Is this a good idea??


New Member
Jul 2, 2002
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Okay, there's a girl who I'm getting really close with as of late, and on Monday we're going to the gym after school, and I'm planning to ask her out then. But the only thing wrong with her as far as I'm concerned is that she gets high on occasion.

If I get involved with her, I'm going to ask her to stop, for her sake, rather thaan for me.
She's been in the car with a person driving who's high... I've never lost a friend to an accident involving drugs or alcohol, and I pray to God I never will.

Should I be so bold to her right away? When do you think it would be best to bring it up?

:confused: :confused: :confused:


New Member
Jan 29, 2003
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I don't think you'll get her to stop. I would just bring it up in conversation, preferably naturally...and play it cool by saying something like, "Girl, it's not to cool to get high and drive." Or..."Weed is bad girl, you gotta stop." Also, hint to her that you don't want her to get high around you at least.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2003
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I would go ahead and ask her out. That's just me, though. I would also however make it known that I don't want her driving when she's high, and that I don't want her riding with someone who is high driving. Also, I would make it very clear that if she was ever high around me, that it would be over. That's all there is to it. But, like I said, that's just me. You have to make a judgment call here.

Until Next Time,


New Member
Jul 2, 2002
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Thanks dj007 and ItalianMafioso.

I am going to ask her out on Monday at the gym. Mafioso, that's some good advice.. I might just do that. Thanks again.
Mar 7, 2002
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sounds to me that your looking into this too much and you're already thinkin that she's "in the bag" so to speak.

I get the feeling she'll say no...

anyways onto the subject matter - I say let the girl do what she wants, cause if I was with a chick who said to me "ronny, stop drinking", my response would be "**** you"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
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its wrong to drive high as well as drunk

but comon man, theres nothing wwrong with getting high on occasion(unless u drive high)

regardless of what the comercials tell you, smoking pot does not make you shoot people/get pregnant/run over toddler bicyclists.

Here are the real side affects of pot: You may eat a bit more than usual, sit on ure ass and watch tv more than usual, not be as productive as usual. But these symptoms last only a few hours after toking

And don't give me that killin brain cells b.s., cuz a marijuana cig kills just as many brain cells as a ciggarete, it has to do with not getting as much oxygen., and besides you have so many brain cells that unless your a boxer, or just like bangin ure head into a wall daily, you will die with a great surplus.

And dont give me that lung health bs, if u smoke less than 3 times a week, ure lungs are just as healthy as a nonsmokers.

You antidrug people make me sick

But... If she drives high then she is an *******, anyone who would drive drunk or high is an *******. You gotta be ignorant as ass crack to do that, because your endangering everyone else on the road, not to mention giving responsible pot smokers/alcohol drinkers a bad name.


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Jul 2, 2002
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ilyadaimpaler... take it easy man! I'm not anti-drug, really, I just don't like the thought of her driving while high. And those anti-pot commercials are crap, I know. And I wasn't gonna give you any of that BS anyway lol

And Ronny_Neumonic, you thought wrong. I asked her out, and she said yes. So :p to you lol
Mar 7, 2002
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blah there's still plenty of time for things to get fvcked up ;)

just watch


New Member
Jul 2, 2002
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Wow, thanks for you support Ronny ^_^

Time will tell... always has, always does, always will.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2001
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Land of the Free
Originally posted by ilyadaimpaler
its wrong to drive high as well as drunk

but comon man, theres nothing wwrong with getting high on occasion(unless u drive high)

regardless of what the comercials tell you, smoking pot does not make you shoot people/get pregnant/run over toddler bicyclists.

Here are the real side affects of pot: You may eat a bit more than usual, sit on ure ass and watch tv more than usual, not be as productive as usual. But these symptoms last only a few hours after toking

And don't give me that killin brain cells b.s., cuz a marijuana cig kills just as many brain cells as a ciggarete, it has to do with not getting as much oxygen., and besides you have so many brain cells that unless your a boxer, or just like bangin ure head into a wall daily, you will die with a great surplus.

And dont give me that lung health bs, if u smoke less than 3 times a week, ure lungs are just as healthy as a nonsmokers.

You antidrug people make me sick

But... If she drives high then she is an *******, anyone who would drive drunk or high is an *******. You gotta be ignorant as ass crack to do that, because your endangering everyone else on the road, not to mention giving responsible pot smokers/alcohol drinkers a bad name.
Responsible? The moment you gave your pride and self-glorification away to a chemical substance, you stopped being responsible.

And if pot becomes legal, how about we make it legal that drug doers get deported to Afghanistan; lots of Opium there! Go get high! Not in my country.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
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Georgia Tech
Originally posted by whatsupwiddat
how about we make it legal that drug doers get deported to Afghanistan; lots of Opium there! Go get high! Not in my country.
*Sigh* let me get this are FOR jailing people who smoke weed of their free will in their own basement/bedroom/etc? Can you give me a good reason why a person who, after a day's work at the office/school/what have you, sits back and smokes a joint, should be taken to jail at the point of a gun?

Tell me, who's rights has that person violated? Did he deprive any individual of their right to life, liberty, or property? What's your charge against him? Is it that his moral standards don't agree with yours? What a shame! HE's not doing something YOU approve of, so he should be deprived of his freedom to make the world a better place, as suited to your definition. That is logic if I've ever heard it.

Now, I don't think pot-smoking is very smart or becoming of anyone. However, what a person does in the privacy of his own home is his business, so long as in the process he violates no one's rights. Last time i checked, Bob in the basement smoking a blunt didn't alienate any of my rights. Therefore, there is no sense in making pot-smoking illegal.

It absolutely infuriates me that rapists and child molesters get paroled after 5 years to make room for all these pot smokers (requiring the construction of new jails, at taxpayer expense, of course). It also irks me that the preposterous "War on Drugs" spends billions upon billions in a fruitless attempt to jail those evil weed-smokers, in the process creating a black market, and subsequently crime. (When's the last time you heard of someone getting shot over a cigerette?)

See my point? It's a knee-jerk reaction among people that "Drugs=Bad, so Drugs should = illegal". I think if people would think this through, they would realize what an anti-individualist and resource-wasting thought process this is.

Allright, I'm done now. Replies are welcome! -E-Z


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
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WUWD, I have to say other than your one great post I read on how to get chicks your a closed minded moron. Would you mind if I rested my balls on your chin?

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
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WA State
I have smoked both pot and opium, and people make way too big of a deal about drugs. You act like an idiot (which is fun) for a couple hours, then you come back down. That's it. It's not a lifechanging decision to smoke pot every now and then.

If she wants to smoke, it's her choice. If she wants to smoke and drive, it's also her choice (granted that it's a dumb one). If she gets herself killed, it's more her loss than yours.

Anyway, focus on getting her to go out with you, then try getting her to do what you want.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
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I disagree with that. The roads are a public system so no one should have the choice to drive entocxicated. Everyone else on that road going past her is also put in danger

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
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Originally posted by ilyadaimpaler
WUWD, I have to say other than your one great post I read on how to get chicks your a closed minded moron. Would you mind if I rested my balls on your chin?
I agree:p.

Lol! Everyone has wandered off the topic:D .

Zoomm, It sounds to me like you are making excuses for not approaching the chick. If you want her, than go get her and stop complaining about her. If you are too turned off by her smoking, than forget her. The odds are minute that you can make her change. Its as simple as that.:cool:


New Member
Feb 9, 2003
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Originally posted by E-Z Rider

Tell me, who's rights has that person violated? Did he deprive any individual of their right to life, liberty, or property?
the person could very easily get into a motorized vehicle while high and easily hurt a person. and when one is to buy the drugs who r they supporting finiancially? it could be supporting funds to terrorism. dont give me **** like oo that money aint goin to terrorists cuz it is. and when ur lighting up in the basement w/ ur friends..does that show a very good example to a younger sibling. is it ok for a baby at very young ages to breath in all that smoke? it sets bad examples for them and could ruin there life. they could have a promising future but it could be ruined if they see u smoking pot..take u as a rolemodel and start smokin also and get addicted. it can also ruin families. ive witnessed this first real dad is an addict and it ruined our family. you also have to remember pot leads into other things easy. it could start out a person who jus is smoking pot regulary right. nxt thing he wants to get a better high so he moves on to stronger stuff. eventually he wants a real real high so he could be injectin crack. then he starts to share his crack needles w/ his friends. BUT little does he kno one of his friends is positive for HIV and now they r all infected w/ HIV.

now zoom...u need to bring up that you dont like her gettin high right away, but you need to respect that it is her decision on what she wants to do. i agree w/ mack that u have to approach her if u want her, but if the drugs bother you to much then leave her and get into a new "cleaner" crowd. i personaly dislike kissing some1 who smokes. if u do like her a lot and the smoking does not bother you then go out and be aggressive. explain your feelings for her and go from there. you sound like its a sure thing that you two would go out but u r bothered by the drugs though. if thats the case then i would drop her and find some1 you like and doesnt smoke.