oakraiderz2 said:
last night was my schools dance, i wen't pritty much to get out of my house and to have a good time and ended up hookin upwith some chick i guess and me and her were danceing and grinding and w.e, then we where slow danceing and after the song we made out :x and then pritty much spent the rest of the dance with her. so it was like 15mins tillthe dance was over me and her went out sider and made out for a bit again :X. then i got her number. but at school to everyone was making a big deal about me and her making out and think where dating yeat where not and um yha we sorta hang out in the same group and i dont wanna cause problems... well yha idk what imgonna do i was gonna ask her to to movies or something tomorrow but idk now, should i ask her out still or just move on?
sorry about the grammer/spelling i don't feel like spending alot of time on typeing this i gotta work in a hour and 30mins