Is this a good way of showing social proof/worth?


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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If there's one thing I'm good at, it's writing. Now, it's not very often that this trait gets to come out in public (I've published some stuff, but it's not as though kids these days read at all :p ). But to be honest, I have some hot babes in my English class. I mean, they're getting up into the HB8's. And there I have an opportunity to read my stuff out loud in front of an audience, as well as working on building some comfort, showing a sense of humor and connecting to an audience.

I'm just wondering if, in your opinion, getting some laughs, "Ooh"'s, "Ah"'s, and sighs is a good way to widen my social circle and show social proof?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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AngelEyes said:
If there's one thing I'm good at, it's writing. Now, it's not very often that this trait gets to come out in public (I've published some stuff, but it's not as though kids these days read at all :p ). But to be honest, I have some hot babes in my English class. I mean, they're getting up into the HB8's. And there I have an opportunity to read my stuff out loud in front of an audience, as well as working on building some comfort, showing a sense of humor and connecting to an audience.

I'm just wondering if, in your opinion, getting some laughs, "Ooh"'s, "Ah"'s, and sighs is a good way to widen my social circle and show social proof?
Of course, it is. It's called Charisma. Charisma melts women's panties. They fall for the middle-aged preacher. He loses his wife and kids in an affair. It happens all the time. Charisma, storytelling, being about to shoot the fly in mid-flight with a bright smile will make mothers and sisters alike think you're their long lost relative who they'd declared dead through the courts after they went missing 11 years ago.

Now put that speech-making with a million dollars, THEN you've got it made as there will always be one onlooking hottie in the audience, who will come up to greet and get to know you better, after your speech.

She'll think her good instincts (vanity) will recognize a MAN who's going places, and say, "I think I want to have his baby(s)." "That's the one. Yep. :cheer: " Then several year down the line, she'll divorce you and take half your money :moon: and kids, but hey, that's the risk you'll have to take in this short life. Use it or lose it!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
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Well in my english class we also have alot of hotties.

Whenever I go up to do a presentation or write or the board or w.e,I GUARANTEE atleast a laugh.I basically try and go really really goofy.

Dont get into this whole detailed story thing even if you are good at writing.I mean if its talented then thats great but as you said you need humour to connect with the audience.If you show her that you can deliver an OK speech while making it humourous,you got it in the bag