back" . I ask her to talk to me and i am a mildly sexually agressive.

From that point on in the conversation she says she just doesnt want to have sex. i told her that this is fine, but I think shes doing it as some sort of power game.

She still came back with me to my place after this, affectionate as ever with me. She said she could only stay for a few minutes. Again, I made some moves on her and she denied me. So I gently held her in place and asked her once again to talk to me.

She could have gotten out of there if she wanted to, I have no intentions of forcing her to do anything she didnt want to. She struggled with me a little, but even when i let her clear go she did not leave, and she smiled once in a a while. So I still believe she was enjoying the chase. I told her that "i respect you but I also desire you". She told me that I can't always have what i want and that there are many things i don't know about her . I gently wrestled with her to keep her there and tried to talk with her but she eventually left.

She left the door slowly, saying she had fun and blowing me a kiss.

I feel like i maintained my masculinity by being agressive and I also feel that she enjoyed my determination despite the fact that she left. She also told me during the night that I was the calmest person she had ever met. This is because I always make eye contact.

I am repeatedly amazed by the paradox of behaving towards women. What usually works is the exact opposite of what seems correct.

Now that you have the background, I have some questions. And each possibility begs another question. I can't help but feel that she went out with me today with the express purpose of NOT having sex with me. She even said at one point that I can't just hang out.

Is this a power play.. if so did I handle it correctly? Is she toying with me in order to force me to commit?
or is she just on her period? no need for further explanation.
would i have been better of pretending i didnt want sex?
i already get the feeling that asking a woman "to talk to you about why she doesnt want to have sex" is a bad idea, any disagreement?
is this testing just a sign that I'm doing things properly... meaning the better my work, the more she tests if im the real deal?

I'd appreciate replies to any or all of these questions.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
It seems to me you're already falling for this girl.

Red Flag 1: She slept with you on the first night
Red Flag 2: "There are alot of things you don't know about me" ..this usually translate into something bad like *crack ho*

She's just toying with you, probably enjoys her power of sex over an older guy. It won't be long and she'll be doing someone else.

Use for what she is, and that would be a fvck buddy who fvcks with your head.

Watch Basic Instinct again


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
tmpgstx, thanks for your reply. First off i'm only 25, so I'm probably not considered an "older guy".

I'd carry on fine never seeing this girl again. but what is really important to me is to understand what happened here. mainly, did i make a mistake and if so how can i improve, or was it really out of my hands?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I wouldn't say you made any mistakes. She likes you a lot so does't just want to be used for sex. Makes sense.

Take her out every now and then in a romantic context and don't ball her every night.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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So putting it all together, what i'm dealing with is a crack wh0re who wants me to romance her? ;)

seriously though, I'm trying to learn to manage the power balance. the only ways i know to keep it in my favor is to call infrequently, answer questions vaguely, and scrap most of the softer romance and "just hanging out".

I can just hang out all i want with my guy friends. When I'm with a women that finds me attractive, it strikes me as wrong to act like we're pals instead of lovers.

Now, Is there a reasonable way to go about behaving with this woman without handing her my sac in the process?

Am I being nearsighted in thinking that not calling her is the only option... because calling her to go out for a romantic dinner and being content with being told when I can and can't have sex would only reinforce her belief that she can dangle sex infront of me.

One other thing that I left out in my haste, she told me when I left the second time we had sex that "if i left she would never have sex with me again". I felt I HAD to leave without question after she gave me that ultimatum.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Los Angeles
she doesn't want to come accross as a slvt.

or at least that's what she is trying to do.

I think your doing the right thing -
Agressively pushing for sex - letting her know you desire her - yet at the same time staying unemotional.

Continue to do what your doing - if she doesn't put out, then you can stop spending as much time with her. Only reward her with your time when she continues to put out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Newman is right, the anti-slvt defense is up. If you want to break through it a bit easier, take her out on an actual date. It doesn't have to be anything major. Take her to feed ducks or some 5hit. That will give her a sense of "seriousness" to the relationship that the both of you have. Then, surprise the 5hit out of her and don't push for sex. A quick date with no sexual follow up will throw her off and make you more "mysterious".

Women love trying to figure men out. The more complicated you are, the more she'll try to figure you out. Getting her to think about you when you're not around is a GOOD thing.

Also remember that she's 20 years old. Women at this age are flakey as hell, but you're doing a pretty good job working her.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Newman, Desdinova, thanks. I took her out on an actual date really, we went for a long walk and sat by a lake where there were ducks. But now i think you are absolutely right. I shouldn't have attempted to have sex.

My question is what should I do now? I did try to have sex. Do you not think that trying to take her on yet another date without trying for sex would be read as an apology for being a man and desiring her before?


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You don't apologize. What is done is done. Just move on.

Keep being somewhat detached - unemotional (as you are).

Next time you see her I wouldn't push for sex. She is going to try and temp you into coming on to her - but remember to think with your right head.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
First of all, realize that this is a 20 year old girl and this most likely will not blossom into a LTR. Get as much out of her as possible until she flakes out permanently.

My question is what should I do now?
Continue doing what you're doing. It's working for the most part. Just eliminate making verbal suggestions of sex. Tell her that you want to fvck her with your body language. Kiss her, touch her, smell her, play with her hair, but don't mention sex. Women communicate better with body language. Lead her into the bedroom with no mention of sex. Then fvck her.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I didn't see a lot of mistakes from Mountain, I was pretty impressed. I think the gal was trying to play a game because Mountain was in control and showing it. Women at times can't stand that because it's rare that a confident, DJ, in-control man is out there.

The only thing I would do is exactly what Desdinova said, take her out on some real non-sex date, but continue to send off sexual signals, touch, etc.

She's 20 so take her for what she's worth, which is probably a short-term relationship. She's certainly emotionally up and down.

I'd also suggest to date others in-case Ms. Flake eventually flakes completely out. Gotta have a back-up plan.

Meanwhile, keep doing what you're doing -- pretty impressive field report to be honest. Nice to hear one from a real man for once instead of AFC whining.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
This article lists a few of the tests women use:

Mentioned is the 'getting you really hot while making out but then saying no to see if you really respect me' test. My recent experience seems to smack of this. I recognize how to deal with every other test listed in the article besides this one.

The question still remains, how do you deal with this on the spot? The few times before, she was playing hard to get BUT really wanted me to actively persue sex with her. This last time she didn't want sex despite my pursuit. Does a woman really want you to "respect" her by just straight giving up without a fight?

hahah, I still don't know what to make of it


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, my question to you is: what do you want out of this thing? Are you just wanting an FB? Or do you actually want something more?

I think you have the talent to get an FB out of it. But she appears to have some issues.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
FBuddy is fine with me. I could go for more, but i see just playing around and having fun sex as the mandatory start for a relationship. I'm done, atleast for now, with just jumping straight into the hanging out all the time style of dating cause the sex gets stale in a hurry that way.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
In my opinion, it seems like you care a whole lot about what you did in the past and what she did. You take her actions and think about them, and question them. It sounds like you are confused, she is confusing you. But really who gives a ****. Just don't talk to her. If I were in your situation, I wouldn't even call her. She would call me. Bottom line. No matter what you want out of it. The actions wouldn't matter to me. I would just say ok do what you want. Just act like you don't give a ****. And definatly do more things that confuse her. That has been some good advice so far. Don't call her. If she calls you, be like "I have to go do something, but we are hanging out tomorow." Hang out, but play it like you don't care. She will not stop thinking about you. And then you can figure out what you want. I feel like she almost has power right now because shes not having sex with you sometimes, and having sex other times, and you are confused. In my opinion it should be the other way around. You should have sex with her sometimes and other times don't. Don't become predictable and sit back and watch her turn you into the man she can't live without.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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Dankane, thanks for your opinion. I agree with you that I shouldn't call. She didn't have my phone number until this last time we met, before that we just ran into each other coincidentally. Now she has the option to call.

"I feel like she almost has power right now because shes not having sex with you sometimes, and having sex other times, and you are confused."

That's was really my main concern with the situation, that she was trying to manipulate me for power. Denial of sex could mean a couple of things in my mind. Either I'm doing a terrible job of attracting her, shes on her period, or I'm doing a good job of attracting her.

I think women test you harder when you're at your best.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Remember, your goal is not sex with her, her goal is sex with you. Or even, her goal is not sex with you, but YOU.

YOU are the prize, and having sex with you is her means to that end. She's lucky to get facetime with you, she's lucky to get your **** in her.

I think what may be happening here is that you are so focused on having sex with her, that you're ultimately DLV for yourself as too needy for her sex. Which is a big turn-off. It's great to show dominance and aggression, but I think you also have to be careful to do that without neediness. As in a take it or leave it, no scarcity mentality.

Reframe yourself as the prize.

(I dunno, just all a WAG here.)


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
That be the way of it. She's really lucky if you do her face to face and not from behind or on her back. At that point, she count her lucky starz

No, the thread is right on .. controlled masculinity tempered with charm will have them begging.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Just because she slept with you the first night...does not make her a slut. Takes two to Tango. I can sleep with ANY woman the first night we go out if I know she is very attracted to me. I don't care if she has never done it before. There some techniques for that. I call it SEDUCTION: a lost art.

Listen, I'm personally impressed with what you did. I believe this girl is very attracted to you. She is probably in a blitz.

The question is...what do you want? Whatever you it with dignity. Do not abuse her. Do not use her. Just follow the course. I sense you will fall for her.

I agree with whoever said to take her to an actual date. No sex. Not even try. Do you know why? Because that will surprise her and will increase her emotional rollercoaster. However, make yourself "sexual" with your body language.

Do you realize that even I (in my upper 30s) have been told by my girlfriend that I'm with her because of sex? That all I want is sex? (I don't and she knows it...but I'm a man and I don't appologize for wanting to be intimate with my woman). My point is...she can be 20...30...40. If you don't mix it up a little (to create a "roller coaster") by doing a date here and there...then going back to your masculinity sexual stuff...and then whenever she does NOT expected back to the "date"...

You get the point.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
i am going to post something a little different here.

Most of my girls have been LTR after the first night sha*, why?
I cant be bothered with the whole dating thing, the problem here is:

When you sleep with a girl on the first night and you have a LTR with her, when cracks start to surface and trust me they will.

You cant help to wonder, if she is cheating, not due to anything specific but she fuc*ed you the first night she met you did she not?
Did you have a golden willy or some other hard to ingnore feature that seperated you from the rest of the men?
No simply you didn't the girl is loose, in the generic term.

It is ok to Fuc* girls like this but take it from a guy from alot of exp' with these type of girls do not date her for a LTR.

You should focus on a girl who does not put out, some one who holds you off until it is right for her and then the sex is good, they are about, i dont think you will meet many in clubs though!

Nothing more to add other then:
When she is out clubbing and you two are going through a bad patch how can you fully trust her? if your honest you will admit you cant not 100% there the relationship is over already.

Dont LTR a girl who fuc** on the first night, rule number 1.