Is she "pulling my leg"?


New Member
Apr 30, 2006
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What's up, DJ's? :up:

I'm new here (in case you're wondering, yes, I've read the DJ bible; please refrain from bagging me :rolleyes:) and I have a weird situation.

The day - Sports Day: earlier this year

I was near the middle of the school oval, dressed up in green (hair and clothes) because that was my team colour. All of a sudden, the chick I like starts a conversation with me (she was in blue). We've known each other for ages (about three years on and off), but we've never actually gone out with each other.

Of course me, not expecting a darn thing, got called over by her. So, I went over to her (and her small bunch of pals) and we talked school, what race we're going in, et cetera, et cetera. Then when she's by herself, sneaky me asks for her number. I didn't **** up the situation altogether by being a tosser and saying: "Can I have your number", because I knew from that point onwards, if I used that quote, she would definitely turn me down. :p

What I said to her was, and I quote myself on this:

"Is there a number you have that I can get you on?"

This is where some weird **** comes into play. She turned her head sideways to the right without breaking eye contact (sort of a swift movement if you know what I mean), sighed slightly, smiled, turned back to look at me (still smiling) and told me:

"I've already got a boyfriend."

What makes me wonder is that her reaction of speech was delayed by about 3 seconds, after I had asked for her number.

At first instance, I thought: "Damn. I've blown it."

I may have. I haven't heard from this chick since. But, she still eyes me up and down and she's still giving me body language. I can't work her out.

Is she pulling my leg, playing hard to get; or does she genuinely have a boyfriend?

Cheers for any tips, DJ's! :rock:
:cool: ***Dave*** :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
She has a boyfriend, but from the sound of it you could get her anyway.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
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Vegasguy is right,

I think you could flirt and have fun for a couple days (if you can without asking her out), and then you might be able to ask again.

But why did she jump to the conclusion that you wanted to date her?...

Maybe you just wanted to talk? ^_^

She definitely has interest, looking at the way she responded.

...."The meaning of the communication is defined by the response"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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i think those 2 dudes are right. She sound exactly like a friend of mine, unpredictiable and very experienced, my guess is that she does what we do, she reads female player tips etc, so i think if you want to show interest you should do so in extreme caution. If you are in year 10, i have found that this is the year that most girls turn weird, i dunno why, girls who have gone out with cool guys turn to nice guys etc. So just becareful, and she has a boyfriend, but if shes interested in you then dont worry about it.
Anyway when you asked her for her number, and she says she has a bf, i would have said-why do you say that? i didnt ask whether you had a bf or not-but generally i think you went for the number too quickly, it would have been better to ask for her email in the instance, if you go for the number too quickly experienced girls know that you are interested in her, and then you are not a challenge any more, so the conclusion is that you have blown it, but dont worry, keep trying, keep practicing, one day you will get much better.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
She knows why you wanted to number, that's obvious from her response. To be honest, you should of busted on her HARD for her comment. Like assuming you think she is good enough to be your GF! Asked her why she thought you wanted her as a GF. Like you even want a GF! And kept going 'til she turns red.

She sees you a friend. Once chicks know that you are interested in them, they won't push you away. They usually want to keep you around, because it boosts their ego to know guys who want them. So that would explain her still giving you body lanuguage, as you put it.

The bottom line is, you played it as you should have. She rejected your advance. Now was she not interested or playing "hard to get". Likely the first of those. But you can do nothing more than ask one more time if you really want to. Or try asking her out to do something specific. But I think you should leave it, she knows you're interested, she passed up.

Make sure you don't get a one-itis - go get some other chicks numbers.