Is this a good conclusion


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
If 5s approach you, you are a 6 and should approach 7s??

If you have x/10 girls aproach you, whats the disparity with the girls you date??

(sorry I am a looks theorist)

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
it depends on the situation.

If you are in a club full of men with very few women and a 5 approach you, it means that you are at least a 7 and she considers you attractive despite the setting.

If you are at the beach surrounded by good looking girls with few guys and a 5 approaches you it means you are 5 or less since she considers you to be available to her despite herself being at the bottom of the barrel in that particular setting.

We are humans influences from environmental factors, we cannot consider ourselves as atoms which behave the same regardless of whats going on around.

This is actually the main reason why a fat girl in the us has weight (in the sexual market I mean,not regarding gravity) while that same girl would be a outcaste in eastern europe.

Regarding your question, what you aim for is not necessarily connected to your value, as said you could be a 7 in new york and consider yourself lucky if you get a 6 while you could be a 7 in moscow and ignoring
7s around you to get 8s and above,also what you are depends of those around you.

Sir Psycho Sexy

Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
City of Angels
No. Every 7 out there has a different opinion on herself. Some 7s think they are 4s and other 7s think they are 10s. Unless everyone walks around with the number 1-10 tattooed on their forehead there are too many moving pieces to fit in a box.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
It doesn't matter. Bottom line is that they find you attractive or acceptable. Women who are 7 and up are very roofless with looks and will only approach hot guys, whereas average women and lower will go for a dude that's at least cute and doesn't look like a jerk. The worse thing is that cute guys that have no particular "edge" to speak of will get hit on them left and right by fatties and uglies. Somehow the woman's hamster brain sees a guy that is several points more attractive than them as "attainable". Acceptable guy=attainable guy. Delusion, perhaps? Or they know the game is rigged? Don't get surprised when a hot friend of yours will try to set you up am with her fat friend.